Micro Clots

Posted by leahodell @leahodell, Mar 1, 2023

Have any of the Long Covid members been involved in reviewing the concept of microclots, as an explanation for ongoing symptoms following infection with Covid 19?

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I definitely think that researchers and doctors need to look into this theory more seriously as there are some very convincing studies that have been done. One U.S. study only included 12 people suffering from long covid, but each individual was positive for micro clots. There have been numerous articles in National Geographic, Nature, etc. that also explored this potential cause of long covid.


I definitely think that researchers and doctors need to look into this theory more seriously as there are some very convincing studies that have been done. One U.S. study only included 12 people suffering from long covid, but each individual was positive for micro clots. There have been numerous articles in National Geographic, Nature, etc. that also explored this potential cause of long covid.

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I am also intrigued by these findings. Does anyone know what test is best for detecting microclots in the lungs? And is treatment with anticoagulants warranted? I've discussed this issue with my pulmonologist. He wants to send me for ventilation/perfusion scans (VQ scans) before starting any treatment, but I'm not sure these tests are able to show capillary microclots. Any comments and/or links to relevant articles would be appreciated. Thank you.


I definitely think that researchers and doctors need to look into this theory more seriously as there are some very convincing studies that have been done. One U.S. study only included 12 people suffering from long covid, but each individual was positive for micro clots. There have been numerous articles in National Geographic, Nature, etc. that also explored this potential cause of long covid.

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Hello thank you for this post. I’m a Long Covid Patient (1st bout very early ‘20–and very serious bad long term effects still— & 2nd early ‘22) with RA, EPI, Asthma, Sjogrens, Fibro, SLE & other AI disorders. So many awful things have happened to me post-Covid. I never ever had issues with clotting until now. Have experienced several bouts of this over the past 15-18 months . Here are photos from this past Fall


I definitely think that researchers and doctors need to look into this theory more seriously as there are some very convincing studies that have been done. One U.S. study only included 12 people suffering from long covid, but each individual was positive for micro clots. There have been numerous articles in National Geographic, Nature, etc. that also explored this potential cause of long covid.

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I'm not allowed to post links since I'm a "new member", but look up National Geographic: "‘Microclots’ could help solve the long COVID puzzle"

And, Nature: "Could tiny blood clots cause long COVID’s puzzling symptoms?"

Last: "New research finds microclotting and inflammatory molecule abnormalities in long-COVID"


I have read these - I was hoping to make a connection with someone that had experience being tested for microclots and undergoing treatment.
Thank you!


I am also intrigued by these findings. Does anyone know what test is best for detecting microclots in the lungs? And is treatment with anticoagulants warranted? I've discussed this issue with my pulmonologist. He wants to send me for ventilation/perfusion scans (VQ scans) before starting any treatment, but I'm not sure these tests are able to show capillary microclots. Any comments and/or links to relevant articles would be appreciated. Thank you.

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For what it's worth, I've been dealing with long covid since last June, and I've been on anticoagulants for over 15 years (after a Pulmonary Embolism). Someone on this site mentioned weeks ago that their MD said that existing anticoagulants didn't work against micro clots. I'm not sure how that MD came to that conclusion and/or whether that commenter was an accurate reporter.


For what it's worth, I've been dealing with long covid since last June, and I've been on anticoagulants for over 15 years (after a Pulmonary Embolism). Someone on this site mentioned weeks ago that their MD said that existing anticoagulants didn't work against micro clots. I'm not sure how that MD came to that conclusion and/or whether that commenter was an accurate reporter.

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Thank you. I've been asking the pulmonologist about anticoagulants for months now. That's why he's finally ordering the test. I'm just not sure it's the right test for finding microclots in the capillaries. The comment you mentioned is interesting. I'd love to know more about the research on anticoagulant use for microclots in those of us with long covid. If it doesn't work I can finally stop bugging my doctor! Anyone?


spring of 2022. It is my understanding that it takes
an extra super invention microscope and lab....very rare facilities...only handful in USA. Standard anticoagulant therapies have no effect. HOPING FOR NEW INFO!!!


I will pray for more information also. I have horrible vibrations tounge numbness and heavy rib pain, had mri and ct of brian ct of ct and abdomen. Y d diamer was 1.58 they said no worries that i dont have clots it ciuld be seasonal allergies. Very arrogant when i go in. I'm on ldn ( from functional dr) thats trying to help for 4 months 400mg coq10, mg malate and glycinate along with standard vitamins c d zn. My pcp dr makes me feel crazy. I just want to feel good again.


I will pray for more information also. I have horrible vibrations tounge numbness and heavy rib pain, had mri and ct of brian ct of ct and abdomen. Y d diamer was 1.58 they said no worries that i dont have clots it ciuld be seasonal allergies. Very arrogant when i go in. I'm on ldn ( from functional dr) thats trying to help for 4 months 400mg coq10, mg malate and glycinate along with standard vitamins c d zn. My pcp dr makes me feel crazy. I just want to feel good again.

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Hi, I also have the heavy rib pain and CT showed nothing. It was the first sign of pain, thought something was breaking my ribs at first, went to the ER in a full blown panic attack in November. No one has been able to explain this to me! Awful. It has gotten better, from excruciating to a range of fairly mild to pretty painful. Can't tolerate pressure on my back bc it affects my ribcage. Prayers for us both.

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