Klonopin & Gabapentin for sleep

Posted by weijamin @weijamin, Jan 30, 2023

Hi, I am 78, almost 79 & have been taking klonopin, .5 - 1mg for almost 30 yrs. Now it isn’t working so well, so Dr added gabapentin, 2-300mg.
It is working, but I understand the dependence w/ klonopin & in the past have tried to quit, but it has been too hard. Just would like to hear from others if anyone else is taking both of these meds, & what people think about their safety.

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Just wanted to comment in this thread, because I may have Klonopin induced insomnia, oddly enough. It’s given to me by trained staff at 6 PM and 7 AM daily, 1mg each time. The problem with getting it at 6 PM is I do fall asleep, before 8 PM, and I usually wake up around 1 or 2 AM. Getting back to sleep after that is hard. Last night I just stayed up all the way from 2 AM until daylight.

Unfortunately, in my living situation staff goes home at 6:30 PM, and they don’t trust me to keep my own Klonopin. We’ve yet to work out a solution to this.

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Interesting you mentioned about not being trusted with your own Klonopin. What are they(psychiatric personal) doing about this??


Just wanted to comment in this thread, because I may have Klonopin induced insomnia, oddly enough. It’s given to me by trained staff at 6 PM and 7 AM daily, 1mg each time. The problem with getting it at 6 PM is I do fall asleep, before 8 PM, and I usually wake up around 1 or 2 AM. Getting back to sleep after that is hard. Last night I just stayed up all the way from 2 AM until daylight.

Unfortunately, in my living situation staff goes home at 6:30 PM, and they don’t trust me to keep my own Klonopin. We’ve yet to work out a solution to this.

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I'm wondering if maybe a time release pill safe might be helpful? They have them where you can set it to unlock at a certain time. Your caregiver could leave your nightly pill in the safe and set it to open at the time you wish to go to sleep. They can be expensive but might be worth if it helps you keep your wanted sleep schedule. They have them on Amazon and I'm sure some medical equipment suppliers may have them also.


I also take clonezepam and gabapentin. I am prescribed clonezepam for combat stress, and insomnia and the gabapentin for a ruptured disc in my neck. It turns out, I'm able to take less clonezepam if I take gabapentin (600-900 mg per day), clonezepam (1.0-1.5 MG per day). Before, I required 2.0-2.5 MG of clonezepam to keep me from having panic episodes or having sleepless nights. The Gabapentin potentiates the benzodiazepines possibly because they work on the same receptors (GABA). That's just my guess, however, we are seeing more people treated with gabapentin for anxiety. These are usually larger doses than used to treat nerve pain. The two work well together.


I've read that gabapentin can be very difficult to get off of and can take up to a year for to completely get through withdraw. Be careful and do your research the best you can before starting medication. Just because you got a prescription doesn't mean it's a good medication for you so it's really a good idea to look up meds first to make sure. The first time I was prescribed Trazodone they wrote it for 3x a day. Had I not looked it up before I took it I would've taken it, got in my car taken my daughter to school then to work. I could've fallen asleep driving if I had just taken it as they said too.


I also take clonezepam and gabapentin. I am prescribed clonezepam for combat stress, and insomnia and the gabapentin for a ruptured disc in my neck. It turns out, I'm able to take less clonezepam if I take gabapentin (600-900 mg per day), clonezepam (1.0-1.5 MG per day). Before, I required 2.0-2.5 MG of clonezepam to keep me from having panic episodes or having sleepless nights. The Gabapentin potentiates the benzodiazepines possibly because they work on the same receptors (GABA). That's just my guess, however, we are seeing more people treated with gabapentin for anxiety. These are usually larger doses than used to treat nerve pain. The two work well together.

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Gabapentin is suppose to be very hard to get off of to.


I’m so angry with my old doctor he should of told me about clonazapam that you can get dependent on this awful drug and Effexor xr there both terrible for me I told the psychiatrist that I couldn’t take it because of horrible comstipation and grogginess, and can’t enjoy a cup of coffee because it interacts with it badly . I’ve tried lowering the dose of clonazapam by cutting it in half I take the lowest dose .25 mg by my psychiatrist amd my legs felt so weak I went back to the .25 mg this was a few years ago never again that is to much of a taper I told her. I hate these meds so badly they have ruined my life. I went on medications ten years ago when diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for depression and anxiety. Had no support when diagnosed, the doctor wouldn’t listen to me how I felt when first diagnosed amd said I was depressed, I was overwhelmed and scared. He had me n Pristq at first and that drug is very potent, I could not function on it, he told me to suck it up I ended up in the hospital and they put me on a sleeping pill called Zoplicone I didn’t know that Pristq causes insomnia that is what the problem was. But I think they didn’t know how to get me off it so just gave me a sleeping pill for sleep then a few years on the Zoplicone found out that this can cause dependence so I told my doctor that I wanted off it he tapered me off using Ativan which I was taking to. What a hell experience that was, no sleep at all and I’m sure you don’t use Ativan to taper off Zoplicone but I trusted my doctor, I think back and I definitely was in withdraw crying lots, no sleep it was awful, Never again will I ask a doctor to taper me off anything they don’t know shit.


I’m so angry with my old doctor he should of told me about clonazapam that you can get dependent on this awful drug and Effexor xr there both terrible for me I told the psychiatrist that I couldn’t take it because of horrible comstipation and grogginess, and can’t enjoy a cup of coffee because it interacts with it badly . I’ve tried lowering the dose of clonazapam by cutting it in half I take the lowest dose .25 mg by my psychiatrist amd my legs felt so weak I went back to the .25 mg this was a few years ago never again that is to much of a taper I told her. I hate these meds so badly they have ruined my life. I went on medications ten years ago when diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for depression and anxiety. Had no support when diagnosed, the doctor wouldn’t listen to me how I felt when first diagnosed amd said I was depressed, I was overwhelmed and scared. He had me n Pristq at first and that drug is very potent, I could not function on it, he told me to suck it up I ended up in the hospital and they put me on a sleeping pill called Zoplicone I didn’t know that Pristq causes insomnia that is what the problem was. But I think they didn’t know how to get me off it so just gave me a sleeping pill for sleep then a few years on the Zoplicone found out that this can cause dependence so I told my doctor that I wanted off it he tapered me off using Ativan which I was taking to. What a hell experience that was, no sleep at all and I’m sure you don’t use Ativan to taper off Zoplicone but I trusted my doctor, I think back and I definitely was in withdraw crying lots, no sleep it was awful, Never again will I ask a doctor to taper me off anything they don’t know shit.

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Have you tried Melatonin ? It's a natural hormone aand it works a treat. I have been taking 10 mg gummies all this years and I get a good 8 - 9 Hours sleep a night.
Give it a go as you'll be amazed with the outcome. I think if we don't get enough sleep that in it's self can cause depression. If you have more energy it makes you feel happiest


I’m so angry with my old doctor he should of told me about clonazapam that you can get dependent on this awful drug and Effexor xr there both terrible for me I told the psychiatrist that I couldn’t take it because of horrible comstipation and grogginess, and can’t enjoy a cup of coffee because it interacts with it badly . I’ve tried lowering the dose of clonazapam by cutting it in half I take the lowest dose .25 mg by my psychiatrist amd my legs felt so weak I went back to the .25 mg this was a few years ago never again that is to much of a taper I told her. I hate these meds so badly they have ruined my life. I went on medications ten years ago when diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for depression and anxiety. Had no support when diagnosed, the doctor wouldn’t listen to me how I felt when first diagnosed amd said I was depressed, I was overwhelmed and scared. He had me n Pristq at first and that drug is very potent, I could not function on it, he told me to suck it up I ended up in the hospital and they put me on a sleeping pill called Zoplicone I didn’t know that Pristq causes insomnia that is what the problem was. But I think they didn’t know how to get me off it so just gave me a sleeping pill for sleep then a few years on the Zoplicone found out that this can cause dependence so I told my doctor that I wanted off it he tapered me off using Ativan which I was taking to. What a hell experience that was, no sleep at all and I’m sure you don’t use Ativan to taper off Zoplicone but I trusted my doctor, I think back and I definitely was in withdraw crying lots, no sleep it was awful, Never again will I ask a doctor to taper me off anything they don’t know shit.

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I finally got to see a psychiatrist through the VA. After reviewing my list of medications, she told me not to take alprazolam/Xanax (I'd been taking 0.5 mg for many years. I asked her why, since I take such a small amount--never more than 0.5 mg's, and ofter go 3-5 days without taking any at all. She said that doctors should not prescribe Benzos--never, and when I asked her why, she replied, "because they may impair your cognitive abilities." I got up and walked over to her where she was holding the list of meds I'd given her and proceded to point out six med's on the list which were more likely to cause memory problems: Depakote (for being bipolar), Lexipro (anti-depressant), Lipitor (because I'd had a mini-stroke several years ago), Gabapentin ( for pain/sleep--had service-connected injuries while in Vietnam and whenever I'd roll over in bed, I'd awaken from sharp pains in either of the surgicall-repaired shoulders), and Celebrex--also for pain. Every one of the above-mentioned med's are worse than the small doseage of Benzos I'd been taking, and I when I asked her why those med's shoulden't be removed from my prescriptions, she simply looked down, kept entering notes into her desktop, and when I questioned her again, she simply gave me a stern look and went back to her notes. You want to know how I feel about doctors. They're people who seem as if they're underpaid while making $3-4 hundred thousand dollars a year plus benefits, and exactly as you stated, "...don't know shit." I personally research all the medication the doctors prescribe, including the chemical structures, speak to pharmacists who usually know a heck of a lot more than the quacks I've seen, and most of them should have their licenses revoked. I have yet to find a doctor through Medicare or the VA who will even prescribe a couple of miligrams/month of Benzos so that I can titrate off the crap they had originally prescribed. Every time I see a neurologist (for Parkinson's), or a primary care physician, or in the last case an uncaring robot-like psychiatrist, I expect the worst (and usually get it--especially the being talked down to as if I were too stupid to respect their god-like superiority), or ask to be titrated off most of the med's I'm taking, my words fall on deaf ears. Doctors use their patients as guinea pigs while getting kick-backs from the sales reps for Big Pharma. Healthcare in this country is just another rotten business.


I’m so angry with my old doctor he should of told me about clonazapam that you can get dependent on this awful drug and Effexor xr there both terrible for me I told the psychiatrist that I couldn’t take it because of horrible comstipation and grogginess, and can’t enjoy a cup of coffee because it interacts with it badly . I’ve tried lowering the dose of clonazapam by cutting it in half I take the lowest dose .25 mg by my psychiatrist amd my legs felt so weak I went back to the .25 mg this was a few years ago never again that is to much of a taper I told her. I hate these meds so badly they have ruined my life. I went on medications ten years ago when diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for depression and anxiety. Had no support when diagnosed, the doctor wouldn’t listen to me how I felt when first diagnosed amd said I was depressed, I was overwhelmed and scared. He had me n Pristq at first and that drug is very potent, I could not function on it, he told me to suck it up I ended up in the hospital and they put me on a sleeping pill called Zoplicone I didn’t know that Pristq causes insomnia that is what the problem was. But I think they didn’t know how to get me off it so just gave me a sleeping pill for sleep then a few years on the Zoplicone found out that this can cause dependence so I told my doctor that I wanted off it he tapered me off using Ativan which I was taking to. What a hell experience that was, no sleep at all and I’m sure you don’t use Ativan to taper off Zoplicone but I trusted my doctor, I think back and I definitely was in withdraw crying lots, no sleep it was awful, Never again will I ask a doctor to taper me off anything they don’t know shit.

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I went through withdrawals with xanax. Filed a formal complaint with board too about doctor. I'm tapering down on my own now. I'm at 3/4 mg daily instead of 1. It screws with your perception of things. I physically could not sleep for over 48 hours and could not cry. I did not eat for 5 days. Everything smelled rotten to me. I threw out milk and tried to eat Ritz crackers and they tasted like old musty dirty socks smell. It was horrible.


I finally got to see a psychiatrist through the VA. After reviewing my list of medications, she told me not to take alprazolam/Xanax (I'd been taking 0.5 mg for many years. I asked her why, since I take such a small amount--never more than 0.5 mg's, and ofter go 3-5 days without taking any at all. She said that doctors should not prescribe Benzos--never, and when I asked her why, she replied, "because they may impair your cognitive abilities." I got up and walked over to her where she was holding the list of meds I'd given her and proceded to point out six med's on the list which were more likely to cause memory problems: Depakote (for being bipolar), Lexipro (anti-depressant), Lipitor (because I'd had a mini-stroke several years ago), Gabapentin ( for pain/sleep--had service-connected injuries while in Vietnam and whenever I'd roll over in bed, I'd awaken from sharp pains in either of the surgicall-repaired shoulders), and Celebrex--also for pain. Every one of the above-mentioned med's are worse than the small doseage of Benzos I'd been taking, and I when I asked her why those med's shoulden't be removed from my prescriptions, she simply looked down, kept entering notes into her desktop, and when I questioned her again, she simply gave me a stern look and went back to her notes. You want to know how I feel about doctors. They're people who seem as if they're underpaid while making $3-4 hundred thousand dollars a year plus benefits, and exactly as you stated, "...don't know shit." I personally research all the medication the doctors prescribe, including the chemical structures, speak to pharmacists who usually know a heck of a lot more than the quacks I've seen, and most of them should have their licenses revoked. I have yet to find a doctor through Medicare or the VA who will even prescribe a couple of miligrams/month of Benzos so that I can titrate off the crap they had originally prescribed. Every time I see a neurologist (for Parkinson's), or a primary care physician, or in the last case an uncaring robot-like psychiatrist, I expect the worst (and usually get it--especially the being talked down to as if I were too stupid to respect their god-like superiority), or ask to be titrated off most of the med's I'm taking, my words fall on deaf ears. Doctors use their patients as guinea pigs while getting kick-backs from the sales reps for Big Pharma. Healthcare in this country is just another rotten business.

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I also take lorazepam off and on for several years and when you ask for it they make you feel like a drug addict. I don’t have an addiction problem Never have. I take these when I need them which might be several times a month. Even the pharmacist has an attitude when he refills it. I have to agree with you on everything. I just had a stroke in my eye and have been to 4 retina specialists who have each given me a different diagnosis and if I asked questions I am either smirked at or consistently talked down too. Something needs to be done about their uppity god like attitude with their patients. I am tired of taking this abuse. I cannot get a straight answer from any of them and they make me feel like I am a bother. They refuse to send me to any specialist as to what happened to me because they think they are above anyone. The whole medical profession needs up hauling. I can’t tell you the last time I was treated with respect or concern from a Doctor. Obviously I am not the only one. Wish you luck.

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