Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


Hello, Mary. Yes, my breathing is adversely affected by the heavy, humid tropical weather, by icy cold weather, or heat like in Vegas - 110 degrees years ago when I was there for a week. I came sooooo close to a heat stroke just by walking to another hotel for shopping. I had a time that week.

Same thing happened the summer I spent as a college student in Estes Park, Colorado. Loved that place, but couldn't do anything that took me up more than a couple of feet above the YMCA Conference Center, up in the mountains. No hiking, limited walking or I couldn't breath. Yuck! Interesting, I didn't officially develop asthma until age 35...must have had it earlier

I'm realizing this isn't directly related to age! I never thought about that, have been associating much of my lung stuff with aging. Its not! It's been with me most of my life, I just didn't recognize it, went on about my business, played lots of tennis, ran, played golf, very active. At sea level. I got asthma at 35. Sarcoid hit my lungs at age 40. Since, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Severe obstructive sleep apnea and nightly bi-pap. Truly progressive.

Mary....you helped me just now better understand all this. I called a few minutes ago to the sleep doc at Mayo to find out if we can change the bi-pap settings to give me more air in my lungs at night. My O2 level at home stay around 91-94, 95. Rarely higher. In ED and hospital, mid-high 90's. Maybe she can help increase those numbers? Which I believe will help the heart issues as well.

I'm now having constant lung issues- asthma every day now, so I'm using Symbicort daily and Ventolin as needed. Singulair, for years, sinus meds often, Flonase at night, another nasal spray daytime. Steroids help a lot. It's worse and constant now, but, I will get in better condition by walking....at Mayo inside, at the mall, wherever I can breath.

I just called the YMCA that has the therapy pool with Brooks Rehab. The Y may not reopen the pool and only be run for physical therapy. So, tomorrow I'm getting a prescription for PT at the therapy pool. I'm desperate to get going again and get healthier.

I will share with you folks and look forward to sharing about walking in the pool!
Bless you on your walks and always. elizabeth

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I love that you are going to try pool therapy! When my Mom was recovering from a stroke and broken arm (2 events) she needed something to help her feel "normal" - having spent many winters in Texas, where she used the swimming pool every day with her sister and friends. A wise doc prescribed pool therapy in a warm pool at a nearby senior residence in Minnesota. It was her happy place twice a week for over a year. She walked, swam, used the kickboards and pool weights - improved her land endurance and balance and soothed her RA pains. She also visited with the others doing their exercises, so it was social.
After my 5th hip surgery, when I was having gait and walking issues, my therapy team put me in the pool ay our Y - it was wonderful for me, and I used those exercises in our Texas pool for several winters, even taught them to some of my friends. Coincidentally, breathing against the pressure of the water helped me take deeper breaths, so even though I have damaged lungs, I have better O2 sats now.
Pool therapy may not be a magic bullet, but it is a wonderful adjunct therapy, and an especially good place to hang out when it's hot. If it helps you, maybe you can find a pool nearby to use after therapy ends.


I love that you are going to try pool therapy! When my Mom was recovering from a stroke and broken arm (2 events) she needed something to help her feel "normal" - having spent many winters in Texas, where she used the swimming pool every day with her sister and friends. A wise doc prescribed pool therapy in a warm pool at a nearby senior residence in Minnesota. It was her happy place twice a week for over a year. She walked, swam, used the kickboards and pool weights - improved her land endurance and balance and soothed her RA pains. She also visited with the others doing their exercises, so it was social.
After my 5th hip surgery, when I was having gait and walking issues, my therapy team put me in the pool ay our Y - it was wonderful for me, and I used those exercises in our Texas pool for several winters, even taught them to some of my friends. Coincidentally, breathing against the pressure of the water helped me take deeper breaths, so even though I have damaged lungs, I have better O2 sats now.
Pool therapy may not be a magic bullet, but it is a wonderful adjunct therapy, and an especially good place to hang out when it's hot. If it helps you, maybe you can find a pool nearby to use after therapy ends.

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@sueinmn Just yesterday, my physical therapist suggested I get a note from the drs to use the therapy pool at their other office location, 25 miles away. I am not a fan of pools or big bodies of water. We'll see in the coming months...


Do you know what your O2 saturation levels are while you're asleep? Have you ever had a sleep study? I'm wondering if they are lower during sleep and if you need oxygen connected to your cpap.

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Hello, Jake. I do ck occasionally during the night, when I roll over to lie on the other side or whatever. It is usually fine, mid 90's. That's seems good to me. I just emailed a message on the portal to my sleep study doctor at Mayo, Had sleep study couple years ago. Results were startling, with more than 48 events a minute??? several during the night were over 60 seconds not breathing. I have some autonomic issues and forget to breath during the day at times, so the bi-pap helps a whole lot. It will be interesting to see what she says about increasing the pressure to make me breath more at night. I wonder if that will help daytime and heart?

we'll see, sir. I don't have a pulmonologist and asked her if she thinks I need one. PCP oversees lungs now.

Don't want to add oxygen yet if can help it. Once I do, I'm dependent on it and that's not good either.

Balancing act, eh? Always a balancing act never knowing what's next. Makes life interesting! Haven't looked out the window yet, as it's been raining and I've been on phone all morning w/PCP office re UTI, Mayo re heart issues, doing better btw, and my son as he's not well. Called in med for him and on the way now to p/u and get to him. Then, down to crucial care for UTI treatment. Pooh on the PCP....It's Friday of course.
Blessings, Jake. I hope you are doing better and getting in some healthy living....elizabeth


I love that you are going to try pool therapy! When my Mom was recovering from a stroke and broken arm (2 events) she needed something to help her feel "normal" - having spent many winters in Texas, where she used the swimming pool every day with her sister and friends. A wise doc prescribed pool therapy in a warm pool at a nearby senior residence in Minnesota. It was her happy place twice a week for over a year. She walked, swam, used the kickboards and pool weights - improved her land endurance and balance and soothed her RA pains. She also visited with the others doing their exercises, so it was social.
After my 5th hip surgery, when I was having gait and walking issues, my therapy team put me in the pool ay our Y - it was wonderful for me, and I used those exercises in our Texas pool for several winters, even taught them to some of my friends. Coincidentally, breathing against the pressure of the water helped me take deeper breaths, so even though I have damaged lungs, I have better O2 sats now.
Pool therapy may not be a magic bullet, but it is a wonderful adjunct therapy, and an especially good place to hang out when it's hot. If it helps you, maybe you can find a pool nearby to use after therapy ends.

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Sue, I have missed using the therapy pool the last year I guess. It's my salvation, doesn't heal all ills, but certainly is the center of my healing process. The water temp is 94 and sooooo wonderful as soon as I stick in my big toe. I begin to relax, can feel my body letting go and all my muscles get softer and hug the water. I walk, march, do all kinds of things the PT taught me to do, and used hand weight as well. I got stronger physically and emotionally I got so much healthier. Yes, it's the socialization, but it's also doing something really good for myself, for this body. What a difference in my life.

I have an outdoor pool across the street in my condo complex. It's a good one and I used it for many years, but now I really need the warmer temps and the no sunlight.. I am very fair and burn easily, plus the heat is hard for me.

Symbicort helps me I suppose cause it's a steroid. But, I do well on it I think. I had to use the ventolin yesterday 4 times before the nurses would let me do the stress test. Don't know why this asthma is getting so much worse at this time and causing other problems. Doggone it! I fighting my emotions right now due to the stuff this last month or so and my son's situation. I'm tired of the responsibility of taking care of his meds, and can't get delivered from local pharmacy, just centralized distribution which I will not use and let it mess up his/my schedule. So, I'm on my way to p/u a refill I didn't know was ready and he didn't take yesterday or today....he didn't tell me he got a text that it was ready and so on. I'm asking his mayo nurse who just been assigned to oversee his care, coordiate it at Mayo, to see if she knows who can take over the meds. for me. May be it's gotta; be me.

Hope you get some rest in and keep enjoying the gardening and helping your daughter. I love your garden.....why don't you send a few pics for us to enjoy. I'm still working on getting some to you all. I'll get there one day...maybe.
Blessing, sue and all. Off to pharmacy and crucial care for my UTI. elizabeth think i need a urologist, don't you?


@sueinmn Just yesterday, my physical therapist suggested I get a note from the drs to use the therapy pool at their other office location, 25 miles away. I am not a fan of pools or big bodies of water. We'll see in the coming months...

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25 miles is a bit of a jaunt, but I was amazed at the progress Mom and I each made with pool therapy. I really believe it helped with the post surgical nerve damage too.


25 miles is a bit of a jaunt, but I was amazed at the progress Mom and I each made with pool therapy. I really believe it helped with the post surgical nerve damage too.

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@sueinmn Today, I strapped on my sandals, making sure my elephant like left foot was comfortable, and went yard sale-ing with our neighbor. She loves these things, and there was a city-wide event 25 miles up the road. [we're far from everything!] I think I walked a couple of miles total. Very slow, and with assistance from my husband over uneven ground. Whew! Thank goodness for the Tylenol and Gabapentin. My big find was an old dairy milk can that I will clean up and paint, use to hold canes and umbrellas!


25 miles is a bit of a jaunt, but I was amazed at the progress Mom and I each made with pool therapy. I really believe it helped with the post surgical nerve damage too.

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In reply to Sue…@migizi….I really benefitted from pool therapy, but when Covid started, out only available pool was closed and it still is not open for people to use for maintenance. Thus, there continues to be no pool therapy options available yet here. I miss it so much😔


@sueinmn Today, I strapped on my sandals, making sure my elephant like left foot was comfortable, and went yard sale-ing with our neighbor. She loves these things, and there was a city-wide event 25 miles up the road. [we're far from everything!] I think I walked a couple of miles total. Very slow, and with assistance from my husband over uneven ground. Whew! Thank goodness for the Tylenol and Gabapentin. My big find was an old dairy milk can that I will clean up and paint, use to hold canes and umbrellas!

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Wow Ginger, Bravo on the walking. I know how hard it is when you are on uneven ground..

I was just looking at my Mom's old milk can in my garden. Its been there for almost 20 years with only one paint job and desperately can use a new coat. Right after we refinish Grandpa's old wheelbarrow and 2 radio flyer wagons - one 68 years old and the other 40.
Yesterday after our Connect meeting, I walked the mile to our daughter 's, helped her organize her garage for a couple hours and walked home.
Today I redid a vegetable garden, restrung the fence, added 3 trellises and planted tomatoes and cucumbers that have been patiently waiting for 3 weeks, then drove to my daughter's and worked on 4 of her windows.
I think I ll take tomorrow off.

My FitBit says I walked over 30 miles this week.


In reply to Sue…@migizi….I really benefitted from pool therapy, but when Covid started, out only available pool was closed and it still is not open for people to use for maintenance. Thus, there continues to be no pool therapy options available yet here. I miss it so much😔

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What a bummer! Our Y just reopened this week for maintenance use of the therapy pool 4 times a week. Maybe soon for you?



I think a mile and a half is great and don’t dwell on what you used to do. Those are hot temps to be walking in. I never swam 1 mile much less 5 miles and have only been this active since I retired 8 years ago. Like everyone I have up and down days. What I like about my new Galaxy watch active is the reminder to get up and move or stretch at a predetermined time intervals that you can select. It’s currently set for 2 hours…originally preset at every 50 minutes which was so annoying. But I do listen…it’s like a personal trainer and a little animated person appears saying “That’s Great” when you’re done.

I have only had “normal” food at the few restaurants I have been to since my birthday dinner but I will let you know after Fathers Day Brunch. Don’t know where we are going yet but I have a yen for Escargot. I do pick up a 1/4 lb of chopped seasoned ahi tuna at Sprouts when they have it. Did I ever tell you of the time I had mashed sheep’s brains? Thought it was mashed potatoes….tasty. People I was with told me to order this strange sounding dish without letting me know what it was….so I did.

Not a bad walk this morning and I managed to do the 2.5….there are days I only do 2 because of the humidity. Met up with some runners and walkers part way so it made the walk go by faster but I was starting to drip swift when I came through the gate.

Keep moving throughout the day even if it is only a stroll into the dungeon and back to the chair.

FL Mary

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“Did I ever tell you of the time I had mashed sheep’s brains?”
NO, and I appreciated that.
I had a friend like that once but that friendship is no longer. The group I was with got quite a laugh out of his shenanigans.
I can’t understand when you have escargot, don’t you think about garden snails or eat those too.
I’m sure I could find a very interesting Vino for your meal.
Regardless of what I think about your food choices your definitely getting a myriad of nutrients.
I would much rather walk in 110° weather than walk in the humidity.
Take care and don't get food poisoning,

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