Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Neuropathy group.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
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Hi Laurie,
I have one of those walkers, it was my Mom's.
I don't use it. I rarely ever use a walker but when I do I use the aluminum frame type without wheels. Good advice about the breaks though. I walk okay most of the time, crooked but okay.
I do frequently fall but it's because of balance problems caused from seizure meds and comas.
When I fell I wasn't able to walk but I thought I would give it another try. Got up but just fell over.

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Hi @jakedduck1 I found walkers without wheels are more difficult to maneuver. They are meant for people with little mobility. Originally I used a walker with 2 front wheels and 2 sliders in the rear. I had more instances of tipping but luckily no falls. It was scary. Once I switched to the 4 wheel walker with the seat I had no near falls. It was a big help. From there I later learned to walk with a quad cane. Toni


Hello. My neuropathy began in 2008 after chemotherapy. Since then it has gotten worse which may be due to being diabetic. I am using diabetic footwear, but I believe the thick soles along with neuropathy may be effecting my balance somewhat.


I have a quad cane and a regular cane. Sad to say I’m old fashioned and go with the regular cane time. lol mainly because I’m short and the quad would not adjust short enough for me. But I liked it well enough except for that!

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Hi Renee @faithwalker007 the quad canes I have are adjustable for the height. There are notches to place to the correct height which is about mid hip level. Hopefully yours can be adjusted accordingly. Wish you well. Toni


Hi Renee @faithwalker007 the quad canes I have are adjustable for the height. There are notches to place to the correct height which is about mid hip level. Hopefully yours can be adjusted accordingly. Wish you well. Toni

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I’ll have to get a different one.


Hi Jake, do you mind telling me what type of seizure meds can cause osteoporosis? I've never heard of that. I have severe osteo but it's from my daily Prednisone and so many steroids over the years for my lungs and inflammatory disease and have been on Gabapentin for the last 1.5 years for my neuropathy which as you know is a seizure medication. Hope you are well. Many blessings, Sunnyflower

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Here are some seizure meds that can cause Neuropathy.

Depacote/Valproic acid
Trileptal, Oxtellar XR/Oxcarbazepine

I believe that Neurontin/Gabapentin may also contribute to Neuropathy just like some seizure meds have increased seizures in some people.

Take care,


Hi @jakedduck1 I found walkers without wheels are more difficult to maneuver. They are meant for people with little mobility. Originally I used a walker with 2 front wheels and 2 sliders in the rear. I had more instances of tipping but luckily no falls. It was scary. Once I switched to the 4 wheel walker with the seat I had no near falls. It was a big help. From there I later learned to walk with a quad cane. Toni

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Toni, I totally agree with your comments about walkers. I've tried them all, and my four-wheeler is the very best!


I’ll have to get a different one.

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For the correct height and best way to use the cane see a physical therapists who is familiar with canes. The therapist will be your greatest resource in learning which cane would be best for you, a quad or single leg cane. I had gone to physical therapy outpatient services once a week just to learn exercises to do at home. It was there I first learned about quad canes. The therapist had brought it to my attention. Without the therapist I would have never thought to benefit from a cane. I think it would be a good investment for at least one visit to determine which cane would be appropriate and to use correctly. My insurance did pay for my visits after I met the copay. Check with your medical insurance. Wish you well. Toni


Hello. My neuropathy began in 2008 after chemotherapy. Since then it has gotten worse which may be due to being diabetic. I am using diabetic footwear, but I believe the thick soles along with neuropathy may be effecting my balance somewhat.

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Hi @robo37 , my wife's PN started after her 2nd chemo infusion on 2/26/14. It has gotten slowly but steadily worse over the years. She is not diabetic. Her neuropathy manifests as severely burning feet and ankles. Lately her worst areas are her heels (mostly right one). Her feet get swollen and very red. She says they are angry, and I know that is how they feel to her. She suffers. She uses medical marijuana to help deal with the pain. She says sometimes it feels like she is walking on sponges or pillows or something, that they feel strange, not normal when walking. I do not think it affects her balance too much as yet. Do you do anything for your pain? You've had yours a lot longer, 12 years. I feel badly for you, do you have a good support system (loved ones, friends, family) in your life? Best, Hank


Hello. My neuropathy began in 2008 after chemotherapy. Since then it has gotten worse which may be due to being diabetic. I am using diabetic footwear, but I believe the thick soles along with neuropathy may be effecting my balance somewhat.

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Hello @robo37, Welcome to Connect. I'm sorry to hear your neuropathy has gotten worse. I have been diagnosed as pre-diabetic and also try and walk carefully due to balance issues. I have small fiber peripheral neuropathy and have always liked wearing comfortable shoes so I mostly wear ones like Sketchers with memory foam linings. My Mayo neurologist suggested that I wear a more supportive shoe but I haven't found any that I like that are comfortable. There are a few other discussions you may want to read through and learn what others have shared.

- Chemo-related Neuropathy:
- If the shoe fits, wear it!:
- Having trouble keeping your balance?:

Have you tried any exercises to help with your balance?


I think of breaking something too. I have osteoporosis from seizure meds. I just fell down the steps in the garage. Something hit my back but not like last time. A few weeks ago I was crawling around the house for 2 weeks. I didn’t think it was possible to fall when you’re crawling on your hands and knees but let me assure you it is.
Be safe,

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Jake, I am so sorry to hear about your falling and crawling! Ouch!! I will be praying for your safety and quick recovery. 🤕. Warmest wishes, Sunnyflower

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