~ Lonesome ~

Posted by Barb @amberpep, Oct 6, 2017

Hi everyone .... well, I've reached the end of my last nerve. About a year ago, I had to put my little dog down ..... she was a Cavalier, King Charles Spaniel, who was rescued from a puppy mill - she was 4 and had given birth to multiple liters. She never got out of the crate, and the day after I took her the mill was going to shoot her because she was no long producing what they wanted. She was a tri-color, and had the classical heart murmur. All Cavaliers have that, I guess from poor breeding practices ..... goes from level 1 to level 5. She was 11 when I had to put her to sleep. Well, you all know all the moving I've been doing ... MD to VA, then another place in VA (which is quite unsafe I'm finding out). I have not been happy since I left my condo in MD. I'd lived in the Frederick, MD area for 30 years, and that move was a big mistake (now I know!). Well, I have 2 cats, but I so much miss that little girl. It's been a year now, and I still can't look at her picture without tearing up. So, I've been in touch with a Cavalier rescue group that lives quite close to where I used to live in MD, and I'm just praying that I can find one that I can both afford and whose murmur isn't passed 2. I'm lonesome .... I have a neighbor who is a friend and she has a dog. My kids are great people, and do what they can and have time for to either come over, bring me some food, or go somewhere with me, but they all have lives and families and I cannot expect them to fill in the gap. I'm used to taking in a puppy mill rescue, as my Molly was afraid of grass when I got her, I had to teach her how to walk up steps, and for a long time anytime someone lifted an arm to scratch their head or anything like that, she'd duck and run. Obviously, she'd been abused along with everything else. I so hope I can get one ..... I need a loyal friend down here, and one of them would be perfect.

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Abby @amberpep -- really hope it works out for you to get another Cavalier. We used to have one, and they are wonderful, darling dogs. You may know @contentandwell has also had a Cavalier. Fingers crossed.


Abby, @amberpep I do hope you find your Cavalier!

Here is the Connect discussion on the value of an animal, https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/the-value-of-an-animal/



@amberpep I hope you can find another cavalier. We put ours down in 2006 and I still miss him. He lived to 14! We named him Keller which is Gaelic for little companion which he really was.


@amberpep I hope you can find another cavalier. We put ours down in 2006 and I still miss him. He lived to 14! We named him Keller which is Gaelic for little companion which he really was.

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@contentandwell ...... I appreciate your sharing the name of your Cavie. I never thought of looking at my Gaelic/Scottish dictionary to find a name, but it's a great idea. You dog lived to 14. No heart problems? I understand that they are cross breeding the Cavilier with the Cavishon and they maintain the wonderful disposition, but they've bred out the heart problems. It would be wonderful to have a little friend sitting alongside of me right now, looking at the big brown eyes.



Abby, I don't know how I could survive without Sadie next to me.



@amberpep , oh Abby, I'm so sorry. I didn't know about Molly. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. It's horrible. I lost my own little girl, Maggie, 8 years ago now. I still think about her very often, and dream about seeing her and all the people I loved, again. Probably too much or I wouldn't be on this website.

I hope you find another little Cavalier to love, and very soon. I will pray that you do, and also that you are well and happy. Love, Judy


@amberpep , oh Abby, I'm so sorry. I didn't know about Molly. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. It's horrible. I lost my own little girl, Maggie, 8 years ago now. I still think about her very often, and dream about seeing her and all the people I loved, again. Probably too much or I wouldn't be on this website.

I hope you find another little Cavalier to love, and very soon. I will pray that you do, and also that you are well and happy. Love, Judy

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@danybegood1 -- very sorry to hear that you, too, lost a pet. Was Maggie a dog?

Do you have a new pet now, Judy?


Yes, Molly was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel .... I never realized I could love a dog that much. I had her put down when she was 11 - the classic stage 5 congestive heart failure, which is very common in the breed. I'm looking for another dog, since it's been a year, but even the rescues are anywhere from $600-$800, sometimes more. At the time I got Molly I was working part-time and had the money .... now I'm retired, living mostly on S.S., in an apartment for limited income folks. I'll get something - a rescue - but it's very doubtful it'll be a Cavie. I think a dog would go a long way to helping me have something to look forward to .... a reason to get up in the morning ..... my cats don't do that.


@amberpep Abby,

I'm sure you are right - a dog would be just the thing for you now!



@amberpep Abby,

I'm sure you are right - a dog would be just the thing for you now!


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Yes, I'm sure it would. When I still had Molly I always had my "dog walking duds" right aside of the bed, because first thing in the AM before I did anything else, I had to take her for a walk. I need a reason to get up, which I really don't have right now. I moved down here to VA to be closer to my girls and their families, but my whole life and heart are still in Frederick, MD. I lived there for over 30 years and that was my "nest." Ever since I moved down here, nothing has gone right ..... sounds like an exaggeration, but it's not. My girls are as helpful as they can be, but they have lives and I don't expect them to do more. I really think that if my condo in Frederick had not been sold, I would definitely go back. I know my family would be upset and may even feel insulted, but at 72 I just can't go through the rest of life feeling like this. My kids don't know about the Cyclothymia either. Everytime I try to bring it up, they just either avoid, walk away, or start talking about something else. They need to know there is a genetic component to this. My therapist is pretty sure my mother was full-blown bi-polar and medicated herself with alcohol. Thank God, I have the lesser version, but the depression part is a killer.

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