Klonopin & Gabapentin for sleep

Posted by weijamin @weijamin, Jan 30, 2023

Hi, I am 78, almost 79 & have been taking klonopin, .5 - 1mg for almost 30 yrs. Now it isn’t working so well, so Dr added gabapentin, 2-300mg.
It is working, but I understand the dependence w/ klonopin & in the past have tried to quit, but it has been too hard. Just would like to hear from others if anyone else is taking both of these meds, & what people think about their safety.

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How much Remeron do you take at night? I have severe insomnia (waking up after 4 hrs) and tried 7.5mg one night and although I did sleep, I was extremely tired and groggy for 3 days so I didn't continue with it. I've been taking Trazodone and it helps me fall asleep but doesn't help me go back to sleep after 4 hrs. I've been thinking of trying Remeron again at half my previous dose (3.75). Did your grogginess get better after being on the drug for a while? Thanks

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Was on Remeron 7.5mg for several years to help me get back to sleep after having to get up for pain and bathroom issues. My colon was removed entirely due to colon cancer so I visit the toilet about 9 times/day and usually 3 times overnight.

But yes, it resulted in drowsiness/grogginess and almost hangover-like side effects - not just in the morning either. It did not get better with time for me.

After retuning/adjusting my CPAP machine so it became much more effective, I weaned off of the Remeron gradually over a month-long period to see if it was still needed and found that it no longer helped the night interruptions. I have since noticed an improvement in the morning drowsiness/grogginess and the feeling tired throughout the day. It's only been a week off of it entirely, so this may improve more.

That does make sense because Remeron's half-life is 20-40 hours and can stay in the body for up to 8 days. Net - this carryover that you and I experienced does happen.

It's unknown what half the previous dose will do - you certainly can try it and stop if the side effects are unacceptable.

Good luck.


Was on Remeron 7.5mg for several years to help me get back to sleep after having to get up for pain and bathroom issues. My colon was removed entirely due to colon cancer so I visit the toilet about 9 times/day and usually 3 times overnight.

But yes, it resulted in drowsiness/grogginess and almost hangover-like side effects - not just in the morning either. It did not get better with time for me.

After retuning/adjusting my CPAP machine so it became much more effective, I weaned off of the Remeron gradually over a month-long period to see if it was still needed and found that it no longer helped the night interruptions. I have since noticed an improvement in the morning drowsiness/grogginess and the feeling tired throughout the day. It's only been a week off of it entirely, so this may improve more.

That does make sense because Remeron's half-life is 20-40 hours and can stay in the body for up to 8 days. Net - this carryover that you and I experienced does happen.

It's unknown what half the previous dose will do - you certainly can try it and stop if the side effects are unacceptable.

Good luck.

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I have severe insomnia . Klonopin does not make me tired , I wish it did . I take for anxiety . Did you ever take trazodone ? Min stopped working and have been taking Restoril and now it’s not working . Was it hard to adjust with Gavapentin ? Help it’s working for you . Sleepless nights are so difficult .😞


I have severe insomnia . Klonopin does not make me tired , I wish it did . I take for anxiety . Did you ever take trazodone ? Min stopped working and have been taking Restoril and now it’s not working . Was it hard to adjust with Gavapentin ? Help it’s working for you . Sleepless nights are so difficult .😞

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Took trazodone many years ago. But, I can't remember why I stopped it - most likely some side effect.

Assume you mean gabapentin? Never got on gabapentin myself, although my oncologist recommended it because of nerve issues during/after cancer/chemo. The nerve pain was more numbness than painful so I didn't.

Wife used it for a while to reduce nerve pain before she had back surgery.

I'm finding that every med I used for sleep purposes has eventually caused some side effects - mainly feeling like a mental zombie.

Good luck in finding something that works (and stays working) that doesn't mess you up with side-effects.


I had COVID in October 2020 ended up with post covid neuropathy even though not diabetic
I take 300-600 mg gabapentin daily depending on need and klonopin 1mg at night as I have ptsd from my own experience with covid and treating so many others and all the death most recent death of my father due to jn.1 as he had Alzheimer’s and no restrictions now for anyone so it was brought to him and he died but those meds do help me but sometimes I still cannot sleep


I have severe insomnia . Klonopin does not make me tired , I wish it did . I take for anxiety . Did you ever take trazodone ? Min stopped working and have been taking Restoril and now it’s not working . Was it hard to adjust with Gavapentin ? Help it’s working for you . Sleepless nights are so difficult .😞

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Lorazepam works very well for sleep. Klonopin didn't work for sleep for me either.... Have you ever tried Unisom? It's over the counter and works pretty good. Ingredient is Doxylamine Succinate


Took trazodone many years ago. But, I can't remember why I stopped it - most likely some side effect.

Assume you mean gabapentin? Never got on gabapentin myself, although my oncologist recommended it because of nerve issues during/after cancer/chemo. The nerve pain was more numbness than painful so I didn't.

Wife used it for a while to reduce nerve pain before she had back surgery.

I'm finding that every med I used for sleep purposes has eventually caused some side effects - mainly feeling like a mental zombie.

Good luck in finding something that works (and stays working) that doesn't mess you up with side-effects.

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Not everyone feels like a mental zombie after taking sleep aids... sorry you do...maybe take a lower dose.


Not everyone feels like a mental zombie after taking sleep aids... sorry you do...maybe take a lower dose.

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Recently weaned off of Remeron with no effect on sleep quality and I feel much better - more alert and less drugged-out symptoms.

My thinking is if something works for you and you have no significant adverse symptoms, great. Use it.


Recently weaned off of Remeron with no effect on sleep quality and I feel much better - more alert and less drugged-out symptoms.

My thinking is if something works for you and you have no significant adverse symptoms, great. Use it.

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Right. Lorazepam stopped working for me and I wanted to get off of benxodiazapines.
Remeron has been working for over a year. I have some grogginess in the morning but feel so much better now that I’m sleeping 95% of the time.
Each of us are different but we all need sleep!!


I have used Lorazepam for years but my new physician suggested changing because I have
a glass of wine each evening at about 5:00pm. I don't take my Lorazepam until about 8:00
& have never had any side effects. I am going to get a second opinion, although I have noticed that
one 5mg is not as effective as it once was.
Glad to know there are other sleep aids out there. Do you worry about dependency?
I am 80+ & do worry somewhat but I would rather get a good night's sleep & then change
to anything else that would work......I mean how many years do I have left anyway??? 🙂


Almost forgot! Have any of you had a "sleep study?"
I have signed up for one but wonder if they really work.
Kay ( Lorazepam lover/user:)

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