Insomnia & anxiety

Posted by diang @diang, Feb 11 9:03am

Has anyone else experienced major insomnia due to post Covid? Or anxiety.

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For me, and most of us, I think the anxiety comes from the unknown. My condition has worsened over two years. I have seen countless doctors, specialists therapists, and received no significant help. So my brain quite naturally jumps to “Where will I be in six months, or a year?”
Without help, and continually getting worse, the answer to my hypothetical question causes extreme anxiety.


Cindisue, I have sought help. I felt I could handle the anxiety, but a recent seizure left me depressed. Depression is truly awful, and it convinced me I needed help. I’m now taking Zoloft and probably should have done it sooner.

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I'm happy the Zoloft is helping..


Years before I got Covid in January 2024, I was diagnosed with idiopathic hypersomnia. My sleep latency was less than two minutes, and even though I would get enough sleep at night, I would have severe sleep inertia upon waking. I would often have days where I would sleep for 14-16 hours straight.

Since Covid, my symptoms of idiopathic hypersomnia have essentially resolved, and I am now experiencing symptoms more like insomnia. I have trouble getting to sleep at night because I just don’t feel tired even though my body is fatigued, I wake up more often in the middle of the night feeling awake and alert and have to work to go back to sleep, and I wake up alert even if I only got 6 hours of sleep. I do take more naps to catch up, but I am only working from home part time now so I have the time to do that. I am still taking modafinil every day, which is a wake-promoting med that was prescribed for my hypersomnia, but I haven’t attempted to see how I feel without it. Prior to Covid, if I didn’t take it I would be so sleepy that I could fall asleep anywhere (like a narcoleptic).

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