Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Neuropathy group.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

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@jimhd I don't know how any of have the strength to deal with all of this. I really don't. My heart breaks for you and all of us here, that we cannot even get the meds we need. To know that there is a med out there that really helps you at the right dosage, and that you have to fight to receive it is horrific. We really do need the law to change. Doctors take care of themselves first, in not breaking the law. And to think there is no real proof that opiods don't help neuropathy is horrific. I can't even deal with this. I am so sorry, Jim. LoriRenee1

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Oh, LoriRenee. bless your heart. I love you. The issue is not the law. I wish it was. The CDC Guidelines are NOT law, they are the medical recommendations by what is considered or once was, the premier, unbiased authority in medicine and trending of diseased population for the United States. They are not supposed to be politically, enforcement, employment, or penalty-driven. That age is over.

The DEA has taken, with the approval (whether intention, unintentional, spoken, unspoken, written, unwritten, authorized, or unauthorized) of Congress and the President of the United States and the American Public, these guidelines and applied them AS LAW.

They are not merely threatening PROSECUTION for violation of GUIDELINES, they are actually destroying lives by ENFORCING THEM. These ACTS are illegal because GUIDELINES ARE NOT LAWS. These guidelines were not written by Congress, voted upon, passed, and/or signed into law by the President of the United States... the only person who can enact federal law without the express action of Congress.

I love our country but I'm suffering because of it.


Oh, LoriRenee. bless your heart. I love you. The issue is not the law. I wish it was. The CDC Guidelines are NOT law, they are the medical recommendations by what is considered or once was, the premier, unbiased authority in medicine and trending of diseased population for the United States. They are not supposed to be politically, enforcement, employment, or penalty-driven. That age is over.

The DEA has taken, with the approval (whether intention, unintentional, spoken, unspoken, written, unwritten, authorized, or unauthorized) of Congress and the President of the United States and the American Public, these guidelines and applied them AS LAW.

They are not merely threatening PROSECUTION for violation of GUIDELINES, they are actually destroying lives by ENFORCING THEM. These ACTS are illegal because GUIDELINES ARE NOT LAWS. These guidelines were not written by Congress, voted upon, passed, and/or signed into law by the President of the United States... the only person who can enact federal law without the express action of Congress.

I love our country but I'm suffering because of it.

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@faithwalker007 Sending much love your way....


Dear Mayofeb2020, does laser have any effects aka help your pain? Does the laser hurt and of so could you please describe in what ways?
I really hope you get some relief very soon! Blessings, Sunnyflower

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@sunnyflower. No, the laser doesn't hurt. There's a wand attached to the machine and the PT uses the wand to go over the area of your body that needs it. It's slightly warm but not burning. Sometimes I don't even feel it. The PT wore dark glasses to protect their eyes. I'm always on my tummy when they laser my back so I don't need glasses. They basically laser me every time. I believe it helps. These machines are very expensive and not too many PT places have it. I know them bc they used to be my clients when I was working in a bank. I've been going there for over 10 years. They treated me for all kind of issues. Once I had a knee problem and an orthopedic doctor suggested surgery. I went there for therapy instead and they fixed it.

I have to be positive about this whole situation, some days I think it'll never get better and feel sorry for myself which is a bad thing. Pain can mess up one's mind. Thank you for your good wishes.


@sunnyflower. and others

I'm having to beg my doctor to increase the dose of my morphine prescription back to what it was before the scs implant, because the scs isn't working. He grudgingly agreed to increase it by 15mg. I moved down from 30mg tid to 15mg tid, which I realize now was a big mistake. In a message on the portal he said he would fill the prescription for 30mg bid, but wants to discuss it with me at my next appointment. My therapist is almost as angry as I am that I'm having such a battle with the doctors, trying to get a therapeutic dose of medication.

@faithwalker007 has been referring to the CDC guidelines, and I'm reading the recommendations. What has stood out is the recurring phrase, "There is insufficient evidence to prove that long term opioid use for chronic pain (naming neuropathy among other things) is ineffective." Another common theme is that "the clinician must prescribe medication sufficient to allow some quality of life, and must explain to the patient the balance between the benefits and the risks."

Doctors like to quote the CDC guidelines as proof that opioids don't treat either long term pain or neuropathy pain. That's a false interpretation of the recommendations. Between now and my next appointment, whenever that is, I'll be compiling a list of things I read to convince him that my experience has been that when I cut back on my dose, the pain increases. And to convince him that I'm not at risk of selling it for a profit, or that I will take more than is prescribed - I'm more likely to take less in case the system works so slowly that I would run out.

When every other medication has failed to work, I'm less concerned about the mechanism as I am about pain control. Telling me over and over that it's not a pain killer, but a pain signal interruption, falls on increasingly frustrated ears. I'm not stupid. I know the allegations that prescribers make, assuming that I'll just lie down and do what I'm told. I'm beyond tired of fighting to maintain my right to have access to the only medication that's helped long term reducing my pain.

Time to take my allocated bedtime pain pill, so end of rant.


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@jimhd What kind of SCS do you have? Why isn't it working? Was it installed at Mayo Clinic?


I'm so sorry. I am a published author and I don't know how to dial it back. I'll try though.

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@faithwalker007 Oh, please don't "dial it back." Good writing is becoming harder and harder to find, and I appreciate it wherever it appear.


@jimhd What kind of SCS do you have? Why isn't it working? Was it installed at Mayo Clinic?

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I have a Burst DR spinal cord stimulator, implanted by a local surgeon and guided by an Abbott rep. It was great for a year, then during the second year it had to be adjusted every 3 months. After that it didn't have any effect on my pain. I've never met the surgeon except in the surgery prep bay.




I have a Burst DR spinal cord stimulator, implanted by a local surgeon and guided by an Abbott rep. It was great for a year, then during the second year it had to be adjusted every 3 months. After that it didn't have any effect on my pain. I've never met the surgeon except in the surgery prep bay.


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@jimhd Jim, please tell me exactly what you mean when you say "adjusted"...the implanted device? your remote? During my trial with the Medtronic SCS, I could reprogram the stimulator using the handheld remote device.


@sunnyflower , I can relate and you spoke volumes for those who lost their voice but beg to be heard, and for those who somehow know your pain without ever having experienced it, I'd say you lost your way and you will need us to find it again if you so chose. David

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Hello David, I would have to disagree with you that I 've lost my way. If anything, I have found it more than ever learning so much great information here and having so much encouragement, support, inspiration etc.

I worked in healthcare for 20+ years and have been a patient for about 35. I have many specialists who tell me what a complicated patient I am. As time goes on, I am becoming more and more afflicted.

My career goal was to become a physician assistant aka diagnostic care provider before becoming too ill.

I have tons of diagnostics, procedures, surgeries, etc. I research, research, research until the cows come home bc I love to learn so much.

Before Connect I had no one in my life who could relate to not only my unrelenting severe many types of pain, the self -care to manage a diseased, weak body and the limitations of life. Now I do! So it means everything to me! I am so grateful to have found Connect!

Many blessings to you, Sunnyflower


Oh, LoriRenee. bless your heart. I love you. The issue is not the law. I wish it was. The CDC Guidelines are NOT law, they are the medical recommendations by what is considered or once was, the premier, unbiased authority in medicine and trending of diseased population for the United States. They are not supposed to be politically, enforcement, employment, or penalty-driven. That age is over.

The DEA has taken, with the approval (whether intention, unintentional, spoken, unspoken, written, unwritten, authorized, or unauthorized) of Congress and the President of the United States and the American Public, these guidelines and applied them AS LAW.

They are not merely threatening PROSECUTION for violation of GUIDELINES, they are actually destroying lives by ENFORCING THEM. These ACTS are illegal because GUIDELINES ARE NOT LAWS. These guidelines were not written by Congress, voted upon, passed, and/or signed into law by the President of the United States... the only person who can enact federal law without the express action of Congress.

I love our country but I'm suffering because of it.

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@faithwalker007 @lorirenee1 @jimhd Interesting information from the Hospital for Special Surgery in N.Y.:


SCS infection is only for specific types on euro Pain in the periphery. Doctors are trying to use it for fibromyalgia.

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