Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

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This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

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Hi, @cariloo

I'm 80, so I understand what you mean by the pressure that the passage of time brings! I feel it, too.

I forget who suggested I try the Practice of One, but, after first scoffing at the idea (too New Agey!), I tried it, and it has worked for me for 10-20 years, Before I gave this fellow's advice a try, I'd find myself still in bed but half-awake and riddled with anxiety, beating up on myself for all the things I'd left undone the day before and worried (pre-worried?) about how I was going to get done all of the things that loomed in the day ahead. I'd become my own worst enemy. These days, after coming downstairs and pressing the Mr. Coffee ON button, I plop in my favorite chair and clear any clutter I've left from the night before. My aim is to have on the little table beside me one Composition notebook, my good pen, whatever book I'm currently reading (right now that's Fernando Pessoa's Book of Disquiet), and some book of poetry (this morning it was Wendell Berry's Complete Poems).

The Practice of One works for me. Give it a try. You may like it, too.

Ray (@ray666)

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Where is that? How do I access it?


Hello again,
53 year old male. Peripheral and Femoral Neuropathy severe pain, swelling, balance, falling and forget about stairs or incline-declines. I was a US Army Infantry grunt and now this. Very difficult to live with, sleep with, stay positive with . Has anyone researched THC alternatives?
I am currently on Gabapentin, BelBuca and recently Buprenorphine. The issue? Dr. is simply increasing dosage to manage pain, which is sending me straight to the poor house. Is medical Tetrahydrocannabinol an option? I am eligible for Medicare at the end of this year and frankly scared out of my mind that SSDI will be revoked and/or will not be as affective as medical pharmaceuticals.
Paralysis by overanalyzing? Any one have any experience in this area? I feel if I simply ask my Dr's they will not help me because their is no incentive for them to not prescribe meds... 🙂

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Try One Day at a Time. Even One Moment at a Time. It works for me when I get into fears of the future.


There are many many people taking 150 mg of boron daily for osteoporosis. My osteoporosis is extremely serious (severe is -2.5 and my DEXA score was -5.7 - alarming). You know Ruth Bader Ginsburg ate a bag of prunes daily for her osteoporosis - but you can't get enough from prunes. I'm not willing to take a lot over the recommended upper limit, but truth be told, they do not really know much about boron and limits. It IS known that a lack of boron will cause osteoporosis. I am not worried about how much I am taking. Over 20 mg a day is when there are changes (increases) in the amount of estrogen in your body. I am not worried about estrogen. I couldn't believe it when all my arthritis symptoms disappeared when I took boron! But if you miss even one dose, it comes. back. While it may cure (or significantly help) osteoporosis, it is not a cure for arthritis. It does get rid of all the pain while you are taking it.

Yes monk fruit IS considered sugar. I do not eat any fruit except a few berries a day (6 or fewer). I do not eat vegetables high in sugar such as root vegetables, beans, peas, etc. It is VERY hard to avoid sugar - it is in everything - and there are over 187 names for it - so they sneak it into everything. Pick up a box of Morton's salt and look at the ingredients. Salt and dextrose - dextrose is sugar. They are adding sugar to milk these days and milk already has sugar in it. I have to be very very careful. One surprising source of a ton of sugar are condiments and rubs - look at your ketchup bottle! The only sweeteners I am allowed are Xylitol and Stevia. And those only a little at a time. I make a great chocolate pudding - you won't believe this - out of avocados! I use unsweetened chocolate powder. It tastes like chocolate mousse! The best way to go off sugar is cold turkey - all at once. Having that book The Candida Cure would be a real help because she outlines everything you need to know. The author, Ann Boroch, had MS and was in a wheelchair for 24 years. She cured herself. She knew she had candida overgrowth. She became a nutritionist and then became a naturopathic doctor. My stomach and esophagus were killing me for over three years. The pain was unbearable but the doctor I had at the time would never tell me what was going on. She was testing me for dementia - I was such a mess. I felt dizzy all the time, brain fog, couldn't stand to smell cigarettes or perfume, there were so many bad symptoms. But the pain in my gut - and I was having chest pains that were legion - so bad I had to pull over on the freeway a couple of times. That turned out to be candida overgrowth in may esophagaus - causing it to cramp up - which feels like a heart attack. I decided to kill myself - hand a handful of pills to do the deed. At the last minute, I decided to take one sleeping pill and see how I felt when I woke up. When I awoke, I KNEW it was candida overgrowth. A friend suggested that book - I downloaded it to my Kindle and headed to the grocery store to buy compliant foods. I cleaned out all my cupboards and refrigerator, and took all the food to a neighbor that had just had hip replacement and didn't bother to buy any food. That was April 2, 2015 - more than 5-½ years ago. Now, though I will be 70 at the end of December, I feel like I am in my 20s all the time! It is amazing what going off sugar has done for me. I sleep like a baby now. I am usually sharp as a tack (I had to take medication for migraine today - it's a long story - and is tied to Mitral Valve Prolapse getting worse - at any rate - the meds have me loopy as I usually don't take this stuff). I had metaplasia cells in my stomach - those are pre-cancerous. I also had polyps in my colon all the time. Those and the metaplasia cells are gone. When I went to the dental college, they made everybody stop what they were doing and come and look at my "perfect and healthy" mouth!! I even got rid of my toenail fungus. I have energy all the time. It is truly amazing. I didn't realize how much sugar I was getting. It is in a lot of medicine too. I get IVIG every two weeks, and I had to find an IVIG product that didn't have sugar! But if you think you will get off sugar gradually, you will keep craving it. The craving fir sugar usually stops in 14 days - if you just go off some sugar, you will continue to crave it on a daily basis. All baked goods have to go - unless you find something that has no wheat, sugar, etc. I have candida overgrowth because I must take steroids daily for adrenal insufficiency (I have hypopituitarism because of a pituitary tumor - it cannot be completely removed because it is on the optic nerve... so I have to take cortisol or I will go into a coma. Steroids, antibiotics, hormones and stress and some of the common causes of candida overgrowth. Basically, those drugs kill off all the bacteria in your body, and when that happens in your gut, the candida can overgrow when the good bacteria that usually lives in your gut is wiped out. We all have candida in our bodies, The key is to keep it in balance so it does not overgrow and become a problem. If you don't deal with candida overgrowth, it causes problems like MS, myasthenia gravis, erectile dysfunction, cancer, ALS, all sorts of things. Nothing good.

As for supplements and what they do - I have given this website out on Mayo Connect and they allowed it - check out It is a nonprofit group for consumers - it is a consumer watchdog group for supplements. They test supplements to be sure they are what they say they are, they have as many mg. as they claim, they do not have any impurities, they open up in the body (many of these things go right through your body without opening up). Additionally, they post hundreds if not thousands of peer-reviewed articles and the like so you can search and read all about whatever it is you are thinking of taking. There isn't much about boron there - boron is relatively obscure and little-understood. People have known it cures osteoporosis and treats arthritis and fibromyalgia for a long time, but where's the money in that? Also, many doctors do not know anything about nutrition. They know as much as the man on the corner, The more you learn, the better you can heal yourself. Food is medicine. I have had remarkable luck in pulling my body back from the brink of death into being relatively healthy (for me). I read about nutrition all the time. I'm reading Ph.D.-level nutrition books now! I find it fascinating. My doctors are in awe of me now,. They always tell me how proud of me they are. And one more thing: You get unbelievable respect from doctors when you tell them you don't eat sugar in any form. Sugar causes inflammation and it feeds candida, cancer, and lots of other terrible things. Inflammation leads to disease, So stopping inflammation is a very good idea. Your body will be so grateful. What about all my friends and family who initially thought the diet wouldn't last and I was crazy? They are all trying the diet now too! They can't believe their eyes when they see how healthy I've become. They thought for sure I was dying. So if you are having pain associated with fibromyalgia, arthritis, osteoporosis (which includes men), or if you are having ANY pain, I suggest try going off sugar. Just know you are going to be cranky for a couple of weeks - allow yourself extra time for everything and try to reduce your workload - and just go off the stuff. You will feel a little rough for about two weeks, then you will start feeling better. I highly recommend that book - The Candida Cure by Ann Boroch. If you don't have candida but think you'd like to go off sugar - she has a great guide for doing that and tells you everything to avoid. I did not do any of the organ cleanses she suggests - I think cleanses are too hard on the body. There are good recipes in the book and she has a cookbook with very good recipes in it. And if you are on Facebook, I can help anybody that wants to go off sugar by giving you membership in a private group for people doing the Ann Boroch diet. We have a library with recipes galore.

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Thank you! I have Sarcoidosis an autoimmune disease Osteoporosis Osteoarthritis Degenerative Disc Disease Spinal Stenosis
etc. I am in constant pain I too have been taking Prednisone for over ten years now to suppress my Sarcs.
I am going to purchase the book you recommended and look into the Boron supplement, Do you have a recommended dosage or can you kindly tell me where to get more information on it?
So happy you have found relief, so many people suffering with no answers.
I am new hear so I hope I can find your reply if you leave one!
Just wanted to tell you I enjoyed reading your post!


Is there any treatment for numb feet due to spinal stenosis? I have no pain but no feeling either. I can walk without a cane so far.

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