They found a mass: How do you cope with anxiety and all the tests etc?

Posted by loula @loula, Feb 3, 2021

I was told last Wednesday I have a mass on right lung, going to doctor today for consult and I can not stop shaking what can you do for the anxiety level with this. not sure what a consult is or what is next all I can think of is this the last day of my normal life.

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Thanks to all for the info. all is going good now. hopefully it was a one time problem, I do understand now that I do not have the energy that I use to have and that I need to stop kicking myself for trying to more than I should, I take a nap or just lay down and recoup. not only do I have cancer I am a lot older now and can not do what I use to at 20 yrs old! but thanks to everyone on this site you have made my disease a lot easier to deal with.


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Hi @loula

I'm glad to read that you have made peace with the changes going on in your energy level. it is a difficult adjustment to change our lifestyle in order to accommodate illness but as you have discovered it is much easier when we accept what we cannot change.

Wishing you all the best!


Hello to everyone. was having a problem getting into my e-mail account they change things around so I figured that one out! going for my 3 chemo treatment this Wed. kind of worried sense the last one when I felt like I was having a heart attack from the keytruda so hoping that it doesn't happen this time. couple of people said the drip maybe going to fast do you think it would be in bad taste to let the doctor know this? any info would help. here it is April and it is snowing here just planted some ferns and flowers covered them up last night hope they make it through the next couple days.

stay healthy


Hello to everyone. was having a problem getting into my e-mail account they change things around so I figured that one out! going for my 3 chemo treatment this Wed. kind of worried sense the last one when I felt like I was having a heart attack from the keytruda so hoping that it doesn't happen this time. couple of people said the drip maybe going to fast do you think it would be in bad taste to let the doctor know this? any info would help. here it is April and it is snowing here just planted some ferns and flowers covered them up last night hope they make it through the next couple days.

stay healthy

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@loula I understand that you’re worried about chemo on Wednesday. It’s natural to worry about things like that, but if you remember, you were able to talk yourself into a positive attitude several other times when you were worried/anxious. You can do it this time, too! And, yes, you should tell the doctor what happened last time. They need to know how your body reacted to the chemo and infusion. And just think about the chemo getting all those cancer cells! And we’re all thinking about you! You’re one strong woman!
Will you post on Wednesday and let us know how you did?


@loula I understand that you’re worried about chemo on Wednesday. It’s natural to worry about things like that, but if you remember, you were able to talk yourself into a positive attitude several other times when you were worried/anxious. You can do it this time, too! And, yes, you should tell the doctor what happened last time. They need to know how your body reacted to the chemo and infusion. And just think about the chemo getting all those cancer cells! And we’re all thinking about you! You’re one strong woman!
Will you post on Wednesday and let us know how you did?

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Yes I will Becky and thanks for the positive message I still think about you telling me about pac man eating up the cancer cells!


Yes I will Becky and thanks for the positive message I still think about you telling me about pac man eating up the cancer cells!

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@loula Picturing pac man eating the cancer up is a great visual. My best friend, when she was undergoing radiation treatments for cervical cancer, had to have three markers tattooed on her abdomen. She decided they represented her husband and two children, and they were aiming at the cancer, shooting it down.

Yes, tell your dr, and the technicians, so everyone has the information. Knowing this they will be careful with you. Thank them for their help, and let them know how much easier they made your treatment.


Hello to everyone. was having a problem getting into my e-mail account they change things around so I figured that one out! going for my 3 chemo treatment this Wed. kind of worried sense the last one when I felt like I was having a heart attack from the keytruda so hoping that it doesn't happen this time. couple of people said the drip maybe going to fast do you think it would be in bad taste to let the doctor know this? any info would help. here it is April and it is snowing here just planted some ferns and flowers covered them up last night hope they make it through the next couple days.

stay healthy

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@loula- I think that all of us understand your apprehensions about your treatment tomorrow. When I went through chemo if I had a concern I called and spoke to my infusion nurse. That always put me at ease. Another thing, if you are experiencing something that is different than you think it should be DURING any infusion, elevated heartbeat, nausea, swelling, brain fog, etc call attention to it immediately. That is what the infusion nurses are there for!

Do you have a number to call? If you call today then your mind will be more at ease. Right?


Found excepting what was going on and praying to God helped. Not saying first 8 months of chemo weren’t tough (sick 10 days out of 21) but since that time went on keytruda (17 months ago) maybe 2 days a month aren’t good. God is good except what His plans for us are. Prayers 🙏🏻


@loula- I think that all of us understand your apprehensions about your treatment tomorrow. When I went through chemo if I had a concern I called and spoke to my infusion nurse. That always put me at ease. Another thing, if you are experiencing something that is different than you think it should be DURING any infusion, elevated heartbeat, nausea, swelling, brain fog, etc call attention to it immediately. That is what the infusion nurses are there for!

Do you have a number to call? If you call today then your mind will be more at ease. Right?

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Hello Merry, No I don't have a phone number for them but I will inform the doctor tomorrow morning before going for treatment, I am baking like a crazy lady to keep my mind off of tomorrow ! I do hope it was a one time thing and hope that I can stay on the Keytruda after the chemo treatments are done. My last chemo is in May. Then I don't know what they do after that.


Hello Merry, No I don't have a phone number for them but I will inform the doctor tomorrow morning before going for treatment, I am baking like a crazy lady to keep my mind off of tomorrow ! I do hope it was a one time thing and hope that I can stay on the Keytruda after the chemo treatments are done. My last chemo is in May. Then I don't know what they do after that.

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@loula- I hope that this isn't too late, but didn't you get a packet of information when you accepted chemo from your hospital/doctor that addresses how to get in contact with them? If you haven't left for your appointment yet see if you can get contact information!
I wish you the best today. I'm thinking of you!


Good morning Cynde. I am looking forward to hearing from you about how your treatment went yesterday. You certainly were armed with lots of information and support plus your own strength. I hope you aren’t discouraged by the fact that you had some anxiety return. This happens, but the important thing is you dealt with it. You did not lose any ground. In fact, you learned more and have only added to your resources for getting through this. At some point when it hits, you will think, “been there, done that, can do it again“! I am hoping that today is a better day for you. Peace, Nancy

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