Lance-Adams Syndrome aka Chronic Post Hypoxic Myoclonus
Hello I am new to this discussion board and want to talk about my daughters condition, to get information and possibly even help someone who may also have this and not know. In early January 2023 she had an asthma attack and went to ER where she collapsed while walking in. She was in respiratory cardiac arrest. Drs performed CPR for 6 min before reviving her. She was intubated and put into medical coma. She was in a coma for 4 days. While in the coma she started have “seizures” which weren’t showing on eeg. Her entire body would convulse but no seizure in the brain. When she woke from her coma she couldn’t function at all. Every intentional action sparked full body tremors. About 1 month later she was diagnosed with Lance-Adams Syndrome aka Chronic Post Hypoxic Myoclonus. LAS is a rare condition and is a complocation specific to successful cpr after respiratory cardiac arrest ( to my understanding) There is very little information on this condition. There are less that 200 people world wide with this condition. She is the only one in the state of wisconsin that we are aware of. I encourage anyone who comes across this discussion to google and see if this may seem like something you at have or someone you know may have. If anyone also has this condition or is the caregiver of someone with this condition I would love to chat. Also, if there are any medical professionals connected with mayo on this discussion that can offer any helpful info that would be greatly appreciated.
Below are just a few snippets of info from the internet:
‘Lance-Adams Syndrome (LAS) is an incredibly rare complication of successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It is a form of posthypoxic myoclonus characterized by action or intention myoclonus developing days to months after an hypoxic insult to the brain.’
‘The chronic PHM which starts after a few days or weeks in patients who regained consciousness is often stated as LAS, where intentional myoclonus is accompanied when attempting voluntary movements or during a voluntary movement. Dysmetria, dysarthria and ataxia with preserved cognition is also seen in most cases.’
‘A combination of medications based on the neurotransmitter hypotheses is often needed to obtain appropriate control of symptoms. Frucht and Fahn reviewed more than 100 patients with LAS, they found that clonazepam, valproate, and piracetam were effective in treating approximately 50% of these cases(6).’
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Brain & Nervous System Support Group.
Hello, My mom is diagnosed with Lance Adam’s syndrome since March 2024 after cardiac arrest. CPR was done after 15 minutes. Myclonic jerks happed after 1 day in ICU. She is partially treated with Levetiracetam, Valproic acid, and Clonazepam. And she is still under treatment at the royal free hospital (london). The doctor informed us that he will modify some of the medication doses and he may add Perampanel and remove Levetiracetam and increase the dose of Valproic acid and Clonazepam.
My 22 year old son was diagnosed with Lance Adam's syndrome in September 2024 after cardiac arrest due to a suicide attempt (diagnosed with bipolar/schizophrenia in 2019). The brain was without oxygen for 14 minutes. He was Intubated and in a coma for 3 days. He started myoclonus jerking and seizers a few days after waking from the coma. He was in the hospital until 10/16/24 on put on the following medications (Aripiprazole, Baclofen, Bromocriptine Mesylate, Carbamazepine, Clonazepam, clonidine, Hydroxyzine HCI, Keppra, Propranolol HCI, and other vitamins and supplements. He is currently in a Neurologic rehabilitation facility in Florida. His jerking seemed to have worsen in the last few days so the doctor increased the morning does of Bromocriptine Mesylate from 2.5mg to 5mg. The afternoon and evening doses will remain at 2.5mg. I cannot find on the internet that Bromocriptine Mesylate is the primary medication treatment for myoclonus or Lance Adams Systrom. The center is talking about discharging him in a few weeks. He is still a fall risk and needs 24 hour supervision. His upper extremities are pretty well controlled but his legs especially his right leg have severe jerking movements. On a good hour of the day he can get up and walk slowly with a walker. The max he's walked without stopping is 300 feet. But someone must be beside him at all times. I'd like my son to see a doctor that specializes LAS. Can anyone please help me in finding one in Florida?
Hello @angelasanders, Welcome to Connect and thank you for starting this discussion on such a rare condition. I can't begin to imagine how difficult it must be for caregivers and members with such a rare condition as LAS.
I would also like to welcome @fawwazalenezi and @nadinehunger who responded to your discussion. Hopefully connecting with others and sharing information will be helpful for learning more about the rare disorder Lance-Adams Syndrome. If you haven't used Google Scholar before it's a good tool for finding the latest medical research on medical conditions. Here's what it shows for LAS -,24
The following research paper mentions 2 doctors in Florida as authors - Suparna R Krishnaiengar ( and Ramon E Bautista (
-- Lance Adams Syndrome in the Setting of COVID-19 Pneumonia:
@angelasanders, @fawwazalenezi and @nadinehunger, any updates you can provide will be appreciated by everyone.
Thank you for your reply. It seems like your mother is receiving a straight forward standard treatment for LAS.
Although this condition is rare, I don’t think it will remain that way. It seems many more are surviving due to medical advancements and increased knowledge about and differences between acute and chronic PHM.
If you haven’t found it already, there is a Facebook Group for patients with LAS and caregivers. Search for : Lance-Adams Syndrome
Thank you for your reply. I hope your son is progressing well. I am unfamiliar with several of the medications your son is taking.
When looking for a provider try to make sure you find one that is knowledgeable in movement disorders and post hypoxic myoclonus. Our provider told us to use the scientific name rather than LAS. Also, if you haven’t found it already, there is a Facebook group for patients with LAS and their caregivers/family. Search for: Lance-Adams Syndrome. I believe there are several members from Florida. They may be able to better direct you to a provider specific to Florida. If you haven’t discovered this yet, a lot of people with LAS state that extreme weather (too hot/too cold) impact their tremors/balance etc. maybe something to watch out for come June/july/august.
I forgot to add: from what I’ve read and just hearing from those with LAS, a popular medication regimen for the treatment of LAS is depakote or keppra with clonazapam. Some have found help with fycompa. But with all medications it really is what works best for that individual.
My 23 year old son was diagnosed with Lance Adam’s Syndrome in December 2024. He overdosed and was without oxygen for 55 minutes, after he was resuscitated he went into cardiac arrest, was on a ventilator for 5 days. He started jerking before he came of the ventilator which got worse when he came off. He is currently on Keppra, baclofen, clonazapam, and gabapentin. He is able to walk with a walker most of the time. He is jerky in his legs, arms and hands. He has trouble talking, speech said that was due to processing. We do like his neurologist, I know this is a rare condition and there is not a doctor who specializes in LAS, but does anyone know of a doctor that is more familiar in treating this? We are in NC and willing to travel.
Hi I’m in South Carolina with the same diagnosis. You right it is hard to control. Three months later after 30 days in ICU I started falling. Imagine a tree falling straight. I had no muscle control. Head first to the floor after first step. The medicine that stopped me from falling was the Valproic Acid thanks to the Mayo Clinic. I was told it’s complicated but the only way to control the jerks from around people anxiety was to get the exact dose of medication for each 4 that I take to be comfortable. Still trying to get it right. I just keep praying for the Doctors and safety for me because I also have neuropathy. Using walker waiting for wheelchair. Hang in there she’s still here.
Thank you for your reply. I’m sorry to hear about your son but thankful he is still here. If you haven’t done so already and would like to, there are a couple of Facebook groups specific for Lance adams patients and their family/caretakers. Please search and join. Have your son as well. There are a great number of young people and they are all very supportive to each other. Someone from that group may be able to direct you further in your search for a dr.
Thank you for your reply. If you haven’t already please join the Facebook group for Lance adams syndrome. The community is growing and the group is very supportive. It’s for patients and family/caregivers.
When my daughter falls I describe it like a fainting goat, she almost gets stiff, there is no bend in her legs/arms, she can’t really catch herself at all. She has had several significant falls resulting in injury to her face/mouth/teeth.
I hope soon you will get your meds dialed into perfection! These meds are just so tricky and different for everyone.