Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


How wonderful to have your daughter home again! During Covid, I managed to get more walking in by talking with my usual walking companions by phone while we walked in our own towns. Is there any way you can safely do this with your daughter, even once or twice a week?
Have you seen or tried the zipper compression hose? I think several people on Connect have mentioned them.

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I talk with my daughter daily and when she is not here I prefer to enjoy the pure outdoors. I am not one who likes carrying a phone or even use ear phones.
Our walks were full of rich conversation, which continued into breakfast that followed our walks. Treasured times for sure.

I haven’t tried the zipper compression, however will look into them. Thanks for the idea.

A cool 60 some degrees here today, so I enjoyed a long walk and two horses grazing in a pasture. I always find it pleasing, that eventhough I live in the city, the horses, llamas and chickens are allowed their space within it too.
Now that I said that, I hope that the city doesn’t find a way to remove them. I have named the horses, Apple sauce and Apple cider because they are near an orchard of apple trees where I pick apples in the fall.


Can you "sneak" into the Silver Sneakers program or another comparable one through your health insurer

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Idk but I can ask…. Thx for the suggestion❤️


Idk but I can ask…. Thx for the suggestion❤️

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Well, we did get a nice walk in today before the temps soared! Now I’m hoping to go to the pool (if there are no kids!) to do some exercises with weights. I’m working on a new me. Becky


Well, we did get a nice walk in today before the temps soared! Now I’m hoping to go to the pool (if there are no kids!) to do some exercises with weights. I’m working on a new me. Becky

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Becky, after suffering with all the crazy heat the past few weeks, yesterday, the first day of summer, I had to dig out my alpaca wool cap, warm jacket and mittens for our morning and evening walks! 😳 Crazy!!! Today we have the fireplace on in the house to warm it up. It really feels like fall!!
Wishing you success with your new beginning! You know we’re right here behind you…gently nudging…not shoving. 😉


Well, we did get a nice walk in today before the temps soared! Now I’m hoping to go to the pool (if there are no kids!) to do some exercises with weights. I’m working on a new me. Becky

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Congratulations, Becky! Sounds like a plan and like you're doing well, lady, Keep it up. You are much stronger it appears.....walking is such a good thing!

Thank you so much for your positive encouragement. I read my last message and was shocked at how 'poor me 'it was. That happens when my son is not well and I'm focusing on his needs and hearing his anger and pain. I focus on getting him `ok, helping him get rid of some pain and to work on dealing with his thoughts -unsuccessful usually. I begin to get more negative. In every way....I've worked so hard over the last couple of years through meditation, prayer, my wonderful therapy pool, learning new ways of processing pain, illness and loss. I pray some one, some time will guide him through that process. Perhaps the PRC will help, at the right time. It can't be me.

I have a long way to go to develop stronger, more positive thinking to will win over negative input. Rob at times is in such a painful state he can't deal with all things life. I am his primary human contact. When he must express his fears and anger, I'm it. It is tough to hear and see his pain.

Also, I think those of us who live alone with limited contact with friends or family may find it especially difficult to keep a positive focus on life and deal with pain. So, when I have physical problems it's even harder to deal with Rob and with 'bad turnips'....love that concept!!!!!....kinda' piles up. Rotten turnips all piled up sometimes over my head! Great image! Hold your nose!

I have Thursday appointments with urologist and nephrologist due to ED stay. Probably Thursday tests for the protein build-up, possible 'leaky kidney' and whatever else may be found. This all took me by surprise. I have known and tried like crazy to get someone to pay attention to these kidneys and recurrent UTI's, but there are other things that took precedent in docs' minds. Like heart and lungs...but, we do have to be our own, persistent advocates. I thought I was, doggone it! Am now. And, I'm wondering if Sarcoid or a lifetime of steroids may have some part in this....

I think my walking will have to wait for a little while. Maybe I can get someone to ok the therapy pool???? Hope so. After the UTI/infection is cleared, give me the ok to hit the water! I don't have the stamina to walk far even using my wonderful hot pink walker, but tomorrow at Mayo inside I'll give it a try. Just must think moderation.

BTW, the last 3 days I've been across the street giving my son a deep shoulder/neck/back massage with frankensence and myrrh balm! He was able to sleep after each massage session. I lasted about 15-20 minutes each time, using the balls of my hands and actually found the pushing hard with the balm was helpful, to a point, and relieved some of the arthritis pain. Until it didn't.

I have a big day tomorrow and after, so off to bed now, at 7:45. Later than I thought....I send you blessings for peace, wellness, freedom from pain and lots of strength. elizabeth
sorry for the length, just full of it!!!!!!


Congratulations, Becky! Sounds like a plan and like you're doing well, lady, Keep it up. You are much stronger it appears.....walking is such a good thing!

Thank you so much for your positive encouragement. I read my last message and was shocked at how 'poor me 'it was. That happens when my son is not well and I'm focusing on his needs and hearing his anger and pain. I focus on getting him `ok, helping him get rid of some pain and to work on dealing with his thoughts -unsuccessful usually. I begin to get more negative. In every way....I've worked so hard over the last couple of years through meditation, prayer, my wonderful therapy pool, learning new ways of processing pain, illness and loss. I pray some one, some time will guide him through that process. Perhaps the PRC will help, at the right time. It can't be me.

I have a long way to go to develop stronger, more positive thinking to will win over negative input. Rob at times is in such a painful state he can't deal with all things life. I am his primary human contact. When he must express his fears and anger, I'm it. It is tough to hear and see his pain.

Also, I think those of us who live alone with limited contact with friends or family may find it especially difficult to keep a positive focus on life and deal with pain. So, when I have physical problems it's even harder to deal with Rob and with 'bad turnips'....love that concept!!!!!....kinda' piles up. Rotten turnips all piled up sometimes over my head! Great image! Hold your nose!

I have Thursday appointments with urologist and nephrologist due to ED stay. Probably Thursday tests for the protein build-up, possible 'leaky kidney' and whatever else may be found. This all took me by surprise. I have known and tried like crazy to get someone to pay attention to these kidneys and recurrent UTI's, but there are other things that took precedent in docs' minds. Like heart and lungs...but, we do have to be our own, persistent advocates. I thought I was, doggone it! Am now. And, I'm wondering if Sarcoid or a lifetime of steroids may have some part in this....

I think my walking will have to wait for a little while. Maybe I can get someone to ok the therapy pool???? Hope so. After the UTI/infection is cleared, give me the ok to hit the water! I don't have the stamina to walk far even using my wonderful hot pink walker, but tomorrow at Mayo inside I'll give it a try. Just must think moderation.

BTW, the last 3 days I've been across the street giving my son a deep shoulder/neck/back massage with frankensence and myrrh balm! He was able to sleep after each massage session. I lasted about 15-20 minutes each time, using the balls of my hands and actually found the pushing hard with the balm was helpful, to a point, and relieved some of the arthritis pain. Until it didn't.

I have a big day tomorrow and after, so off to bed now, at 7:45. Later than I thought....I send you blessings for peace, wellness, freedom from pain and lots of strength. elizabeth
sorry for the length, just full of it!!!!!!

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Bless you Elizabeth, for staying as positive as you do. I know why my kids are nurses and I am a computer nerd - dealing with all things illness related and other's pain makes me anxious.
I hope they can figurout your kidney issues and get you well enough for the therapy pool - the water is so soothing to a sore body when you try to exercise.


Bless you Elizabeth, for staying as positive as you do. I know why my kids are nurses and I am a computer nerd - dealing with all things illness related and other's pain makes me anxious.
I hope they can figurout your kidney issues and get you well enough for the therapy pool - the water is so soothing to a sore body when you try to exercise.

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Sue, I think you understand where I'm coming from.

But, I'm tired. It feels like I've been overseeing someone's care for so long, Mom for more than 12 years w/altzheimers and Rob with dystonia now 19 years. Bob several weeks in ICU. I'm ready to quit helping But, you know that's nuts since Rob needs me. I can't stop, plus, I am worried how he'll survive after I'm not able to help. He's alone.

Since the Klonopin withdrawal, his brain isn't ok. He's a brilliant person, constant reader-can't understand much of what he reads now, excellent writer-vocabulary is very limited now, very logical-can't follow another person's speech nor think clearly/logically. Ability to have a logical, clear conversation is gone.

Now, I'm not feeling sad or sorry for myself, Sue. I'm explaining why I'm tired, really tired. I've missed out on a lot of living and been working through that loss the last few years, to get rid of resentment and anger. To learn acceptance. Of self and life.

The last few months, things have been extra challenging w/Rob and you've seen me deteriorate. That's the pattern. That's our roller-coaster. I never learned how to handle this, so have been having a ball with cognitive thinking and all the 'new to me' concepts. Fun, interesting, challenging and plain tough to apply personally.

You and your daughters are very much alike even tho so different. There's a lot of their mother in them that leads them to be helpers, or you wouldn't be chatting with me on this group, or the other groups with folks you help.

Back to bed. I woke up and began more of this thinking. You know that helped me get back to sleep, eh? Nope. So, good night, my friend. Bless you and yours. Elizabeth


@loribmt, @ess77, @sueinmn, @jakedduck1, and all you walkers - I abandoned my wheelchair on Monday and have switched tentatively to my walker once more! Yaay! Just baby steps, down to the main floor dining room, etc, but today will be a bit of a challenge. I finally have an emergency cancellation appointment at my dentist's, to FINALLY make adjustments to my new ill-fitting $700 mouth guard, made for me some three months ago. I haven't been able to get there due to the hospitalizations and illnesses of late. I'm a little scared to make the journey. It's just across the street, but quite an Olympic sort of feat for me right now. Gotta do it though, since my OLP is still severe and the mouth guard might help considerably to keep my teeth isolated from my painful tongue! Lol


@loribmt, @ess77, @sueinmn, @jakedduck1, and all you walkers - I abandoned my wheelchair on Monday and have switched tentatively to my walker once more! Yaay! Just baby steps, down to the main floor dining room, etc, but today will be a bit of a challenge. I finally have an emergency cancellation appointment at my dentist's, to FINALLY make adjustments to my new ill-fitting $700 mouth guard, made for me some three months ago. I haven't been able to get there due to the hospitalizations and illnesses of late. I'm a little scared to make the journey. It's just across the street, but quite an Olympic sort of feat for me right now. Gotta do it though, since my OLP is still severe and the mouth guard might help considerably to keep my teeth isolated from my painful tongue! Lol

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Wishing you good luck today. Let us know how it goes!


@sueinmn Thanks for the good wishes, Sue. This is one of my "bad" days, as it turns out. (Worse gut symptoms, more dizzy than usual, having to sit down every 5 minutes, etc.)
Murphy's Law! Hopefully, I'll improve before my appointment time at 3:30. I'm determined!

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