Anyone had a UTI that is antibiotic resistant?

Posted by sealover101 @sealover101, Mar 26, 2022

Would like to know the latest findings and treatment for IUD that does not respond to antibiotics.

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Whoops, SORRY... I intended to ask a question about UTI. Let me try again!! Does anybody have experience with a UTI infection that is not completely cured after 3 rounds of antibiotics ? Symptoms are improved and culture tests also show better results, but mild discomfort and mild urgency are still there. I'm 80 years old and never had a UTI before. Also throughout my ilfe, I have taken very, very few antibiotics. Other than controlled AFIB my health is good.

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Yes i just told my story. I had to take 4 rounds of antibiotics. The severe pain is gone but i am experiencing minor cystitis symptoms that will be treated with another week of antibiotics
I also had a GFR of 53 (for the first time ever) and i wonder if that could trigger more UTI's .


Whoops, SORRY... I intended to ask a question about UTI. Let me try again!! Does anybody have experience with a UTI infection that is not completely cured after 3 rounds of antibiotics ? Symptoms are improved and culture tests also show better results, but mild discomfort and mild urgency are still there. I'm 80 years old and never had a UTI before. Also throughout my ilfe, I have taken very, very few antibiotics. Other than controlled AFIB my health is good.

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I have had an UTI for 8 months and was prescribed 9 different antibiotics during this time. Changed urologist and he is checking for cancer. Whatever it is I just want it gone.


I have been battling chronic UTI for years now. I only have 1 functioning kidney and also get kidney stones . I'm scheduled for surgery soon to correct a UPJ obstruction and they will remove the stones at same time. Hopefully this will help UTI situation because antibiotics are not working. Check with your doctor to see if you can take some probiotics to replace your gut bacteria that's being eliminated by antibiotics. Best wishes to you.


I had recurring UTIs for years. My OB-GYN never commented on it, just kept prescribing anti-biotics each time (all the times) my UTI roared back. Finally, a urologist put me on Bactrim, which I stayed on for years. No one warned me about the dangers of being on an anti-biotic for extended amounts of time.

Finally, the UTI went away, as I learned I had CKD. Since I have no other factors that would cause me to have CKD Stage 3 (Heredity, alcoholism, etc.) one can conclude it was the anti-biotic. No one warned me, but on the other hand, I did finally get rid of the UTI infection. That said, by being obsessive about diet and my GFRs, I have lowered my CKD to Stage 2.

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I’ve had two UTIs in 2 years that were ATB resistant so I was referred to an infection specialist and he saw immediately my treatment at urology was my problem. Weekly instills with gentamicin he says made me resistant to most oral antibiotics and being Cathed weekly was not good either. I had a DNA test to see what I’m resistant to. Almost everything thanks to years of antibiotics back to back. So 2 weeks of PICC line strong atbs to knock it out. Stopped going for weekly urology and no more infections so far—2 months. Longest I’ve gone in 5 years! Macrobid is still working for me if I need it. They used to think urine was sterile. It’s not. And if you are colonized(bacteria hide in bladder wall) you will always show some bacteria. So I lived in fear of deadly sepsis for years. I have some fear still because I have almost constant burning that I control with OTC Azo pain. I also get a limited rx of same. I have fibro, back issues and interstitial cystitis so it’s hard to tell if I’m infected. Only way is a cath culture. Here we go again…….it’s a world wide problem and lots of research is done on men but not so much for post menopausal women. Utube has some very good UTI videos. From the UK where they seem to be up on things.


Whoops, SORRY... I intended to ask a question about UTI. Let me try again!! Does anybody have experience with a UTI infection that is not completely cured after 3 rounds of antibiotics ? Symptoms are improved and culture tests also show better results, but mild discomfort and mild urgency are still there. I'm 80 years old and never had a UTI before. Also throughout my ilfe, I have taken very, very few antibiotics. Other than controlled AFIB my health is good.

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I have had the same infection for nine months. I had 9 antibiotics in a 6 month span. I still have the same infection, but a new urologist.


Have you been checked for MRSA?


My UTIs were never ending, until I began to take Bactrim, I took it for a long time, and finally cured my UTIs. However, the Bactrim is the only possible reason I now have Kidney Stage 2. I was diagnosed at Stage 3, but immediately changed my diet and raised my GFRs.


Anyone been successful in testing morganella bacteria

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Antibiotic resistant urinary tract infection
Has anyone been successful in dealing with morganella infection?


Anyone been successful in testing morganella bacteria


Antibiotic resistant urinary tract infection
Has anyone been successful in dealing with morganella infection?

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Welcome @shami75. I moved your message to this existing discussion:
Anyone had a UTI that is antibiotic resistant?

i did this so you can read previous helpful posts and connect easily with other members like @dulcinea14 who talks about dealing with antibiotic resistant Morganella Morganii bacteria and UTIs.

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