Lingering dry nasal passageways

Posted by amwiz41891 @amwiz41891, Mar 12, 2022

Hello, at about two weeks into Covid and now still at 11 weeks, I’ve had no moisture/mucous in my nose. If I get anything out, it’s stringy white and opaque. I’ve had other post Covid issues that come and go…from lip tingling, Covid tongue, dry mouth, loss of smell and taste, regained but not 100%. Going to a third ENT and a long haul Covid clinic in the coming weeks. Thanks

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How are you now? Hope you see this.


Yea I have tried everything nothing really works, saline spray works for about 2 minutes then drys right back out , it’s quite awful

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I have a very dry nose and a pharmacist recommended a product called Secaris, it’s a lubricating moisture gel that comes in a tube…I apply it inside the nostrils with a cotton swab, very long lasting relief, hopefully it will help you with at least one problem, good luck.


I see I am not alone. I got Covid in early Dec of 2023. Extremely healthy prior - not even a cold for about 15-20 years. I am 52 years old. Within 2 days of covid, right ear was 100% blocked. Turned into ear infection and I was put on 7 days of Amoxicillin which helped with the pressure but not the blocking. 2 wks later pain was back and I was put on 7 days of Cipro. Cipro really helped and it took some time (total of 2 months) but my ear cleared. I found that eustachian tube messages were very helpful. You can find these on Youtube - I found the lymph drainage with Heather to be the most beneficial. I hope this helps some of you dealing with a blocked ear - it's extremely unpleasant.

Unfortunately, while my ear was getting better, my nose became extremely dry and inflamed restricting my breathing. I saw an ENT who put me on Mupricin cream 2x/day. This does help a lot with the crusting and dry blood and some of the dryness feeling but I still have thick white rubbery mucus that I have to clean out with a Qtip daily. I have tried to reduce the frequency that I use the cream but every time I do it, I regret it because my original symptoms come back (*for about 4 weeks straight though when I first started the cream, I had no breathing issues). I am currently dealing with inflammation, congestion and dryness but the inflammation and congestion come and go during the day. Haven't figured out the trigger yet. I am seeing an allergist in a couple weeks. I do use a humidifier and try to get the Humidity to 45. I also do Neti Pots if my nose is extremely blocked. It gives me temporary relief.

The last symptom I have is with my mouth - extreme drymouth and my tongue is pretty white. Thought it was thrush but culture came back negative and I was put on 3 antifungals which really didn't help. I still feel that maybe COVID caused some type of fungus infection but doctors keep disregarding it.

My GP has tested my bloodwork including autoimmune testing. I thought maybe I had Sjogren's syndrome but all my blood levels look good.

If anyone has any success with their nose or dry mouth - please please post. Good luck to everyone.

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