Limiting internet use for sister with dementia

Posted by ml318 @ml318, Mar 5 10:50am

Hello eneryone,
This is my first post and I thank you in advance for any advise you can give me now and in the future.
My sister has the beginnings of dementia and is in assisted living. I am her POA and control all her affairs. She currently has an ipad and cell phone. She is starting to call people and send texts at all hours of the night. Also, she has some memory loss and as a result sends multiple or inappropriate emails to others. I want her to be able to enjoy her phone and Ipad, but don't want these interfering behaviors to continue. So in lieu of taking them both away, here are my questions:

1. Is there a way for me to turn her phone off at 9:30 pm and turn back on at 8 am? Or an app where I can remotely do this?
2. Is there a way for all her outgoing emails to automatically come to me first to review or delete, before going out?
Thank you!
ML 318

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@ml318 Welcome to Mayo Connect. This is a n unusual and interesting question. I will preface my reply - definitely not an iPad person here. But in the Android and PC world, there are a lot of apps and programs available, usually termed as "parental controls" for limiting hours of use. There are also email programs which require "approval" before sending a message into the ether.
Can you look into some of those?


@ml318 Welcome to Mayo Connect. This is a n unusual and interesting question. I will preface my reply - definitely not an iPad person here. But in the Android and PC world, there are a lot of apps and programs available, usually termed as "parental controls" for limiting hours of use. There are also email programs which require "approval" before sending a message into the ether.
Can you look into some of those?

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Hello@ML318, I clicked “Reply” to Sue, Volunteer Member as there did not appear to be a way to Reply to you.

I am NOT a tech person at all, but I do know with an iPhone you can turn on “Do Not Disturb”. I have mine set to DND between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m. There is also a way to set it so certain people can reach you. (Family or whatever). I do not know if there is a way to do this for OUTgoing calls or messages. I hope you get help from someone far smarter than I! Best wishes…


I wouldn’t worry about it. The people she is writing to and calling can choose to not answer the call, put their phones on nighttime “do not disturb”, or block her number, then call her themselves at their convenience to chat. They can delete the e-mails without reading them.
The people who know her know that she is in assistive living, I’m sure the recipients have figured out there are cognitive issues too. Most people will be kind and ignore any inappropriateness. Those who don’t can be politely cued in. Those who won’t leave it alone can be ignored.
The facility will handle any really inappropriate calls (like 911).


Thank you to both of you for responding. I will continue to search. So far, I looked into Family Link but when setting it up, it wouldn't send me the notification code. 😔 This is an app to remotely turn off her phone. I'll keep you posted. I appreciate your responses to me.


Have you contacted the cell provider to put parental control on her phone. And perhaps if you go on Apple website they will provide you with steps to put parental controls on her iPad

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