Joint Pain after Organ Transplant

Posted by grateful76 @grateful76, Jul 27, 2023

Nice to meet you all and thank you so much for being here and supporting each other. My liver transplant surgery was 7 month ago and this month I have a lot of joint pain (arms/shoulder/fingers).
Has anyone experienced the same and any advices/suggestions please?
Thank you so much

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Good morning. Merry Christmas and happy New Year. I'm not a Doctor by any stretch of the imagination, but sounds like RA to me. Maybe ask for a referral to a Rheumatologist. You might get some answers. My liver transplant was October 2020.

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Ty so much for the information. That is definitely a Dr I haven’t seen yet and need to schedule with next. I appreciate the feedback.
Happy new year


@johnnybroom Thank you so much for your post. I have the same issue with fingers being locked up. It just happened overnight. Are you experiencing any improvements or any suggestions to share? I greatly appreciate your post.
Thank you so much.

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@grateful76 Have you talked to your nephrologist? Have they tested your uric acid? Your fingers locking up sounds like gout. The immunosuppressants are hard on your kidneys. When my uric acid was high I had similar issues with my fingers locking up. Losing weight and following a low purine diet helped resolve the issue. Also drinking 64 oz of water per day and watching my blood sugar to keep my kidneys as healthy as possible.


Your suggestion is spot on! I contacted the amazing pharmacist on my transplant team and she reviewed my meds after I explained my symptoms. She suggested I change statins from simvastatin which is harder to absorb with Tacrolimus thus leaving more in the blood system and causing aches for pravastatin. So far it has worked well and I’m mostly ache free.

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Hi. I am starting a statin. One dr wants Crestor my transplant coordinator said Lipitor is better. Does anyone recommend one over another. Sorry, not sure og generic names. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Hi. I am starting a statin. One dr wants Crestor my transplant coordinator said Lipitor is better. Does anyone recommend one over another. Sorry, not sure og generic names. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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@beracha, My input to you, is the same as I would give anyone with an organ transplant. It is what I have done for nearly 15 years and that - is to listen to your transplant coordinator who is relaying the advice of your transplant doctor(s). My local doctor is more than happy to comply with my Mayo transplant team.
I am a liver/kidney recipient. My transplant team also wanted me to take Lipitor instead of Crestor. I take the generic version, Atorvastatin. It works well for me.

@beracha, I see that you joined Connect, yesterday! Happy New Year and Welcome to Connect❤️


@beracha, My input to you, is the same as I would give anyone with an organ transplant. It is what I have done for nearly 15 years and that - is to listen to your transplant coordinator who is relaying the advice of your transplant doctor(s). My local doctor is more than happy to comply with my Mayo transplant team.
I am a liver/kidney recipient. My transplant team also wanted me to take Lipitor instead of Crestor. I take the generic version, Atorvastatin. It works well for me.

@beracha, I see that you joined Connect, yesterday! Happy New Year and Welcome to Connect❤️

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Ty. I am so happy to join as well. 15 yrs, congrats!!
Yes. It is frustrating not having facility that does liver transplants close to home. I always listen to my coordinator bc I am still living my best life 33 yrs later.


Ty. I am so happy to join as well. 15 yrs, congrats!!
Yes. It is frustrating not having facility that does liver transplants close to home. I always listen to my coordinator bc I am still living my best life 33 yrs later.

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@beracha I am so grateful for your post. It’s so inspiring and motivating to hear about your incredible journey after liver transplant. I am new to this process and your post made me happy and stronger. Thank you for being here. If you have any suggestions please share. I am working very closely with my liver transplant team and very grateful for this portal.


@beracha I am so grateful for your post. It’s so inspiring and motivating to hear about your incredible journey after liver transplant. I am new to this process and your post made me happy and stronger. Thank you for being here. If you have any suggestions please share. I am working very closely with my liver transplant team and very grateful for this portal.

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Feel free to ask anything you want or are curious about. What is ur story..
Hope to hear back.


Ty. I am so happy to join as well. 15 yrs, congrats!!
Yes. It is frustrating not having facility that does liver transplants close to home. I always listen to my coordinator bc I am still living my best life 33 yrs later.

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@beracha, Thank you for your congratulatory message. Your words mean a lot to me, especially since I read in another conversation that your are 33 years post liver transplant. I am curious, though, and want to ask (if you are comfortable to share) what brought you to Mayo Connect after 33 years? How did you find us?

I would love to hear your transplant story. I invite you to share it. Here is a link:
- Organ Donation and Transplant: What is Your story?


@beracha, Thank you for your congratulatory message. Your words mean a lot to me, especially since I read in another conversation that your are 33 years post liver transplant. I am curious, though, and want to ask (if you are comfortable to share) what brought you to Mayo Connect after 33 years? How did you find us?

I would love to hear your transplant story. I invite you to share it. Here is a link:
- Organ Donation and Transplant: What is Your story?

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Hi @rosemary, I am happy to hear another recipient doing well. My story is quite different from any I have heard.

I was graduating grad school and got chance to travel Europe with friend . We planned 2 month trip. 2nd stop in Amsterdam I got an abcess in my thigh and waited two days to see a Dr when we were in Paris. They immediately took me to surgery to clear the infected abscess. Next day I woke up nauseous left hospital. Within two days I had dots on my body and started throwing up blood. Tried to get home to NJ but couldn't bc of air traffic controller strike. Got home 2 days later but couldn't remember how I got from hotel in France to my parent's home. Then I remember the Er. I woke up a week later from level 4 coma with new liver. I was SHOCKED!. After2 months in hospital went home and rehabbed for 6 months by walking. By one year I was back on track. Few issues for 25 yrs until I rejected. New tests they did not have in 1990 found beginning fibrosis and ductopenia. 2015. 2023 showed NASH AT F2/3. I lost weight back in 2016 per transplant dr. I used to go to support for 5 yrs and talk to patients. I now have age issues but cannot distinguish it between liver issue and old age. Also, with all years as a liver recipient
i simply want to help. I hope it was not too detailed but that I can help others struggling who were caught off guard and needing a transplant. Remember we are all different. This is our life now and we should know as much as we can to live a long and healthy life.


Hi @rosemary, I am happy to hear another recipient doing well. My story is quite different from any I have heard.

I was graduating grad school and got chance to travel Europe with friend . We planned 2 month trip. 2nd stop in Amsterdam I got an abcess in my thigh and waited two days to see a Dr when we were in Paris. They immediately took me to surgery to clear the infected abscess. Next day I woke up nauseous left hospital. Within two days I had dots on my body and started throwing up blood. Tried to get home to NJ but couldn't bc of air traffic controller strike. Got home 2 days later but couldn't remember how I got from hotel in France to my parent's home. Then I remember the Er. I woke up a week later from level 4 coma with new liver. I was SHOCKED!. After2 months in hospital went home and rehabbed for 6 months by walking. By one year I was back on track. Few issues for 25 yrs until I rejected. New tests they did not have in 1990 found beginning fibrosis and ductopenia. 2015. 2023 showed NASH AT F2/3. I lost weight back in 2016 per transplant dr. I used to go to support for 5 yrs and talk to patients. I now have age issues but cannot distinguish it between liver issue and old age. Also, with all years as a liver recipient
i simply want to help. I hope it was not too detailed but that I can help others struggling who were caught off guard and needing a transplant. Remember we are all different. This is our life now and we should know as much as we can to live a long and healthy life.

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All, my wife is progressing toward a liver transplant this summer, or at least going on the list. Our team and hospital doesn’t do live donor transplant. Another hospital, 2 hours away does a lot more transplant than our team and does a lot of live donor transplants. I’ve read that live transplants organs are a better long term if they can be found, what info or experience does anyone have on that?

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