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Update - Biospy -& that it was consistent with his lung primary sent to Nantomics which was the goal of Precision Genomics 5-6 weeks for results; they said the LT Axilla Lymph node was okay to do even tho it is RT supraclavicular neck lymph node that is the problem this still mystifies me since its not the one responding to the treatments had so far and the LT Axilla Lymph node has responded and remained stable and not started to re-grow like the RT supraclavicular neck lymph node

the radiation making mask/simulation was yesterday back on May 1 for whatever and then treatments begin for 10 days on May 5-10; 13-17. Drs appointment/infusion canceld for 29th because of radiation and re-scheduled for May 24th Dr. / Infusion of Prembro / KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) There will be an appointment somethine in June for the Genomics.

Going to try to do a daily trip as motel room & boarding the dog & cat will be 967 not counting a meal a day - for a week - can do a daily trip gas/meal/valet parking for 453 and if works out like yesterday the valet parking is "validated" so give $50 to play on SO far no help on expenses has been offered there was offer for finding motel room but the options they had could not bring the dog (dachshund) and cat (siamese) with us.... So $ wise its cheaper to make daily trips....

Only concern is the car but it goes to pot in hand basket no loss for what paid for and whats wrong with and friends father being lied to about the condition we more than got our use out & what we paid for it
besides having to withing first week of have to buy a battery & alternator & then the brakes & left rotor & drum and
Medically its made
41 trips to Plymouth (53 miles round trip)
12 trips to Culver (20 miles round trip)
1 tp South Bend/Mishakawa (100 miles round trip)
55 to Indianapolis (200 miles round trip)
besides all the local trips for Grocery and shopping.

Just praying that the car and me can out last the month of May and really the car has to hold on till after October...

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I done it 1000 miles under my A$$ this week for 252.14 for gas/snack and one meal per day did without the meal today; and saved 714.14 if had gotten a motel & boarded Aries (the dog) & Lucy Lou (the cat) and t did not figure in the meals for the week. Reprieve for 2 days and start over....

So far so good really not tired... even been up each day before the alarm went off...

He seen dr. (radiologist) wed after treatment said some noticeable change... not really sure I do notice he holds that arm differently than the other ; sees dr. (radiologist) on wed not sure if again but scheduled for regular oncologist/lads/infusion no schedule for June as yet -

Not got anything done here at home but will try to without over doing....

Still ceases to amaze me somewhat the sister and brother-in-law has never bothered to calling once this week to see how things are going if car is holding up, if anything is needed - oh i know the both work but....


I done it 1000 miles under my A$$ this week for 252.14 for gas/snack and one meal per day did without the meal today; and saved 714.14 if had gotten a motel & boarded Aries (the dog) & Lucy Lou (the cat) and t did not figure in the meals for the week. Reprieve for 2 days and start over....

So far so good really not tired... even been up each day before the alarm went off...

He seen dr. (radiologist) wed after treatment said some noticeable change... not really sure I do notice he holds that arm differently than the other ; sees dr. (radiologist) on wed not sure if again but scheduled for regular oncologist/lads/infusion no schedule for June as yet -

Not got anything done here at home but will try to without over doing....

Still ceases to amaze me somewhat the sister and brother-in-law has never bothered to calling once this week to see how things are going if car is holding up, if anything is needed - oh i know the both work but....

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@reibur1951 I'm exhausted just reading about your week! I just got back from my first local Relay for Life by American Cancer in Noblesville, IN. The speaker at the beginning mentioned that one of the beneficiaries of the funds are the Hope Lodges across the country. I went up to one of the organizers after to ask if we had one in Indy since I knew someone in Northern IN who had been driving back and forth to Indy. She said no, but when that's the case they work with local hotels to provide options for reduced or free stays. Not sure if that's been info you got that was still out of price range or might help. She said to call 1-800-227-2345 and select option 1 to ask for details. I wish I lived in your area- I'd volunteer to come in to let the dog out and feed them both. It was refreshing to see all the people in our area that provide various assistance I never knew about. If you had any luck with staying in Indy I wonder if they, or even your Vet or one of the local churches or charities (United Way, Senior Services, Meals on Wheels, etc.) would know of anyone that could do that?


Thanks for the info. Its not really been as bad as I thought it would be... Someone worse off than us needs the help as long as I can do it... there may come the day or time I can not but will cross that bridge when it comes. I bought a fabric/mesh/wire play pen for the cat as she likes at times to bounce off the walls... Its worked out better than I thought I did into even sleep in past 9:30 today...


Thanks for the info. Its not really been as bad as I thought it would be... Someone worse off than us needs the help as long as I can do it... there may come the day or time I can not but will cross that bridge when it comes. I bought a fabric/mesh/wire play pen for the cat as she likes at times to bounce off the walls... Its worked out better than I thought I did into even sleep in past 9:30 today...

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Last day of radiation - have been home between 3-5 each day of the 10 days - gave 4 hours travelling time with the construction work along the way there was a couple days they moved appointment up from 2 - to 1 & 1:40 of course we made time and arrived early think there was only one time had to wait very long most generally we were in and out before the scheduled time they are the greatest. done it for gas/snacks and a meal only 3 days did not stop for sandwich/meal the one day before i splurged stopped for Kentucky Fried Chicken family meal so there was plenty of leftovers for the next day - other 2 days said he did not want to stop done it for $495.18 - just the room board for the dog & cat and motel room for us these day days would of been $1933.10 not sure if we would of have to pay for transit while there or not; the valet parking was validated for all visits including initial dr visit too. Not sure if have helped still visibly swollen go back to radiologist on the 17th - his reg dr/labs/immunology next Friday still awaiting the Genomic reports... Amazingly it went very well except for a close encounter with a deer last week and this week... of course the Indy traffic but that's becoming old hat now.. started this journey in Oct 2017 (started with only an initial chest x-ray to see why was coughing so much then they ordered a ct which had to wait a week plus for results at local hospital in Sept - when family dr. only comment result was Thoracic surgeon & biopsy I said IU Medical center tried to get us to go locally but stuck to my guns not been sorry its been well worth all the travel time) God will only how much longer


Last day of radiation - have been home between 3-5 each day of the 10 days - gave 4 hours travelling time with the construction work along the way there was a couple days they moved appointment up from 2 - to 1 & 1:40 of course we made time and arrived early think there was only one time had to wait very long most generally we were in and out before the scheduled time they are the greatest. done it for gas/snacks and a meal only 3 days did not stop for sandwich/meal the one day before i splurged stopped for Kentucky Fried Chicken family meal so there was plenty of leftovers for the next day - other 2 days said he did not want to stop done it for $495.18 - just the room board for the dog & cat and motel room for us these day days would of been $1933.10 not sure if we would of have to pay for transit while there or not; the valet parking was validated for all visits including initial dr visit too. Not sure if have helped still visibly swollen go back to radiologist on the 17th - his reg dr/labs/immunology next Friday still awaiting the Genomic reports... Amazingly it went very well except for a close encounter with a deer last week and this week... of course the Indy traffic but that's becoming old hat now.. started this journey in Oct 2017 (started with only an initial chest x-ray to see why was coughing so much then they ordered a ct which had to wait a week plus for results at local hospital in Sept - when family dr. only comment result was Thoracic surgeon & biopsy I said IU Medical center tried to get us to go locally but stuck to my guns not been sorry its been well worth all the travel time) God will only how much longer

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Genomic testing in this was the message "All results from genomic testing were reviewed at the tumor board and unfortunately there were no recommendations that could be given based on those results. Also, no germline or hereditary link was found." Have been sent to his regular doctor so will see Friday what he says at this point not sure what to make of it - and what questions there is to ask if any - Maybe I am wrong but I still think it should of been the neck lymph node tested and not the axillary which has responded to treatment and stayed stable thus far.


Genomic testing in this was the message "All results from genomic testing were reviewed at the tumor board and unfortunately there were no recommendations that could be given based on those results. Also, no germline or hereditary link was found." Have been sent to his regular doctor so will see Friday what he says at this point not sure what to make of it - and what questions there is to ask if any - Maybe I am wrong but I still think it should of been the neck lymph node tested and not the axillary which has responded to treatment and stayed stable thus far.

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Hello @reibur1951

I'm sure it must have been disappointing to not have any new recommendations based on the genomic testing. It does leave more questions than answers and that is frustrating, to say the least.

I think your question about the neck lymph node is a valid one. I would certainly bring it up when you see his regular doctor.

I hope you have a productive appointment on Friday. Will you provide an update after your appointment?


I will at least will be able to have immunology been well over a month since the last infusion - but for some reason said no to it while having the radiation - that lad/dr/infusion was to be 29th of Apr. - radiologist not till 17th I know he had been holding/carrying his right arm differently for well over a month now - so the swollen neck lymph node is affecting the main nerve in the arm...


I will at least will be able to have immunology been well over a month since the last infusion - but for some reason said no to it while having the radiation - that lad/dr/infusion was to be 29th of Apr. - radiologist not till 17th I know he had been holding/carrying his right arm differently for well over a month now - so the swollen neck lymph node is affecting the main nerve in the arm...

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You are quite diligent in looking at this situation, @reibur1951. If the lymph nodes are affecting the nerve in the arm, it seems reasonable that it should be mentioned to the doctor and asked what could be done about it. I wish you well as you seek the best medical treatment.


I have been watching since the radiologist visit... Its just one lymph node at the shoulder/neck supraclavical the term used in the ct scan reports.. we shall see what the regular oncologist has to say the radiologist has not been as informative as regular dr. but he & colleagues did notice the weakness in that arm Know it has been painful to him since January but he is not a complainer so i have been trying to take notice more of how he holds it etc. maybe I am overreacting

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