Liver transplant - Let's support each other
What topics do people who are waiting for a liver transplant want to talk about? Who has had a liver transplant and wants to talk about?
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Hi, @vandi.
I am a patient, and was referred to Mayo Clinic by my local transplant team after I had complications that needed specialists at Mayo. However, a patient can contact Mayo Clinic directly to inquire about an appointment as @mkjogan has replied. Or - the patient's doctor can make a referral.
Here is the contact information for the liver transplant department at Mayo. (Arizona, Florida, Minnesota) Mayo Clinic transplant staff can answer your questions.
@vandi, Is your brother currently under the care of a liver specialist? Have you spoken with him about referral to either Mayo or a regional transplant center near you?
@gammie8, I hope you and your husband are doing well and that you have had some good news regarding transplant. I had my transplant this year, at 73. I was diagnosed with PBC in 2016, and worked full time up until last year. For the past year or so prior to transplant, I was quite tired every day, it felt like I was dragging a giant weight around. My boss who is a wonderful person allowed me to work at home when I needed to. The hepatologist I was seeing referred me to Mayo because her health system will not transplant after age 69 (which she doesn't agree with, but ...). This turned out so well for us! Though we had to travel to Phoenix (and still do, for checkups), it was worth it. I love my Mayo team, they are such a caring and highly skilled team, and I owe my life to them. I wish for the best for both of you!
Hi, @susanrmnp. Congratulations on getting your transplant this year! I'm so glad that you were referred to Mayo and was able to get past the age barrier that the original facility had. When patients are denied a transplant at one facility (especially when it comes to age limits on transplants), it's always good to check out other facilities, as different facilities have different guidelines. Wishing you all the best...enjoy your "new life!" 💕
I had my first meeting with Mayo Scottsdale on Wednesday, and was absolutely delighted with the experience. I expected just a conversation then to be scheduled for testing moving forward - but they started taking blood, x-rays, etc. immediately. What a delight after waiting four months to be seen. Friendly, efficient, knowledgeable caring - applies to the many people I saw on Wednesday.
The above being said, I have been scheduled for a few other tests and an appointment with a psychiatrist before a determination is made whether to put me through the transplant evaluation process or not. So I guess this is a pre-evaluation evaluation! My question is this: My Dr wanted me to meet with the psychiatrist as soon as possible, so they can determine if I’m likely to relapse, and to get me in some sort of alcoholics’ support group (8 mos without a drink). Can anyone share what type of groups or treatment is done for this? My Dr mentioned AA, but are there other possibilities? I appreciate anyone sharing what they have experienced or know.
I went through an in patient program prior to being seen at mayo in Rochester. I we straight to in patientfrom the hospital. I was admitted after a routine dr appt. I was already in AA be going to mayo. After meeting with The mayo team , psychiatry and the CD counselor, I was given a sheet to turn in which verified attendance. The asked f one meeting weekly. Through the appoi I continued with blood work checking sobriety and drug as well as meeting with a chemical dependency social worker as part of my annual evaluations. They are there to assure you qualify for transplant as well as provide support for patients to have success with the program. Grab all the support you can!
Good morning from Canada
I had a liver transplant in October of 2020. My transplant was done through the Vancouver General Hospital. I too had a pre evaluation evaluation. I think it's part of the process to make sure you are ready for all the challenges ahead of you. God bless you on your journey and most of all STAY STRONG 🇨🇦🍁
Thank you @footballmum! I’m feeling strong and confident, but know more and more questions will arise. I know the Spirit is shining down upon me, and it sounds like on you too! Congratulations on your successful journey so far!
Hugs from across the border
@kmlowe, I'm so happy to read that you are off to a great start! I also went thur a pre evaluation during my initial appointment at my transplant center in Kentucky. I was expecting a consultation to learn if they would accept me as a patient, however, I, too, had a preevaluation evaluation which culminated with a meeting with the liver transplant surgeon who delivered the news that I would need a liver transplant. Evaluation and listing on UNOS followed along with a referral and transfer to Mayo MN where I succesfully received a liver and kidney transplant in 2009.
I'm also sending hugs and hope as you begin your journey. We are all here to walk with you and to answer any questions.
Rosemary @rosemaryabraham
Thank you for your support - I see many of your comments and the clarity and comfort you give to others by sharing your story. You’re an inspiration - someone I’m trying to emulate, but haven’t done as well as I can.