Low Blood Pressure Apparently Causing Me to Feel Bad

Posted by SusanEllen66 @SusanEllen66, Jun 12, 2023

I’ve been having waves of feeling like I’m going to pass out. It’s been going on for a few months.
Today I decided to take my blood pressure while I was feeling bad. It was 117/59. Five minutes later 113/54 Five minutes after that, 106/65.

During that time my heart rate was normal at 76, and oxygen level was 98%. My EKG showed a sinus rhythm.

I would say 106/65 is low. I don’t take any heart medication so I’m not sure what is going on.

I’m having trouble with my sleeping and am doing a sleep study this week.

How does someone raise their blood pressure?

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Your blood pressure at 106/65 is well in the normal range. Most people would envy you.
Yor heart rate and oxygen are also in the ideal range.
As I read some of your other recent t posts, some of your issues seem consistent with anxiety. Are you possibly worried about getting older and living alone? Maybe you would like to check into some of our topics on aging well?


@sueinmn thanks for your reply. Anxiety is my “middle name”. I have had, and have been treated for generalized anxiety for years.
I cannot say that anxiety is not causing me to feel waves of total physical collapse. It certainly could be. My neuropathy has gotten worse lately, and it’s concerning.

I’m not worried about aging at all. And living alone is actually a wonderful change from the previous nightmare I experienced.

I do belong to the aging well group amongst others.

Thanks for your support.


I will be interested in reading comments to this post. My husband also has what is low BP to me. However doctors will say normal BP is 90/60 to 120/ 70. They want his below 120 because he has kidney disease. They say if you don’t feel dizzy or have a high heart rate or confusion it’s not too low.


Always check with your doctor on anything pertaining
To your heart and kidney
I dealt with high and low blood pressure
I eat some salt snack healthy of course
When I fine it low.
I HCM also have 2 stents
My guy friend died not a year yet
He had kidney problems doing in home dialysis
His blood pressure was always low
But he had others things wrong too
Was a on going thing his blood pressure
I not saying this is your life
Just sharing
Let me know your journey


@sueinmn thanks for your reply. Anxiety is my “middle name”. I have had, and have been treated for generalized anxiety for years.
I cannot say that anxiety is not causing me to feel waves of total physical collapse. It certainly could be. My neuropathy has gotten worse lately, and it’s concerning.

I’m not worried about aging at all. And living alone is actually a wonderful change from the previous nightmare I experienced.

I do belong to the aging well group amongst others.

Thanks for your support.

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I have mostly low BP and sometimes feel week in my legs from it. It also kicks in my anxiety. I grab some Olives or something salty also drink Liquid IV. It works for me.


@SusanEllen66 As others have mentioned, having low blood pressure is the more envious of the two, rather than high blood pressure!

I take my vitals every morning as part of my dialysis protocol, and sometimes it is in the low range. what I was told is to eat something a bit salty. A few crackers or pretzels, for example. I am very careful about sodium intake, and am a label reader.


How does someone raise their blood pressure? Spend 5 minutes around me. 😁 Those #s are great. Stay hydrated and well-nourished and you should be fine.


I will be interested in reading comments to this post. My husband also has what is low BP to me. However doctors will say normal BP is 90/60 to 120/ 70. They want his below 120 because he has kidney disease. They say if you don’t feel dizzy or have a high heart rate or confusion it’s not too low.

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@anet that’s the problem, I do feel dizzy and weak at times. That’s why I took my BP when I did, because I was feeling awful.


@anet that’s the problem, I do feel dizzy and weak at times. That’s why I took my BP when I did, because I was feeling awful.

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My blood pressure can go quire low - has ended me up in hospital - I have ‘clasped a few times and blacked out Dr says sit on side of bed in morning to give blood time to get blood circulating especially up to head. I also feel awful and headachy often in morning.. a coffee helps a LOT. I need a good coffee in morning - but just the one every day.
Take care


I have low blood pressure when I am calm but if I am anxious it can go up..Lowest it has been is 9262… but mostly 100/64 to 98/64/. I am 78 years old and over weight so I am surprised especially so many of my friends in their 70’s have difficulty with high blood pressure. I swim 5 days a week and maybe that is helping my blood pressure stay low. I am not dizzy…

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