Is Afib ever cured?

Posted by elegantgem @elegantgem, Nov 23, 2020

I know this seems like an unlikely question but I wanted to ask people if you can be diagnosed with Afib and then be told you don't have it anymore? I ask because after a heart ablation I thought my afib was gone but it shows itself back up every month or so. So I was wondering if any treatment causes it to disappear.

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Had two ablations were both short term cures. Went to Cleveland clinic now on Tikosyn and carvedolol for 2 years no episodes.


Had two unsuccessful ablations at Honorhealth last year. The most recent one was at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix with the BEST EP-Dr Srivathsen-which was successful (thank goodness!). My last two ekgs came back ‘normal’ and I am hoping it stays that way. I have read that it can come back, but I think there are some lifestyle factors that can affect it more than others.
Anything irritating to the heart-bad food choices, alcohol, smoking, etc can trigger episodes… from what I have read anyway. Mine was caused by chemotherapy.
Good luck to everyone!

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