Long Term PAC and PVC Suffer. Need your support and guidance

Posted by rr1967 @rr1967, May 23, 2023

Hello everyone. Thank you for reading this below is my story:

I have been dealing with PVCs and PACs for almost 20 years. They flare up once per year usually. I have had Zio Patch monitors, tons of EKGs, a stress echo four years ago, two heart CT scans two decades ago, many ER visits, etc, etc. All results were normal with the exception of showing PACs and PVC. My burden has always been below 2% when they flare up.
25-e some stats:
1. I am 55 and in good health
2. Borderline blood pressure: usually around 120-130/75-85 most normal days.
3. Borderline type 2 diabetic.
4. I do suffer from chronic anxiety and depression. Twenty years ago I suffered many panic attacks for the course of a year. But they have gone away. Mostly I deal with almost daily anxiety and worry.
5. Non smoker, no drugs
6. I do drink alcohol ( wine or beer) on weekends with my wife, only at night.
7. I am at a healthy weight. Cholesterol and Triglycerides all normal.
8. Resting heart rate: 50-60. Cardio doc states that this heart rate is normal for me.

Well my most recent flare up started two weeks ago and they seem worse. I feel the extra beat the moment I wake up they go on all day until I go to bed. I went to the ER and they did another EKG and ran a bunch of blood work. Of course...all normal. Diagnosis: PACs. Electrolytes also all normal.

In the last week, I have noticed my skipped beats increasing when I move around, go grab groceries, go for a walk, even exercise. This has me more scared than ever. My regular doctor told me not to worry, but I am seeing an electrophysiologist (EP) tomorrow. I did see an EP two years ago and he told me I was fine and prescribed Flecianide to take as needed. I saw the side effects and they scared me off so I never tried them. Eventually, the extra beats went away.

I have also tried Metropolol and they did not work. They also made my heart rate slower so my cardio doc told me to stop taking them.

But as stated, they extra beats are back and I am more scared then ever, especially with them increasing with movement or exercise. I have never fainted or felt dizzy from these. I only catch my breath and feel extra alerted.

Finally, my palpitations also seem to increase considerably after I eat a meal. Is this normal?

Any advice, recommendations, encouragement, support please.

Thank you and my apologies for any typos or writing errors.

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Dear RR, we all feel what you have been goingn through- it is so so hard.

I have had them as bad for the last year that started after a stressful event. I have since found great benefit and comfort-- and some days I would even say I am perfectly well. Here is what helped bring me relief and peace back to my life.

1) simply- start with diet- they are almost always triggered with indigestion. I started eating smaller meals of healthy foods (light protein, whole food starches and lightly cooked veggies) and not too much raw food or salad at one time. A digestive enzyme can be of great benefit taken with the meal. Also- I saw a chiropractor which found a "hiatal hernia" - a part of the stomach that slips above the diaphragm and put stress on the heart. I also used a massager/vibrator on the epigastric area of the stomach and that helped very much. Seeing a chiropractor / naturopath for a dietary adjustment and physical adjustment of the spine and hiatal hernia and starting a stretching plan will do absolutely wonders- I mean miracle wonders. I highly recommend the dietary book: Nature's Diet by Iverson

2) There is another book- Mind Body Prescription by Sarno-- I tell you this is really the heart and soul of the whole thing (pun intended). Every person I ever met with PVCs like us is a chronically nervous and stressed person. If you get command of this in your life-- everything will change... I mean everything. Dr. Sarno outlines how to do this step by step--- literally by telling your body to "stop it" and "I know you are trying to take my mind off the stress in my life, but you don't need to give me palpitations to do it." Also- meditate daily- 5 minutes minimum-- pray if you pray daily... and yoga several times a week... also- a quick jog - 1/4 mile daily will do wonders for both the digestion and the mental stress.

That is really the secret of it all- good nutrition and good calm lifestyle and outlook. Talking to people about your stressors in life will also greatly help, just reading the chat groups helps to know others are in it with you and they are getting through it. You will get better, you absolutely will- just focus on Peace and Love and KNOW that all will be okay.. . and it will. - Andrew


I recently went through a 10 week period where my PACs and PVCs burden was 21%. I wore a monitor for a month. Then suddenly they stopped 99%. I changed some supplements but I cannot say for sure if that was the reason why these stopped. During that 10 week period I also had 2 brief 8 hour Afib events. (I have had an ablation for Afib). Then 5 days after the PACs and PVCs stopped I had a miserable Afib event that only lasted 2 hours. In total I have had 10 Afib events since May 2023. So we have plenty of documentation for the PACs/PVCs but I need more documentation for Afib. So EP recommended I used the KARDIA portable monitor to see if we can catch the Afib. I find the KARDIA often says unclassified much of the time. It has yet to give me a sinus status. I haven't sent any of these into the doc yet as I just got the monitor. BTW sinus means normal. You do not have to call it a NSR or normal sinus rhythm. If you are in sinus that means you have a normal sinus heart reading. Also note that even when I was having a constant barrage of PACs and PVCs they said I was in sinus and stable. But I sure didn't like the way I felt. It is uncomfortable.


I recently went through a 10 week period where my PACs and PVCs burden was 21%. I wore a monitor for a month. Then suddenly they stopped 99%. I changed some supplements but I cannot say for sure if that was the reason why these stopped. During that 10 week period I also had 2 brief 8 hour Afib events. (I have had an ablation for Afib). Then 5 days after the PACs and PVCs stopped I had a miserable Afib event that only lasted 2 hours. In total I have had 10 Afib events since May 2023. So we have plenty of documentation for the PACs/PVCs but I need more documentation for Afib. So EP recommended I used the KARDIA portable monitor to see if we can catch the Afib. I find the KARDIA often says unclassified much of the time. It has yet to give me a sinus status. I haven't sent any of these into the doc yet as I just got the monitor. BTW sinus means normal. You do not have to call it a NSR or normal sinus rhythm. If you are in sinus that means you have a normal sinus heart reading. Also note that even when I was having a constant barrage of PACs and PVCs they said I was in sinus and stable. But I sure didn't like the way I felt. It is uncomfortable.

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I also have a Kardia but I pay yearly for the Advanced readings" which tells me if I am having PACs, SVEs, PVCs, Sinus Rhythm or Afib. I believe there is a monthly fee as well if you want short term subscription. I had a heart monitor for 7 days and every item that I felt showed up on that monitor AND on Kardia. Best of luck to you and good well wishes your way. I have had this issue since a bad case of COVID several months ago in November, 2023.


I also have a Kardia but I pay yearly for the Advanced readings" which tells me if I am having PACs, SVEs, PVCs, Sinus Rhythm or Afib. I believe there is a monthly fee as well if you want short term subscription. I had a heart monitor for 7 days and every item that I felt showed up on that monitor AND on Kardia. Best of luck to you and good well wishes your way. I have had this issue since a bad case of COVID several months ago in November, 2023.

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Thank you. I missed an Afib event on the monitor because I took it off because my sternum was so inflamed from the adhesive. A week after turning in the monitor I had Afib and went to urgent care so I could get a reading for my doc. Lucky me LOL I converted while walking into the place. Seeing that my Afib events are so fleeting EP suggested KARDIA so I can catch an event. Even without a subscription it tells me when I am in sinus and "possible Afib". Then I send it on to my EP who will be reading that. I just started KARDIA the past few days. We/He and his NP need to parse out the A-fib from the PACs, PVCs b/c if he does an ablation the Afib ablation is done on one side of the heart and the PACs etc ablation is done on the other side of the heart. I watch the monitor on the phone and look at the heart icon and can see rapid double beasts. Regularly I get a reading I get a reading called unclassified which I believe is a manifestation of numerous rapid PACs/PVCs. I also get reading that say too much interference and I believe that is lots a lots PACs and even KARDIA can't or will not figure it out unless I $ up some more chump change. From what I read long term prognosis from Covid heart arrhythmias are good. It may take year or more. Antioxidents specifically may help improve the out come.


Hello, I’m a 53 yo woman in pretty good health—on the outside with normal BMI. I don’t have high blood pressure. Never smoker, exercise a bit less than I should lately, cholesterol is borderline, and I have about one drink a month. I do have autoimmune problems and have taken Plaquenil and colchicine briefly, but I’m currently not taking anything. I also had a long wedge resection surgery in the summer for a lung nodule (benign, thankfully). That was the most significant surgery I’ve undergone with the exception of a C-section delivery about 15 years ago.

However, since February 4, I’ve had a heavy burden of PVCs at 23.8% that I have never ever had in my life before. They put me on atenolol which made it worse. They also prescribed flecainide and then told me not to take it after I told him that my BP and my heart rate were really low with the other medication. I go to see an EP in two weeks. Echo was done and came out normal.
I just want to let you know that, even though my PVCs are continuing and it’s driving me, absolutely crazy, I have read from a lot of people that you will be OK and I believe that. It’s very common, and it sounds like if they continue to increase that eventually people get the catheter ablation— if they can’t tolerate the medicine. So, I looked up catheter ablation and it looks like a lot of people who seem healthy on the outside have some kind of problem with their electrical functioning in their heart. My echo was completely normal, but I had PVCs the whole time they were doing it.
Have you thought about that heart calm supplement ? I’m going to give it a try because at this time I just want them to stop so bad and the ingredients look healthy.

Although I know, these PVC’s are incredibly frustrating, it sounds like they will not treat them until they reach a higher level or a higher burden.

In the meantime, I know that when I think of being healthy, I think of vigorous exercise and eating healthy with low-fat diet, lots of , veggies, etc. However, I think that I need to start reconceptualizing my vision of health to make sure that it not only includes exercise and eating right, but that I also do things like yoga and making sure that I can get enough rest.
I think that one I was growing up the importance of rest and relaxation was not stressed enough.
I wish you luck and hope your PVC burden does not get any higher. 😌


Hello, I’m a 53 yo woman in pretty good health—on the outside with normal BMI. I don’t have high blood pressure. Never smoker, exercise a bit less than I should lately, cholesterol is borderline, and I have about one drink a month. I do have autoimmune problems and have taken Plaquenil and colchicine briefly, but I’m currently not taking anything. I also had a long wedge resection surgery in the summer for a lung nodule (benign, thankfully). That was the most significant surgery I’ve undergone with the exception of a C-section delivery about 15 years ago.

However, since February 4, I’ve had a heavy burden of PVCs at 23.8% that I have never ever had in my life before. They put me on atenolol which made it worse. They also prescribed flecainide and then told me not to take it after I told him that my BP and my heart rate were really low with the other medication. I go to see an EP in two weeks. Echo was done and came out normal.
I just want to let you know that, even though my PVCs are continuing and it’s driving me, absolutely crazy, I have read from a lot of people that you will be OK and I believe that. It’s very common, and it sounds like if they continue to increase that eventually people get the catheter ablation— if they can’t tolerate the medicine. So, I looked up catheter ablation and it looks like a lot of people who seem healthy on the outside have some kind of problem with their electrical functioning in their heart. My echo was completely normal, but I had PVCs the whole time they were doing it.
Have you thought about that heart calm supplement ? I’m going to give it a try because at this time I just want them to stop so bad and the ingredients look healthy.

Although I know, these PVC’s are incredibly frustrating, it sounds like they will not treat them until they reach a higher level or a higher burden.

In the meantime, I know that when I think of being healthy, I think of vigorous exercise and eating healthy with low-fat diet, lots of , veggies, etc. However, I think that I need to start reconceptualizing my vision of health to make sure that it not only includes exercise and eating right, but that I also do things like yoga and making sure that I can get enough rest.
I think that one I was growing up the importance of rest and relaxation was not stressed enough.
I wish you luck and hope your PVC burden does not get any higher. 😌

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You might benefit from seeing an electrophysiologist ( specialized cardiologist). A friend had high burden of pvc’s , 25%, and the EP said since they were coming from the upper chambers of the heart, they were doing no harm.


You might benefit from seeing an electrophysiologist ( specialized cardiologist). A friend had high burden of pvc’s , 25%, and the EP said since they were coming from the upper chambers of the heart, they were doing no harm.

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PVCs come from the lower chambers of the heart. PACs come from the upper.


Magnesium is the key to PVCs. Men need 420 mcg per day. Best taken as food as supplements are roughly absorbed at roughly 10% of the mcg on the label.
I feel PVCs. It may be normal but sometimes it is not OK in my case.

To get enough magnesium I do this everyday. Breakfast: home made oatmeal or whole wheat breakfast biscuits, 1\4 cup walnuts, 1\8 cup almonds 1\8 cup raisins or dried tart cherries and 1-2 teaspoons honey. 8-10 ounces coffee. I use oat milk on the biscuit days as I am allergic to dairy products. Either breakfast takes 7 minutes to make. The magnesium load in the morning carries me all day long.


Magnesium is the key to PVCs. Men need 420 mcg per day. Best taken as food as supplements are roughly absorbed at roughly 10% of the mcg on the label.
I feel PVCs. It may be normal but sometimes it is not OK in my case.

To get enough magnesium I do this everyday. Breakfast: home made oatmeal or whole wheat breakfast biscuits, 1\4 cup walnuts, 1\8 cup almonds 1\8 cup raisins or dried tart cherries and 1-2 teaspoons honey. 8-10 ounces coffee. I use oat milk on the biscuit days as I am allergic to dairy products. Either breakfast takes 7 minutes to make. The magnesium load in the morning carries me all day long.

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Do you take any blood pressure medicine or heart medication? I take a product called heart calm. 300mg of magnesium made up of taurine,malate,glycine. Just started.


Look into taurine and L-arginine, along with magnesium. They have helped me immensely with PVCs and PACs. But do your own home work.

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