Klonopin taper

Posted by dawgbone @dawgbone, Jul 31, 2017

I have been on some kind of benzo for almost 40 yrs. I am trying to taper from 1.5-2 mgs of klonopin daily . Began in mid may 2017 and my last cut was very small on 7-2-17 to get to 1mg. Honestly feels like i am dying. I also take trazodone 75 mgs and 4 drugs for high blood pressure. I have been researching gabapentin and seroquel to help with the withdrawal symptons. Please offer any suggestions or help. I am 69 yrs old and cant even leave my house to visit my kids and grands. Thank you for any help!

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I understand exactly what you mean when you say you feel like your dying! For 30 years I was on the same 6mg. a day dose, when out of the blue, he decided to start tapering. The amount of time that this drug is in your body,the harder and more severe the withdrawl.I could not leave my apartment, my heart raced so bad I thought I would have a heart attack and could not perform the simplest tasks.He had to start me all over again by going back to my original dose. It took 6 weeks before I felt normal again. After the second time of reduction, I was much worse and called an ambulance. I was hospitalized for 6 days, with dehydration, and many other things. Now he wants to try it again! I feel that my quality of life far surpasses the any of the mild risks of taking this medication, I have an appointment with him Tuesday!


I'm new here and am have many questions and thoughts. First, my doctor put me on .5mg of generic Klonopin 3 times a day 10 years ago when I was diagnosed with cancer. I've taken the same amount all that time and it's been a real blessing. Before Klonopin, I had what my gastro called Chronic Disease PTSD. I saw a doctor of some sort 82 times in one year after the cancer dx. I often got up 100 times a night to look at an old mole or check some symptoms out of fear of health / dying. After a year on Klonopin, I was able to rationalize that 'no my lips were not purple and me dying' type thoughts were anxiety and eventually I seldom had health fears. In 2012 I had a met to my liver and had 80% removed so Stage IV Colon Cancer and no cancer for 6 1/2 years since then. I've never needed a dosage increase and once in a while will forget to take the middle of the day dose. The doctor who prescribed Klonopin was my primary (now working at a walk in clinic) and my oncologist took over and wrote the scripts for 9 years. I'll be discharged from his care in 11 months. He gave me a script for 6 months of refills and suggested I try to wean off them and see if the health anxiety returns. His suggestion was to start by skipping the .5mg in the middle of the day for 2 months, then skip another pill .5mg for 2 months and then just stop. From what I'm reading, that's not a good wean! Also, Klonopin gave me back my life and causes no side effects (I'm 68). I take no other medications for anything except a small dose of levothyroxine for my thyroid. I do not drink at all. I'm on Medicare only and see just a new primary who wanted me to use Paxil and Klonopin to wean off the K, and then wean to something else, etc. That was scary to me. I refused. Thoughts?

If Klonopin controls my severe health anxiety/ hypochondria with no increase in dosage ever needed and no side effects, is there really a need to stop taking it? @thankful

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I totally agree with you. I have been on anxiety meds for 30 years. Alprazalom for most of it. Approximately 2 years ago GP changed to clonazepam. I have never exceeded original dose in all of these years. My prescription states 1/2 to 1 tab every 6 to 8 hours. I rarely have taken more than 2. Out of nowhere GP says I shouldn't be taking any benzos (I wasn't even aware that I was taking benzos). I simply knew I was relieved of my severe anxiety when, and only when, necessary. Thankfully, he hasn't discontinued my rx. But when researching I find that I will go through withdrawal, I am floored and very afraid. My take on this is if symptoms are alleviated, and increase in meds are not an issue, WHY stop what is essentially keeping me sane? Why force me into withdrawal and back into terror. I don't see myself as an "addict." I don't understand...


I really wish I could talk to you on a personal level. I believe this is a cruel punishment.


I really wish I could talk to you on a personal level. I believe this is a cruel punishment.

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Hi, @dawna, and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.

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Sounds like it was truly a surprise that your doctor suddenly wanted you to taper off the clonazepam. Since this was unexpected and you have some questions about it, I'm wondering if you have had the opportunity to talk with him further about his rationale? Did he give you a tapering plan?


OMG .... this is horrifying. I have cyclothymia and have been on Klonopin for several years, along with antidepressants and Lamictal (mood stabilizer). Most of the time they work well together, but now as I read this about Klonopin, it worries me. My anxiety goes through the roof at times if I'm not on it and the panic attacks start rolling. I'm afraid to stop taking it, and yet I don't want to become an addict either. Sometimes I think it would just be better if I were dead.

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I have had thoughts of suicide go though my mind, thinking if this is the way I am going to live what is the point! This is why I have done so much research on this drug. The benefits of taking clonazepam far out way the panic, constant fear, and palpitations that send me to a hospital being an emotional wreck!


I have had thoughts of suicide go though my mind, thinking if this is the way I am going to live what is the point! This is why I have done so much research on this drug. The benefits of taking clonazepam far out way the panic, constant fear, and palpitations that send me to a hospital being an emotional wreck!

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Hi, @lorraine59 - I truly hope you can have an open and honest discussion with your doctor about the way you are feeling about this taper he'd like to see - which has been very difficult the previous two tapering attempts - when you are at your appointment Tuesday. You might also ask your GP about a bridge medication during the taper and/or an alternate medication that may be prescribed.

I'd also like to invite @gailb @contentandwell @annesj @mel6415 @thankful @ainsleigh to join me in offering their insights on your situation.

You mentioned that you have had thoughts of suicide go through your mind, thinking about all this. How are you feeling now?


I really wish I could talk to you on a personal level. I believe this is a cruel punishment.

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Donna. If you would like to talk about this on a more personal level I can give you my email address.


Hi, @lorraine59 - I truly hope you can have an open and honest discussion with your doctor about the way you are feeling about this taper he'd like to see - which has been very difficult the previous two tapering attempts - when you are at your appointment Tuesday. You might also ask your GP about a bridge medication during the taper and/or an alternate medication that may be prescribed.

I'd also like to invite @gailb @contentandwell @annesj @mel6415 @thankful @ainsleigh to join me in offering their insights on your situation.

You mentioned that you have had thoughts of suicide go through your mind, thinking about all this. How are you feeling now?

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I now am suffering only mild symtoms, but am feeling anxiety, and heart palpitations, and afraid of going outside! But I know my next taper (which is a week away) a whole new set of issues! This fear that comes will prevent me from working, which it has in done in the past. The thought of sitting on my sofa and trembling so bad,not being able to concentrate, heart racing, I feel that my life has no meaning if I have to suffer so severely, what is the point of my livingÉ


Even though you don't feel well now, remember, sooner or later, your second wind will kick in. Recall the times in the past when you didn't give up, the people you've helped, the people who care about you, that you are a child of the Creator, that the medication is affecting how you feel but you can get through this and you will get through this. I went from 4 mg a day of klonopin to now 1 mg a day and I know I can get off it. SLOWLY but surely I did it, I did a hard thing, from 4 mg. to 1 mg. Tell yourself that. "Even though I don't feel well now, I can get through this and I will get through this. I've been successful before and I can be successful now." May you feel comforted.


Hi, @lorraine59 - I truly hope you can have an open and honest discussion with your doctor about the way you are feeling about this taper he'd like to see - which has been very difficult the previous two tapering attempts - when you are at your appointment Tuesday. You might also ask your GP about a bridge medication during the taper and/or an alternate medication that may be prescribed.

I'd also like to invite @gailb @contentandwell @annesj @mel6415 @thankful @ainsleigh to join me in offering their insights on your situation.

You mentioned that you have had thoughts of suicide go through your mind, thinking about all this. How are you feeling now?

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@lisalucier I actually know virtually nothing about these anti-depressants. I occasionally follow the thread to enrich my knowledge of them because a couple of people I care greatly about take various anti-depressants.
My comments are generally simply encouragement and ones of admiration for people who are walking this difficult path because they no longer need to take these drugs.

Regarding @lorraine59 and @amberpep Suicide is never the answer. You are valuable to many people, whether or not you realize that. Try to hang in there, and if you need to continue on these drugs then you should. Each of us is different and it is up to the patient and their doctor to decide what will serve them best.

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