Mycophenolate or Myfortic: Do you have GI side effects?
Liver tx-2008 14 years later Im only on 500mg 2x daily of mycophelonate. BUT its tearing up my entire GI tract - stomach ulcer, gastritis, colitis , UC that resolved. My quality of life has gone down the drain. Is there anyone else experiencing GI side effects from Mycophelonate and what have you done to deal with it?
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I had terrible issues with Mycophenolate..ended up in Hospital for three weeks.
Lost 4stone in weight, couldn't eat or drink without it coming straight through without being digested. They took me off it and along with Tacrolimis I now take prednisilone (steroid).
@janni1, Thanks for checking in and sharing your update. I have had no problems with Mycophenolate during my 14 years f taking it. Your experience really demonstrates how differently each one of us might respond to our immunosuppressant medications. I am very happy that your doctors have established a solution for you. Have your doctors indicated whether this will suffice for you for the long term? How long ago did you switch medications?
Are you re-gaining any of your weight?
I have been off the Mycophenolate since July 22
And unfortunately, for me, with the steroids I put on my lost weight and more as my kidneys are failing and I am a little water blob full of fluid. Hopefully once my kidneys are sorted I will get to some normality and things will even out. I can't wait to be honest.
@janni1, For what it's worth - I regained my weight after my transplant, too.
Prednisone does encourage weight gain, and your additional fluid retention with the current kidney failure is a big part of the added weight and discomfort. I am crossing my fingers and my toes that you will gradually experience improvement.
Have you been encouraged to make any dietary/nutritional adjustments at this point?