Living with high calcium score
I am a 53 year old male. Just found out I have a CAC of 731. Most of it (699) is in the right coronary. I exercise 5 times a week , used to eat eggs every day (15-20 per week), cottage cheese and yogurt. Upon hearing this news, stopped eating eggs right away. Just trying to figure out what else to adjust. I don't have BP and am at a healthy weight of around 160 lbs for 5'8".
Doctor still has to reach out to me and I think most likely I will be put on Statins. I have high LDL and Apo(b), but triglycerides are under control.
The question I have is, how else should I adjust the lifestyle. I don't drink or smoke or eat meat. Should I reduce how hard I work out? I used to take my HR to 165 and whenever I did it I used to get a heartburn. I was thinking that the workout has triggered acid reflux but looks like something else is going on.
For those with high CAC , how hard do you work out? Should I stop hiking and running? Looking for some insights.
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If you were passing out after exercise, even with a satisfactory stress test (you don’t say what the metrics) then a cath is probably appropriate.
Sure, a high CAC score is extra, but not nearly as meaningful as passing out repeatedly.
Was his pth tested?
I have been on statins since they first came out over 30 years ago (mevacor, zocor, lipitor, and now rosuvastin). Before that my cardiologist had me on niacin and questor. I have had no problems with statins, other than some losing their efficacy and requiring increased dosage until changing to a newer one. I have been on the same 20mg of rosuvastatin for several years now.
I have always passed my stress tests and have been mostly asymptomatic. My last two visits my cardiologist has offered to do a cath and I have refused. I have a FFR of only 0.71 in part of my LAD but my cardio said it is non stentable, so I am afraid that a cath will end up turning into a CABG. I have an irrational fear of invasive heart surgery after watching my father go through it twice and dying within weeks of his second at 55 yo.
For 6 yrs my cardiologist ordered a stress test every year that always showed everything was fine. They would not give me a catherization because the stress test always said everything is normal. Went back and saw another doctor in the group after yet another stress test. He looked at the results and said what are you doing here, everything is fine. Told him over the past 6 years I was dizzy and had passed out in shower in gym several times after a workout. That is the reason why so many stress tests, that always showed everything was fine. He ordered a calcium score test and when I went back for results he told me this test probably saved my life. My score was 960 and because it was high he was able to order a catherization for the next day.. results were that my left aortic was 87 % blocked and the inserted 2 stents. The doctor said it is called the “Widow Maker”. I was a walking time bomb for all the years the stress test said everything was fine !!
Thank you .
It has been very us .
Are you on a statin ?
Yes! I found out I had a CAC of 1100 when I was 61, six years later it is 1300. As long as your husband is asymptomatic there is nothing more to do than what you are doing right now. It is stressful at first, but you learn to live with it. Enjoy life and work on that bucket list.
My husband had a calcium score of 846 . We were shocked . He is 65 , not overweight , nonsmoker . He has been on a statin for 20 years before learning of his high calcium score .
Saw cardiologist , put on higher statin and zetia , baby aspirin , following Mediterranean diet , cardio 150 min per week .
He passed stress test and had a normal EKG .
Dr said he doesn’t need angiogram now because he passed the stress test and EKG .
I feel like it’s Russian roulette .
Any advice ?
Can you live a normal life with a high calcium score ?
I've been on a statin since forever and since last October, added Repatha. Zero side effects other than seeing my LDL drop from 109 down to 27
May I ask if you had any side effects with the Repatha...or any with statin that changed with Repatha? Just concerned about any possible new side effects. Thanks
I’ve said this before on this thread so here’s the short version. To get my LDL down (it was around 80), my cardiologist put me on an injectable….first Praluent and now Repatha plus a 10 mg dose of Lipitor generic. In six months, my LDL was 5 mg! It was said to be too low so I cut the Lipitor to 5 mg and now it’s 25. If you want to get the LDL down, investigate injectable’s. They work! You take a very easy shot twice a month, self administered. It’s a piece of cake. The medication is costly if your insurance does not pay but Repatha has a $5 co-pay program which is pretty sweet.