My son was discharged from the hospital with a pressure sore.

Posted by tomeciad @tomeciad, Feb 5 8:59pm

My son has Cerebral Palsy. I’ve raised him for 24 years as a single mother and he’s NEVER had a bedsore. In November he was hospitalized with double pneumonia and a bleeding ulcer. He went in ICU on Nov. 6 and discharged on Dec. 14th. He developed some sores on and around his private. He also had a pressure sore on his left buttock. Wound care came in and they used an oxide spray and sent us home with some. I tried to manage it but it’s not getting better. My son is on continuous feeds for 18 hours during the day and he can’t lay on his right side while eating due to possible aspiration. The sore is on the left side of his buttocks. I have a wedge that I’ve been using. We are waiting for Home Health to come in and do an assessment but waiting on Medicaid approval is heart wrenching because I’m having to watch my son be in pain and watch his heart rate shoot up to 148. I don’t know what else to do to make him comfortable. Can anyone please help me with some ideas? We do have a pressure relief mattress.

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Yes, fortunately he was able to stand with support for a few minutes. I had to make sure I had all the supplies ready and within arms length before starting. We found it easiest to put the clean underwear on before he stood and just pull them up once I cleaned and dressed the wounds.

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