Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


@sueinmn Thanks for the good wishes, Sue. This is one of my "bad" days, as it turns out. (Worse gut symptoms, more dizzy than usual, having to sit down every 5 minutes, etc.)
Murphy's Law! Hopefully, I'll improve before my appointment time at 3:30. I'm determined!

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Wishing you luck! I understand about bad days and good. I'm just getting over 3 "off" days (I think I did too much last week and my body rebelled!) So now I'm listening, and when it says "Sit" or "Quit" I do it.


Wishing you luck! I understand about bad days and good. I'm just getting over 3 "off" days (I think I did too much last week and my body rebelled!) So now I'm listening, and when it says "Sit" or "Quit" I do it.

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@sueinmn It's a hard lesson to learn, Sue. Will we never learn? Lol.


@loribmt, @ess77, @sueinmn, @jakedduck1, and all you walkers - I abandoned my wheelchair on Monday and have switched tentatively to my walker once more! Yaay! Just baby steps, down to the main floor dining room, etc, but today will be a bit of a challenge. I finally have an emergency cancellation appointment at my dentist's, to FINALLY make adjustments to my new ill-fitting $700 mouth guard, made for me some three months ago. I haven't been able to get there due to the hospitalizations and illnesses of late. I'm a little scared to make the journey. It's just across the street, but quite an Olympic sort of feat for me right now. Gotta do it though, since my OLP is still severe and the mouth guard might help considerably to keep my teeth isolated from my painful tongue! Lol

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Oh Laurie! I wish you the best of luck today, dear! Considering all you’ve gone through recently, ditching the wheelchair and heading out beyond your building and crossing the street is a huge adventure. Please be careful. Is there no one who could walk with you??
It’s my travel day home to the city and away from the lake. So my online time is spotty. Will catch up with you later. Huge hug…and imagine the lot of your friends here all bolstering you up with supper while walking. 😘. Lori


Oh Laurie! I wish you the best of luck today, dear! Considering all you’ve gone through recently, ditching the wheelchair and heading out beyond your building and crossing the street is a huge adventure. Please be careful. Is there no one who could walk with you??
It’s my travel day home to the city and away from the lake. So my online time is spotty. Will catch up with you later. Huge hug…and imagine the lot of your friends here all bolstering you up with supper while walking. 😘. Lori

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@loribmt Thankyou, Lori, for your message of encouragement 😊.
Yes, over lunchtime, my wonderful table mate offered to walk over to the dentist's with me, (both with our trusty walkers), wait for me, and walk back home with me, sacrificing the possibility for both of us missing dinner! The dining staff have promised to send our meals to our rooms later, if we're running late. Whew. I'm feeling very relieved to have a friend nearby, who's actually adamant to lend a hand. Not feeling too strong today...one of those bad dizzy days. We'll have our own little Walker Parade. Lol.
All's well that ends well.
I'll be thinking of you today, too, as you leave your beloved lake for a trip to the hectic city. Take care. Hugs, Laur


@loribmt Thankyou, Lori, for your message of encouragement 😊.
Yes, over lunchtime, my wonderful table mate offered to walk over to the dentist's with me, (both with our trusty walkers), wait for me, and walk back home with me, sacrificing the possibility for both of us missing dinner! The dining staff have promised to send our meals to our rooms later, if we're running late. Whew. I'm feeling very relieved to have a friend nearby, who's actually adamant to lend a hand. Not feeling too strong today...one of those bad dizzy days. We'll have our own little Walker Parade. Lol.
All's well that ends well.
I'll be thinking of you today, too, as you leave your beloved lake for a trip to the hectic city. Take care. Hugs, Laur

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We’ve arrived home safe and sound. You do the same!! I’m thrilled to hear you have a trusty friend going with you! This is a huge relief as honestly, it’s difficult when we become like family and our members are so far away…we can’t personally help!!

I’m giggling at the mental view of the walker parade!! Love it! Cars have no other option than to stop for you!! Strut your stuff, ladies! 😘

Joking aside, I do hope this isn’t too laborious of an effort for you and that you can get the bite plate to fit properly. They do need adjustment from time to time. (Dental Assistant, Lori speaking).

Bless your dining staff for catering to your needs! Wishing you well! Lori


We’ve arrived home safe and sound. You do the same!! I’m thrilled to hear you have a trusty friend going with you! This is a huge relief as honestly, it’s difficult when we become like family and our members are so far away…we can’t personally help!!

I’m giggling at the mental view of the walker parade!! Love it! Cars have no other option than to stop for you!! Strut your stuff, ladies! 😘

Joking aside, I do hope this isn’t too laborious of an effort for you and that you can get the bite plate to fit properly. They do need adjustment from time to time. (Dental Assistant, Lori speaking).

Bless your dining staff for catering to your needs! Wishing you well! Lori

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@loribmt Hey there, revered dental assistant. My new $700 bite plate has been ill-fitting from the start and I've been unable to make use of it. (I forgive them. Lol)
Hopefully they can remedy the situation.
Big across-the-street-adventure coming up! Stay tuned...


@loribmt Hey there, revered dental assistant. My new $700 bite plate has been ill-fitting from the start and I've been unable to make use of it. (I forgive them. Lol)
Hopefully they can remedy the situation.
Big across-the-street-adventure coming up! Stay tuned...

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Would be fun to document your epic journey with a drone! Giggle. Good luck! And geesh, that’s sad the bite plate didn’t fit from the start! Don’t be intimidated and don’t hesitate if it still doesn’t feel right to tell the dentist so!


Would be fun to document your epic journey with a drone! Giggle. Good luck! And geesh, that’s sad the bite plate didn’t fit from the start! Don’t be intimidated and don’t hesitate if it still doesn’t feel right to tell the dentist so!

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@loribmt I was actually watching for that USA drone to appear! After all, it's not every day you can witness a Walker Parade. Even the Dental Assistant wanted to join us on our return trip!! 🤣
And my dentist invited me to try the appliance for a bit and return to her office if need be, for more paring down. Thankyou for your advice in that regard, Lori. If I need to return, I'm pretty confident I can go it alone, although I was more than happy to have my friend with me for my maiden voyage today.
I'm happy you're back at the lake, safe and sound! Hugs.


@loribmt Thankyou, Lori, for your message of encouragement 😊.
Yes, over lunchtime, my wonderful table mate offered to walk over to the dentist's with me, (both with our trusty walkers), wait for me, and walk back home with me, sacrificing the possibility for both of us missing dinner! The dining staff have promised to send our meals to our rooms later, if we're running late. Whew. I'm feeling very relieved to have a friend nearby, who's actually adamant to lend a hand. Not feeling too strong today...one of those bad dizzy days. We'll have our own little Walker Parade. Lol.
All's well that ends well.
I'll be thinking of you today, too, as you leave your beloved lake for a trip to the hectic city. Take care. Hugs, Laur

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I'm laughing as I envision the "walker parade". My Mom lived several years in an assisted living apartment building with several long-time friends, everyone relied on a walker, cane or powered scooter for getting around. It was a sight to behold when they all decided to stroll around the block together to visit my daughters who lived nearby, and see their gardens and the then 50 lb tortoise.


I'm laughing as I envision the "walker parade". My Mom lived several years in an assisted living apartment building with several long-time friends, everyone relied on a walker, cane or powered scooter for getting around. It was a sight to behold when they all decided to stroll around the block together to visit my daughters who lived nearby, and see their gardens and the then 50 lb tortoise.

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@sueinmn 😄 Yep, that's us Sue - walkers, canes, scooters, and you forgot - wheelchairs! We've got lots of those transportation aids here as well. I can just see your Mom walking along the crowded sidewalk with all her mates! It was funny enough today with just the two of us. But we did manage to stop traffic so we could cross the street. 😉

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