Metabolic therapy for cancer
I have several posts here about my newly-diagnosed metastatic melanoma, but I wanted this to be a new thread.
I was looking for alternative therapies for cancer, and I was afraid that most of them would seem, well, a little kooky (sorry, but that's what I thought).
I found one, however, that seems to be both outside the mainstream standard-of-care, but yet very well represented in the scientific literature, including at least one Nobel Prize (Warburg), and that is the metabolic theory of cancer. It seems as though its primary promoter is Dr Thomas Seyfried of Boston College. He is a professor of biology, genetics, and biochemistry at Boston College.
He has many books, articles, and videos online, so it is easy to learn about this theory.
I cannot go into it in detail, but its premise is that cancer is a metabolic disease, and not a genetic one. Please take the time to look at the details before shooting me. 🙂
My only question here is whether anyone else has looked into this, and what do you make of it? Did you ever ask your oncologist about it?
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Thanks for sharing this information. My 34 year old son, was recently diagnosed with rectal cancer. to answer your question, yes, as a chiropractor, he is very much a believer in the metabolic theory that Dr Seyfried speaks of. As a young adult I have very little say in the matter of his treatment plan. So I have to have faith in him as a doctor that he will make the best decision on what he wants to do to manage this unexpected illness that has been brought before us.
I must admit though, as his mother, letting him take the reins with this, has been one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make. I was feeling absolutely helpless until the day I turned this situation I have no control over, to God. Since then I have felt as though a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders. My faith in him is very strong and I believe with all my heart that he will be there for both us us every step of the way.
Sending hugs 🤗 and prayers 🙏 to everyone who is being impacted by this unfortunate event.
Look for a Functional Doctor. Functional Doctors will look your daughters entire health history for clues as to what caused the disease process to start. They will consider all the health systems metibolic, microbiome, harmons ext.
A functional Doctor can give you direction in this area and can complement the work of the oncologist.
Look for a functional doctor
Thank you for sharing, Denise
I will certainly pass this information along to my son as he prepares his body before starting chemo.
Greatly appreciate it ❤️🙏
I have also been looking at Thomas Seyfried videos...I have squamous cell carcinoma in my outer ear for the past few months...Only thing I have done so far is the biopsy....But I have been doing many of things suggested in the Press Pulse Method and will continue to do. I am totally against the traditional genetic treatment method currently offered.
Update: I continue to find the Carb Genius app helpful for keeping me in ketosis. I use the app's fasting feature to track when I fast. I try to stick with a 20-gram carbohydrate diet that is nutritionally balanced, with added vitamin and mineral supplements I was low in.
My Functional Medicine prescribed a continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) to monitor my blood glucose. My blood sugar is within normal limits, but my GKI Index is too high for fighting cancer. I now have a diagnosis of pre-diabetes. My A1C is 5.6-5.7, but I don't want to take meds.
My winter organic garden is full of the cancer-fighting foods recommended in the book Eat to Beat Disease. Gardening and growing foods that fight Cancer brings me joy. In the spring, I will plant my spring garden
I try to have a positive outlook and to enjoy each day, knowing that I am doing all I can to fight Cancer.
That's awesome. What are you correcting with the keto diet?
I am working with a Medical Doctor trained in holistic medicine. He was the first person to tell me that cancer was cause by metabolic syndrome. He prescribed a metabolic syndrome diet for me. There are several great books that help explain the theory and help with addressing diet.
The Cancer Code by Jason Fung. Dr Fung has been on many podcast talking about this. He is a MD and cancer researcher
The Metabolic Approach to Cancer by Dr Nasha Winters
Eat to Beat Disease by William W Li. He is also appears in many podcast is an MD and researcher.
The Wahl Protocol by Terry Wahl. She writes this about recovering from MS. The Wahl Protocol is a metabolic syndrome diet. Its laid out very well and a person could use this book to learn how to eat in this manner.
No One should shoot you for this post. These diets would support the therapies we receive from our oncologist. Think about it. Something, probably many somethings happened to our bodies in our bodies that allowed cancer to take hold. If all we do is the traditional medical approach and don't try to find out what is happening in our body that created the condition that allowed cancer to grow and then go about correcting it, the cancerous conditions will continue raising the risk of recurrence. My oncologist is 100% supportive of me using this approach. I even gifted my oncologist William Li's book Eat to Beat Disease.
If you are offered Metformin you may want to take it as it has been shown to help fight cancer cells. It might be worth a discussion with your oncologist.
Cancer cells rely on glucose and glutamate for fuel. Research has shown that restricting your intake of carbohydrates can kill cancer cells. The 20-gram keto diet is severely limited in carbohydrates. The diet has been used safely to treat cancer, epilepsy, diabetes, and other metabolic disorders under the care of a health practitioner.
My keto diet consists of 20 grams of net carbs, 50 grams of protein, and the rest of the calories as fat. I use olive oil, nuts, and MCT oil to balance my fat intake. I grow organic vegetables indoors, hydroponically in the winter, and outside in the summer. I eat cancer fighting foods recommended in Dr William Li ‘s books.
I am also trying a combination of therapies to fight Cancer.