Liver transplant - Let's support each other

Posted by lmctif @lmctif, Oct 29, 2018

What topics do people who are waiting for a liver transplant want to talk about? Who has had a liver transplant and wants to talk about?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.

Powerful stuff coming from you to someone who desperately needs it.
Keep good thoughts in ypur minds. HIGS TO YOU BOTH!


@fyrehoose Hi Michael and welcome to Connect.
Congratulations on your transplant. I had a liver transplant in September 2016 in Boston.
I’m sorry to hear you’re suffering from depression. Can you identify what may be causing it at all? As Rosemary commented, perhaps medications could cause it. I did not have depression but medications can affect each person differently. I do often feel sadness that a family is grieving, but I cannot change that, I can only pray for them. The article in the link that Rosemary sent is very good. I just re-read it to refresh my mind. I hope you can find some worthwhile strategies in it.
If your depression continues you should seek some help. I know many people find great success in counseling.
I will be thinking of you, and hoping that you will feel better soon.

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Realizing you are depressed is half the battle
Understanding what makes you depressed is the puzzle.
My problem is I have so many things to be depressed about...Im overwhelmed. So since I cant figure it out...I let it all go and focus on one little thing I can do to make someone feel happy each day. Every night I think about that one thing I did.
It helps me...
When that doesnt work...get on this Connect line..we are here for each other.


Liver n other organ caused gall stones which said no problem now had tests here's n said it wasn't fluid to drain but bowel blocked
Have try organ surgery in am
5 days fluids only got eat jello n some beef tips nnrice
On antibiotics n diuretic
Cold in here but have sweats n blankets
I try move but bed rest too


Liver n other organ caused gall stones which said no problem now had tests here's n said it wasn't fluid to drain but bowel blocked
Have try organ surgery in am
5 days fluids only got eat jello n some beef tips nnrice
On antibiotics n diuretic
Cold in here but have sweats n blankets
I try move but bed rest too

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Jim, I am sorry to hear about this. I am happy that you are getting some treatment, though. It's not very pleasant sounding, but it does sound like you are getting some good care. I remember liquid diets, and they are not any fun - even when you probably don't feel like eating anything. I hope you get some rest tonight and that the belly pain is getting better. I send my hopes and a prayer that your surgery goes well and that you will soon be in recovery.


Liver n other organ caused gall stones which said no problem now had tests here's n said it wasn't fluid to drain but bowel blocked
Have try organ surgery in am
5 days fluids only got eat jello n some beef tips nnrice
On antibiotics n diuretic
Cold in here but have sweats n blankets
I try move but bed rest too

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@banzai I’m glad you are getting some care for your swollen and painful belly. You mention surgery. I presume that is gallbladder surgery. I’m sure all will go well and you will be feeling much better in a couple of days. Let us know how it goes.


@fyrehoose Hello Michael. I had my liver transplant Nov 28 2018. I also am experiencing depression and anxiety. I believe most of it stems from all the complications I am experiencing post transplant. Ive had surgery twice and three procedures that have not worked leading me to severe pancreatitis and more time in the hospital than out. I keep hoping this will be over soon and I can start living again. Please talk to your doctors. They are there to help. Also support grom thus great Mayo Connect team will help keep you motivated. My thoughts are with you.

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Hello, Gaylea. You remain in my thoughts as I hope for your condition to improve and lead you to a comfortable state of recovery. Stay warm and get some good rest.
When you feel up to it, send us an update.


Update on my itchy rash
After consulting my PCP and 2 dermatologists the conclusion is ecxema. It is just starting to phase out and I am hoping it continues that way. I have a collection of medications creams shampoos etc and truly none of them gave me much relief. I also have had asthma flare ups and I understand this goes along with eczema and liver disease. Does anyone have more info on how this all works and if they have any advice.

Also...the State of FL is working very hard with our Congressmen and our new Governor DeSantis to fix the environmental disaster with our waterways and Gulf. The red tide, microcystins and blue green algae have put a major dent in our tourism. We now know for sure that the microcystins are very harmful to the liver and that the airborne particles are far more prevalent than first discovered. We are now paying attention...much too late. The rest of the country is comparing notes with their waterways and hopefully we can all get the information we need to be aware of what is a very serious danger to us all...especially those of us with liver disease.

Hoping all of you had a great Valenine's Day!

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Are you getting some relief from the itching? I really hope that you are. You deserve it after all the suffering you have gone through.

I have heard similar things about how many these different conditions can be related to liver disease. But as of the moment, I have not located anything factual to share with you. I'll keep looking. Maybe someone else has a resource connects eczema/asthma/liver disease to share with you.

Not being in Florida, I had forgotten about the algae problem that you are experiencing. I hope that with different agencies working together that something can be done about it, or at least the knowledge of what kind of health problems are involved by breathing it.

Liver-wise, how are you getting along?


Are you getting some relief from the itching? I really hope that you are. You deserve it after all the suffering you have gone through.

I have heard similar things about how many these different conditions can be related to liver disease. But as of the moment, I have not located anything factual to share with you. I'll keep looking. Maybe someone else has a resource connects eczema/asthma/liver disease to share with you.

Not being in Florida, I had forgotten about the algae problem that you are experiencing. I hope that with different agencies working together that something can be done about it, or at least the knowledge of what kind of health problems are involved by breathing it.

Liver-wise, how are you getting along?

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Not good going sleep


Not good going sleep

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I pray that tomorrow is better.


I've been looking all over the place for a Mayo only related support group. Finally stumbled across this one this morning. I've had my liver disease for five years, first listed at UCLA then for the past 2 1/2 years listed at the Mayo Phoenix Clinic. I'm still on the waiting list in MELD purgatory. Just wanted to say Hi

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@calikellyw hello and welcome. I am a new transplant recipient (Nov 28 2018).
I felt I was stuck in the MELD purgatory at one point myself. My MELD was 30 for a long time. I did get my liver at 17 months on the wait list. If you don't mind me asking what is your current MELD score?
You will find this group informative and very supportive. Sharing their experiences helped me through many difficult times. I wish you a speedy journey.

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