Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


Sometimes the attitude backfires. My daughter is in a cast after a fall, a gnarly fracture (surgeon's words) and surgery, but determined to be independent. Yesterday she confessed to being in a lot of pain after insisting on doing a number of things without help this weekend. She now has a very clear understanding of "no lifting " ...today is a little better, but I don't know if I can handle 6 or more weeks of her in the cast. And she's a trauma nurse!

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@sueinmn Oh my goodness, Sue, life can be so harsh. I'm very sorry to hear of that awful fracture your daughter has suffered. Being a trauma nurse puts a double burden on her, I'm sure, since expectations are at an even higher level. My sons gave me a pair of slippers at Xmas with "Trauma Queen" embroidered on the front. Maybe you should go shopping. Lol. I was at least grateful my slippers didn't say "DRAMA Queen"! Hang in there.
Hugs, Laurie


Those are pretty flowers.
Whoa, wish I walked that far. To bad accomplishments are so much harder than wishing.
I love blue and purple in a yard. I had a beautiful blue shrub but I got carried away trimming it and so now it’s history.
Happy trails,

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@jakedduck1 good to hear from you, I love these smart shoes. Counting my steps wherever I go. I enjoy this community garden on Sunday before church. So many pretty flowers, and I don't have to take care of them!


@sueinmn Oh my goodness, Sue, life can be so harsh. I'm very sorry to hear of that awful fracture your daughter has suffered. Being a trauma nurse puts a double burden on her, I'm sure, since expectations are at an even higher level. My sons gave me a pair of slippers at Xmas with "Trauma Queen" embroidered on the front. Maybe you should go shopping. Lol. I was at least grateful my slippers didn't say "DRAMA Queen"! Hang in there.
Hugs, Laurie

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Thankfully she has maintained a positive attitude through this. Today she hired the teen next door to help sort through her belongings and to tote boxes for her. My back was thankful!


Sometimes the attitude backfires. My daughter is in a cast after a fall, a gnarly fracture (surgeon's words) and surgery, but determined to be independent. Yesterday she confessed to being in a lot of pain after insisting on doing a number of things without help this weekend. She now has a very clear understanding of "no lifting " ...today is a little better, but I don't know if I can handle 6 or more weeks of her in the cast. And she's a trauma nurse!

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Hmmmm, Sue. The acorn doesn't fall far from that tree, does it? bless her as she struggles to pull back and let her body heal. Bless you as you struggle to help her with hers and yours as you work with so much.....elizabeth


Next week we walk again! My walking buddy is back from Michigan, and my cousin (her friend too - long story) will be here from Dallas, so we'll walk and lunch. Then a little road trip to see my other cousin and celebrate our 3 birthdays together like we used to do as kids - 2 of us in June, one in July, one party & one cake during a Sunday picnic.


Didn’t get much walking in today. I didn’t want the dog (or me) out in the heat! Just a short one on a shady, wooded path. I think I’ve come to terms with no long walks anymore. Well I’ll wait until winter again. Guess I could go to Walmart and walk big circles inside!


Didn’t get much walking in today. I didn’t want the dog (or me) out in the heat! Just a short one on a shady, wooded path. I think I’ve come to terms with no long walks anymore. Well I’ll wait until winter again. Guess I could go to Walmart and walk big circles inside!

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When I go to large stores I park as far away from the door as I can and often walk around the building fefore going in then walking up and down every isle.
Happy walking & don’t forget to to take a chocolatechip cookie along.


When I go to large stores I park as far away from the door as I can and often walk around the building fefore going in then walking up and down every isle.
Happy walking & don’t forget to to take a chocolatechip cookie along.

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Hello, all. Becky, @becsbuddy, I do that a lot actually, how I get in most of my walking for several months. I've told you about my walks at Mayo w/my hot pink walker through the inside corridors, connecting 3 main buildings, lined with huge wall windows and beautiful artwork, wide and carpeted and comfy with lots of folks pleasant and helpful if I need it....beautiful walking, comfortable w/ac, huge plants, the outside coming in through the huge windows, and the artwork that's so lovely.

In fact, I even got an unexpected walk in today, against my wishes as well. I had a nuclear stress test scheduled at 12:50pm. I arrived just on time, at the wrong building. I walked to the next desk, which I thought was correct. Wrong desk. I had to walk to the connected building....parked at Mayo Building, walked to other end of Mayo Building, then walked to the next building, Davis. Got there, I had an Atkins smoothie for breakfast with some yogurt and blueberries, since I hadn't had anything to eat since dinner last night and couldn't eat much and no caffeine anything. Well, pooh...the smoothie was a chocolate flavor and all chocolate has caffiene. So, I had to cancel the test! What a day. I really need this test asap to get closer to understanding what's happening with my heart and body right now....so, will be there tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. No smoothie.....just ate dinner I brought home from Mayo cafeteria, soooooo delicious. Baked salmon, with carrots and cauliflower. Green tea and chocolate pudding for desert...all from the Mayo cafe. I brought home food for tomorrow as well.

I had to walk back from the Davis building to the Mayo building where my car was parked. So, I got in quite a good, long walk today, unexpectedly and unwanted, didn't feel like it, but very pleasant and good for me.

Jake, @jakedduck1, got my chocolate in for the day! Have some for tomorrow as well. Exhausted, but now well fed and with delicious and healthy food from Mayo cafeteria. All in all, I'd say a good day. And, the nurse at the nuclear test area had a chance to tell me some other things she wants me to do for tomorrow, for my lungs to survive the stress and such.

It's 7 in the evening here, I'm beat and have to get up early. Had shower this morning...no shower tomorrow, so they get me as I am this time! But, I'll be so thankful to be there, to get this appt the next day -they worked me in somehow...Thankful for so much. Blessings to you all and may you enjoy your walking, no matter where or when or how you get it in. Be thankful we can still walk! elizabeth


I am walking most days. Once, maybe twice, round trips up to the corner and back. Admiring the stunning red, pink and white roses on the way, literally stopping to smell the blooming star jasmine at the corner. If the motivation is there, it is easy to continue down the next street. Afterall, you're only halfway to where you will be!


Didn’t get much walking in today. I didn’t want the dog (or me) out in the heat! Just a short one on a shady, wooded path. I think I’ve come to terms with no long walks anymore. Well I’ll wait until winter again. Guess I could go to Walmart and walk big circles inside!

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I'm afraid it's not exactly walking - I have been spending anywhere from 3-8 hours working in the yard and garden. I have averaged 4 - 5 miles a day without leaving my yard. Today I. got crazy and dipped my toe into the garage, which hasn't been thoroughly cleaned since our daughter's wedding here 7 years ago. I filled the big trash can, moved rarely used tools to a shed, cleared one shelf [and figured out there are 27 more to do!) and cleaned the floor.
Then I was rewarded with a gathering of gardening friends, homemade pizza and wine - the first in over a year and a half.

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