mycobacterium intracellular

Posted by mems @mems, Jun 18, 2023

I have been diagnosed with ,mycobacterium intracellular.
How is it different from any other types of mycobacterium.
From what I understand, mycobacterium can affect people differently
as to symptoms and fast or slow developing,

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Mycobacterium Avium and Mycobacterium Intracellulare are closely related mycobacterial infections. When I was diagnosed, they were just beginning to be able to tell the difference between the two without genetic sequencing, and the infection was usually called MAI. My old pulmonologist probable still calls it that. There are many strains of Mycobacteria, these are the two most common which affect human lungs. The entire collection of Mycobacteria that is not tuberculosis is collectively referred to as NTM or non-tubercular mycobacteria. Some years ago, the MAC & Bronchiectasis world began to refer to the infection as Mycobacterium Avium Complex or MAC.
So the short answer is, I guess, that MAI is MAC - and so is M kansii, M abscessus, and a few others I can't think of right now.

This is always confusing to sort out - kind of like learning a whole new language.


I'm mycrobacterium lentiflavin, no nodules or holes. My main symptoms are sob, extreme fatigue, like mono, and of course the ever loving, cough. I'm on this site as it is a strange bird and MAC must be related as it's an NTM. We are all in the fight together.

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