What helps with mental agitation of misophonia?

Posted by llilydolly @llilydolly, Dec 16, 2021

12-year-old granddaughter has had symptoms of Misophonia for about 18 months. It has recently gotten much worse. She has self-hate and is rejecting her family. She is beligerent and self-destructive, and has had to be hospitalized. This is believed to be a limbic nervous system abnormality. What treatments are available to treat the mental agitation and aggression?

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Sorry to read about what you are going through. Am not knowledgeable about this and cannot offer help but am interested as an adult family member cannot stand the noise of someone she lives with making noise eating such things as potato chips, crunching, etc. One different may be that the relative eats with mouth open - not sure if because of nasal blockage etc., but am wondering if it is only this particular noise or of others eating softer foods with mouths closed. It doesn't sound as traumatic as the above stories and it must be horrible/frightening to have this ... does your Doctor know and has he/she suggested any possible medication or some sessions with a therapist..... hope get some more comments on here to help you through this to find the cause and cure! J

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I added resources to other posts


Before placing blame on your granddaughter ONLY and for all the expectation to fall on her to make a change (that she may not have a physiological ability to do so), I would recommend an approach to understand which particular noises cause your granddaughter distress and have all family members contribute to adjusting their behavior to not cause such annoyances. It will help create a more harmonious environment for everyone. Family is teamwork and everyone needs to be ready to compromise.

If one having misophonia may seem like an inconvenience to others, the same goes if one is dealing with family members or friends with Autism. People must be open to making adjustments to their own behavior as well. I personally have never met one person who doesn't have an issue with something.
Family therapy is extremely important, and I hope that you and the rest of your family members will support each other, rather than conclude that your granddaughter needs to receive drug treatments and hospitalization.

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This is a full family process! Must be addressed that way to be successful.


This is a full family process! Must be addressed that way to be successful.

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Good Morning, I wanted to see if you had gotten a chance to look at you tube for misophonia 3L Parenting information to start the long slow process of getting your granddaughter some help? Tom Dozier is working with our family and step by step we are getting behaviors improved and see that it can be better. The most important thing is learning about misophonia all over the USA because very few medical providers have heard about this life impacting disability much less know how to treat it so we are forced to do zoom with the top researchers of misophonia In California and Connecticut to get help. Although there is no medication or cure there are coping skills and things like pink, blue, brown, white noise machines that help. Box fans are great for the aggressive hot panic they experience.
Dr Bauman also has a head set he can make specific to each person that helps. We are working to get ours as soon as we can go to Connecticut for our three days of appointments.
I hope some of this helps your family.


Please Help me about my severe misophonia. Age 30 is when It got out of control for me. My own parent, people around and family members all trigger the sounds to the point I destroyed objects, verbally attacked my parent, and desperate to be homeless JUST TO ESCAPE misophonia sounds!!! I need help badly and this is not the real me! I can be normal but misophonia is stopping any normal in me! What is causing the madness in disgusting sounds I always have to hear! Someone give me advice please!!!

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Were you able to look up the trigger tamer app and call the number for help with your triggers? This provider is able to give you help that has given adults about 80% success in desensitizing there triggers.
He has been amazing in providing training to local providers to bring awareness to this life altering disability.


My 9 year old daughter has misophonia and we have found wonderful help and resources for her! Sadly that help is only from the East and west coast. Tom Dozier is amazing and does zoom apt. He can explain misophonia on Misophonia International and 3L parenting. There is also great resources at SoQuiet.com and an amazing Audiologist Dr Naton Bauman with AVI in CT that also is committed to educating the world on Misophonia. I would be glad to give any of you information on this as my daughter have the worst level 5 of this disorder so I am personally trying to get information out about this medical condition to all of northwestern Arkansas and Oklahoma.
You are welcome to message me for many more resources including Children’s educational issues on how to get school accommodations and training for professionals in your area because sadly few people know how to help with this as we have learned for my daughter. In helping her with trigger tamer app to help desensitize hers, I learned I also have misophonia.

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Hello Sugarbearmommy,
I would love all the information you can or are willing to share with me.
Thank you!


My 41 year old daughter has this and the rage it triggers only add to her angry outlook to life in general. She is unmarried, has no children and is estranged from all members of our family but me. Our relationship hinges on my ability to tolerate her verbal abuse. I’m 65 and in poor health. What is going to happen to her when I die? SEEK HELP FOR YOUR CHILD NOW!! I let this get lost in the mix while trying to treat her other issues. Now I wonder if this could have been the issue all along.


Honestly it sounds like she needs a Valium prescription. When I was her age I was already sick and it helped

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