Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.

In 2020, I began walking. I think I did this for Health and mental health! I was walking 6-7 miles with ease. Now, I can only do 3-4 miles. I still love my walks. I love being outside with all of the greens and blues. So calming!

I love being in the fresh air. I love seeing other walkers, too.

My walks have become so important to me.


In 2020, I began walking. I think I did this for Health and mental health! I was walking 6-7 miles with ease. Now, I can only do 3-4 miles. I still love my walks. I love being outside with all of the greens and blues. So calming!

I love being in the fresh air. I love seeing other walkers, too.

My walks have become so important to me.

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@cindysummit Welcome to our walking group. You certainly outdo all of us! You were walking 6-7 miles a day!!?? And now you only do 3-4 ?? Wow, you are to be congratulated! Maybe you can encourage and motivate all of us.
What was your motivation to start your walking program?
I’m visiting with friends in the Rocky Mountains. Today we decided to go for a walk. We didn’t climb any mountains, but there were some ups and downs. We did 2 miles which is great for me. I’m still trying to get my autoimmune disease under control. I’m glad the group has started again!


Hi Becky. Thanks for starting this group. I went through treatment for anal cancer in Oct 2013. And in the past 5 years, walking has grown more difficult for me. I love to walk and my lungs and heart are in great shape. But the nerve damage to my spine has made it hard for me to even walk in the stores. But I am in PT now and I've changed my diet. I am now eating non-dairy and plant based foods. I'm doing this to help rid my body of inflammation and to lower my cholesterol and to maintain health and wellness. I am not Vegan or any of those other labels. But I am a body advocate: my body. I'm taking 600 mg R-ALA, and I use a 5% lidocaine transdermal patch once in a while. Orally, I take daily, 6 Tylenol 8 hour pills for pain. And I use Stopain roll on gels, copper belts for my calves, knee, and lumbar sacral spine. A combination of all these help me endure life.

I can't walk the distances I use to. But I'm better today than I was in February of this year. My goal is to be able to walk a mile again. PT is helping me a lot with the hip joint aches. So I feel like I'm on the road to improving my exercise regimen.

Waves to everybody at this group and may we all obtain our ability to walk more freely and enjoy it. Hugs for happiness. CB

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@cb3 Welcome to our walking group. We don’t monitor distances or anything like that. We just want everyone walk inside or outside or in a pool or wherever works for you. I’m going to ask some members, who were here at the beginning, to rejoin us and tell you how it’s been. @lioness @gingerw @starko
Be sure to connect with anyone in the group you’d like! What exercise will you do now that you’ve joined?


@cb3 Welcome to our walking group. We don’t monitor distances or anything like that. We just want everyone walk inside or outside or in a pool or wherever works for you. I’m going to ask some members, who were here at the beginning, to rejoin us and tell you how it’s been. @lioness @gingerw @starko
Be sure to connect with anyone in the group you’d like! What exercise will you do now that you’ve joined?

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@becsbuddy @cb3 Yeah! Another recruit to our group! I still try to get out to walk, but it is difficult on some days. My walking sticks help keep me balanced. This time of year, we are gearing up for fire season, and walking helps me take an "up close and personal" look at the neighborhood.

Like many others, getting out in to fresh air is so helpful. It renews my spirit, and gives appreciation for everything.


In 2020, I began walking. I think I did this for Health and mental health! I was walking 6-7 miles with ease. Now, I can only do 3-4 miles. I still love my walks. I love being outside with all of the greens and blues. So calming!

I love being in the fresh air. I love seeing other walkers, too.

My walks have become so important to me.

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I love to walk, but at this time of the year, my yard and gardens call me - loudly so planting and weeding and moving and...often take over.
Last evening I realized I had recorded 4 miles in my 1/3 acre yard - without ever heading out on a walk. By that time, I was ready for the showers!


@becsbuddy @cb3 Yeah! Another recruit to our group! I still try to get out to walk, but it is difficult on some days. My walking sticks help keep me balanced. This time of year, we are gearing up for fire season, and walking helps me take an "up close and personal" look at the neighborhood.

Like many others, getting out in to fresh air is so helpful. It renews my spirit, and gives appreciation for everything.

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I’ll join! I walk my dog most days, minimum one mile. He’s a little guy and I’m lucky to be in a rural area ( for 2 years), with a walkable road, little traffic. We have 6 acres but I only walk that a bit except in Fall. Also I lead nature walks for about 23 years at a State nature preserve. ( was a mile from my home but now is a 20 mile drive one way). I’ve cut back on the tours because of the driving distance. But one a month I lead a Senior Stroll limited to people over 50. Have one tomorrow and Saturday will be leading another tour. We walk for about an hour and I talk about what we see in the woods. There are parks near my home now but some do not allow dogs, so I’m hesitant to walk alone now that I’m nearly 77. Movement helps with my osteoarthritis but sometimes I have to skip a day of walking. I used to do x-country skiing and snowshoeing but it’s difficult now.


I love to walk, but at this time of the year, my yard and gardens call me - loudly so planting and weeding and moving and...often take over.
Last evening I realized I had recorded 4 miles in my 1/3 acre yard - without ever heading out on a walk. By that time, I was ready for the showers!

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Gardening in special. I am just not good at it!!

Attached a path I walk every so often.

Walking is so peaceful. ❤️🚶‍♀️


Gardening in special. I am just not good at it!!

Attached a path I walk every so often.

Walking is so peaceful. ❤️🚶‍♀️

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Aah, that looks like one of my favorite paths near my home!


Hi @angelcats, welcome to the virtual walking group. I hope you saw @gingerw's explanation of how it works.

In brief, get walking at your pace and enjoyment, and share your success by posting about your walk here. You can share things like where you walked, what you saw or how far you went. If you need some motivation by following a schedule, click this link.

– Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

To get to know your fellow walkers, read through the past comments. When you return from your walk, post a comment and tell us how you did. I usually walk first thing in the morning. Rain prevented me this morning, but it has stopped now so I better get out there.

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Hello Colleen. I have thought about starting a virtual exercise group, as you suggested a few days ago. But I'm not sure I could be there daily to recruit people and offer suggestions that fit the needs of the entire group. Right now (today) I don't know if I am able to commit 100%. But I haven't given up on the idea because I like group-sync. I like the energy you find in groups where members encourage each other to try and also to offer help. We are all teachers. We are all students.

Re: walking. There are so many levels to it.
#1. You can't walk unless you stand. Right? (Now let's take walking machines out of the equation). Let's walk with safety in mind. You can stand and hang onto a counter or door and walk in place. Or you can stand and bend and turn while walking about your space doing housework. You don't have to go outside for a walk or get on a treadmill to call it walking. You can begin walking exercises in the safety and comfort of your own dwellings. And that's what I did yesterday.

#2. Housework is exercise.
Yesterday I finally! cleaned out my refrigerator and I mopped the kitchen floor. I was on my feet several hours cleaning and organising the pantry and cupboards. I threw out bottles of expired what-evers in the frig'. I was on a roll. And I consider that a form of walking.

Now for me to take part in that activity, was like a miracle because I generally hurt on and off throughout the day and get little done. And for me to achieve the results from the walking and standing exercises I did yesterday, and not ache today, is worth publishing in the local newspaper. No kidding. I-feel-proud!

So today, my food-for-thought is: Stand and Do It! Allow your positive self-talk to guide you.
Hugs for happiness. CB


I’ll join! I walk my dog most days, minimum one mile. He’s a little guy and I’m lucky to be in a rural area ( for 2 years), with a walkable road, little traffic. We have 6 acres but I only walk that a bit except in Fall. Also I lead nature walks for about 23 years at a State nature preserve. ( was a mile from my home but now is a 20 mile drive one way). I’ve cut back on the tours because of the driving distance. But one a month I lead a Senior Stroll limited to people over 50. Have one tomorrow and Saturday will be leading another tour. We walk for about an hour and I talk about what we see in the woods. There are parks near my home now but some do not allow dogs, so I’m hesitant to walk alone now that I’m nearly 77. Movement helps with my osteoarthritis but sometimes I have to skip a day of walking. I used to do x-country skiing and snowshoeing but it’s difficult now.

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@mydogsbestfriend Welcome! Maybe you and @cindysummit should join forces! You both out-walk all of us! Maybe just report in once a week to let us know how you’re doing. My report is pretty positive since I’m at 8300 ft elevation. We’re with friends in Grand Lake, CO and she and I did 2.3 miles both days! And the elevation didn’t even bother me. We had a great walk and luckily the storm held off!

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