
Posted by manojuan619 @manojuan619, Sep 19, 2023

Anyone on Lexapro? Do you like it? Does it work? How do you feel?

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My suggestion would be to take it slowly and don't do anything until you are settled after your move. Moving is stressful and anxiety producing. I can't recall the dosage I was taking when I stopped as it was 2003-2005. I just know that I was feeling like I could stop taking it, and I didn't like the emotional blunting and loss of inhibition as well as weight gain. I went on a weekend trip and forgot to take my medication with me. I felt fine, so when I got home, I just didn't take it again. That was a hard few days of flu-like symptoms, vertigo, and chills. After that I was raging - actually yelled at a police officer who pulled me over for speeding (like 40 in a 30 or something). I threw the pen at him when he handed me the papers to sign. I'm surprised he didn't haul me off to jail. I felt so badly about it when I came to my senses. I was irritable for a while but that was about it. The depression didn't return for several years. I tried Prozac for 18 months and later Pristiq for about 2 years. Both times I weaned off slowly. I've been off antidepressants since 2012, and for that I am grateful. I would never suggest going off any antidepressant cold turkey. Side effects can be kept minimal if done slowly. A doctor should guide the process.

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I am relieved you mentioned the side effects of getting off of it cold turkey of rage. I do not remember the other side effects, but I do remember until the last minute not wanting to allow another vehicle to get in front of me from an ending lane that was ending on an onramp. At the last minute, I am glad that something kicked in to finally comply. I resumed Lexapro and gradually weaned off it from 10mg to 5mg to up my dosage of Welbutrin XL instead.


I started taking 10 mg Lexapro daily in May this year to treat anxiety. Initially I felt better, so much so that at our first month consultation my physician recommended that I continue for one year.
Then, last month I started having more or less continuous headaches and lightheadedness. Reviewing Lexapro’s side effects, I found out that it can lower sodium levels in the blood, because of its effects on kidneys, and low sodium in the blood can cause headaches and lightheadedness.
I went back to the results of blood analyses done yearly for my annual check ups, and found out that my sodium levels had been pretty consistently at 139 mmoles/L.
In a blood analysis done on June of this year, one month after starting with Lexapro, my blood sodium level was 135 mmoles/L, just outside the normal range, which is 136-144 mmoles/L.
My physician didn’t think that it was low enough to cause my symptoms, but agreed to have my blood tested. The results showed that my blood sodium levels had already gone down to 131 mmoles/L. He immediately told me to wean off Lexapro, which I’ve successfully done over the course of three weeks.
That was my experience with Lexapro.


I forgot to add that the headaches and lightheadedness disappeared


I forgot to add that the headaches and lightheadedness disappeared

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Think that the results of what physicians give us are based on their encounters with other patients, and what they have read, and therefore, every now and then they run across someone like you and others who do not fit the mold. As a result, you become the example who does not follow what is thought to be normal in terms of a patient with a symptom formally unknown. Good for you. I also had abnormal reactions to both Lexapro and Wellbutrin XL which I had been taking off and on for years. Lexapro was the hardest in terms of no longer taking since it had side effects when I stopped taking it. I resumed taking it long enough to wean off of it gradually and strongly recommend to those trying to cease taking Lexapro to consider with the advice of their physician and research to do the same.


It works for me at 15mg. 22 yr old male about 220 lbs 5' 11". 20 mg had me have some memory loss and sever fatigue. 10mg left me with suicidal ideation and so I went up to 15. 15 is my sweet spot, not the most amazing memory but I can function. I have MDD and GAD. I definitely gained weight since starting Lexapro a year and a half ago, I sweat a lot more now. On 10mg it isn't enough for me and I feel like I'm floating and disconnected again. Like life isn't real and I'm in a simulation and I feel discoordinated with my body.


Could not imagine also trying to go cold turkey the side effects could be so harmful. For me it was rage and I was only on 10mg. Anger and rage. I returned briefly to take it but in doing a little more research, I took the time to cut the pill in half, and for about one or two weeks, I only took half which is 5mg. I then was able to ween off Lexapro. I knew that I needed something to supplement my 150mg of Wellbutrin XL because it had after several years I can not recall how many, losing its effect on my anxiety and chronic depression. I shared this with my primary physician, she decided to increase my dosage of Wellbutrin XL to 300mg. After sharing with her my concerns about diminished creativity and loss of sensuality, I felt it was the Lexapro that was the cause. She said that there was a success with the increase of Wellbutrin XL and thus the increase to 300mg. For now, it is working much of the time. I do have times when I still feel depression, and still feel episodes of anxiety. However, I have found that I resumed my writing creatively. With some visual assistance, I have resumed being able to feel my sexuality so for me the pros outweigh the cons for now.

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I’m still debating whether to start on Lexapro. I just realized that sexual sexual side effects are inherent with all SSRIs. Man, that’s a biggie for me. If just a small percentage repirt this problem, I wonder it seems to be so prevalent. Oh well…..I’ve talked to my therapist about it and now to talk to my primary.


I’m still debating whether to start on Lexapro. I just realized that sexual sexual side effects are inherent with all SSRIs. Man, that’s a biggie for me. If just a small percentage repirt this problem, I wonder it seems to be so prevalent. Oh well…..I’ve talked to my therapist about it and now to talk to my primary.

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Yes, there is a definite side effect of losing sexual interest. I did not know it while I was on over the years several of them. Some (anti-depressants) have more of an effect than others. I will say that I have been on Welbutrin XL and Lexapro and there were the sexual side effects, disinterest, no shall we say passion or intensity. Along with the side effects of seizures with an increase in Welbutrin XL, I managed to stop taking Welbutrin XL and weaned off Lexapro. We each have to weigh what is important to us, our mental wellness if the anti-depressant works, or our sexual effectiveness for our emotional and physical well-being.


Yes, there is a definite side effect of losing sexual interest. I did not know it while I was on over the years several of them. Some (anti-depressants) have more of an effect than others. I will say that I have been on Welbutrin XL and Lexapro and there were the sexual side effects, disinterest, no shall we say passion or intensity. Along with the side effects of seizures with an increase in Welbutrin XL, I managed to stop taking Welbutrin XL and weaned off Lexapro. We each have to weigh what is important to us, our mental wellness if the anti-depressant works, or our sexual effectiveness for our emotional and physical well-being.

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Oh my….this is tough. I was just preparing to enjoy new found passion after major weight loss and physical fitness journey. Then, to have it ripped out of my grasp….omg. Seems unfair. Still, I’m really struggling with physical ailments that MAY be due to anxiety. I’m doing well with talk therapy. Some symptoms have already abated….so, if I pour on yoga and home meditation….maybe I can avoid the meds…at least until New Year. I better act fast. Lol.


I have been on 20 mg, lexapro/citalapram for 15 years for depression, it works. Weight gain is possible, but feeling like you can cope is worth it. Now with a grip on my depression causes, I’m going off, warning, it is not easy. I’m tapering 50% increments over 6 weeks, even with that process the withdrawal symptoms are difficult.

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Does this med cause weight gain by some chemical process or does the med make you feel better, so your appetite increases? Just wondering if I can continue with my tight diet and exercise, I can nit gain weight. I’m actually losing weight and have some more to go.

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