Multiple Strange and New symptoms after Covid

Posted by jmac84 @jmac84, Mar 13, 2024

Id like to start this by asking are there others out there vaccinated versus not vaccinated STILL experiencing strange long covid symptoms? Do they appear to morph or change into more and more or do they seem like they are diminishing as time goes on? My mainstay longterm symptoms vary from constant eye floaters, dry stuffy nose, dry mouth, tingling on my face , eyelids, mouth and ears, abdominal pains, muscle aches, lymphadenopathy on right side of neck, arm pits and groin, and now what feels like proctitis and IBD/ulcerative colitis symptoms. The list keeps multiplying for me. Does ANYONE else experience these symptoms?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

Wishing you well. Hope things improve for you. I'm long-COVID 1 year in April. Symptoms have seemed to get worse but are mainly lack of energy. I did , for the first time, have a strong reaction to the COVID vaccine (I'm over 65 so I got the 2nd dose of the most recent as per recommendations). This is the first time I've had diarrhea after a COVID vaccine. And I had the same symptom when I had COVID. Not fun.


Thanks Joan im 39 years old (male) and have autoimmune indicators since Covid. These has really been a day to day battle with my symptoms. Really frustrating that the medical world is completely refusing to acknowledge and research this to develop treatments. I know its not a one size fits all scenario but I want RELIEF from this as Im sure many of us do.


Please do check out the post-viral-infection syndrome website at

This is the US nexus for research into infections like long-COVID; CFS stands for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and you'll also see ME which stands for Myalgic encephalomyelitis, the term used in the UK for this type of syndrome.
Solvecfs is also looking for patients to add to its data base. It involves filling out some forms and symptom tracking, and also requires signing away some rights to privacy, but the effort is so valuable I was willing to sign.


Wow, I have a lot of the symptoms you list. Didn’t have them before covid.


Please do check out the post-viral-infection syndrome website at

This is the US nexus for research into infections like long-COVID; CFS stands for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and you'll also see ME which stands for Myalgic encephalomyelitis, the term used in the UK for this type of syndrome.
Solvecfs is also looking for patients to add to its data base. It involves filling out some forms and symptom tracking, and also requires signing away some rights to privacy, but the effort is so valuable I was willing to sign.

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Thanks for sharing this! I will look into this!


Wow, I have a lot of the symptoms you list. Didn’t have them before covid.

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Hi Celia,

Thanks…could you please share whether you experience the face tingling?


Hi Celia,

Thanks…could you please share whether you experience the face tingling?

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@jmac84 ,

I had tingling in hands and feet. I had twitching on my face and around my eyes. Actually twitching all over my body. As well as many other symptoms, such as numbness in feet, burning in feet, taste/smell disorder, congestion, dry nose, phlegm in throat, anal pain and inflammation, painful muscles, new eye issues, rashes, episodes of adrenaline rushes, insomnia, anxiety, and others. I had hair loss too, but doctors attribute that to my substantial weight loss (70 pounds). It could be partly due to covid. It happened in same time frame. I haven’t had mental fog or fatigue. I am surprised, but relieved at that. I actually feel really good, except for some of the lingering post covid symptoms. That smell/ taste is really what concerns me the most.


Thanks for sharing Celia and I will pray that your symptoms will go away. I am reading alot about how Covid can really cause nerve damage and facial palsy symptoms , and so I believe that is the reason for my face tingling that never seems to fully go away. I also experience the muscle and eye twitches as well. Every doctor and specialist really needs to be aware of this and hopefully work together to find the right treatments and hopefully a cure soon 🙏


This group and feeling less alone with symptoms - similar to and in some cases identical to yours, jmac84. I traveled in Feb. and early March 2020 and it is possible I got COVID early on but it was hard to tell w/o tests and w/ exhaustion after travel (where I conducted training and we were still in the wipe all things down mode.) After being very careful w/ masks anywhere but home, my spouse brought home COVID from a required in-office 3 days in late March 2023. We were and are fully vaxed and boosted. I had allergic reaction to Paxlovid and stopped after one dose.

My symptoms began within 10 days of testing negative:
- swollen legs and feet [no one until 2/2024 said "lymphedema"; now do]
- rash on right inside of right ankle and right inside of right thigh (two ER visits; 1 derm. visit - 5 different salves. Lower rash gone but upper persists and causes pain)
- rash inside right cheek of mouth and lower jaw that comes and goes w/o any known cause other than LC; not relieved by anything. (Dentist has seen and can't find anything.)
- joint pain and pain in arm pits
- pain in abdomen, sometimes so deep and sharp it makes standing or sitting difficult.
- exhaustion.

Yes, I'm older (soon 77) and still work full time, fortunately with a home office and can manage ok but am miserable. Got update booster and flu vax Fall 2023. Just got the "65+ recommended vax" and felt, as if I had COVID again. Still not ok and it's been a week.

I have a google alert set for "Long COVID" and am reading academic papers that I don't fully understand tho' I look for what is being found to have a better idea. At least some are looking. Oddly my PCP's practice, with multiple docs, says not one of them has been keeping track of their patients who complain of LC nor are they taking an interest.

It's exhausting and bec my work requires me to be "adorable" over Zoom, the energy it takes sometimes is more than I want to muster but I force myself.

What is to become of us? It's almost at the 1 year mark and symptoms are not lessening.


Hi! My symptoms have changed and multiplied over the last year. I started with muscle cramps in my leg. The cramps disappeared but I've added several more (tingling, burning, twitching, brain fog, feeling like I'm swaying, headaches and head pressure to name a few). This group has made me realize I'm not alone and I find comfort in knowing that. I worry that things might get worse. Right now I am able to continue doing all the things I did prior to contracting COVID and I'm so thankful for that. I am exhausted by the end of the day but I'll take it. Hoping for doctors to come up with something that helps folks in the group.

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