What helps with hair loss?

Posted by neomipaul @neomipaul, Jan 13, 2022

Hello. I am needing info if I can use clove by mouth or on scalp for loss of hair. I am losing handfuls every time I brush my hair

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The NYT published an article about the successful use of oral minoxidil (not topical) -- link below. I made note of it bc in my 40s (I'm 62) I was concerned about visibly thinning hair; it seemed to resolve itself by the time I had my final period (at 54). Now I'm coping with chemo hair loss! Good luck.

PS: Stress, thyroid problems, and perimenopause / menopause can cause thinning hair in women; pls get a complete physical.

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I’m 72 now and I have battled cancer twice, my stress level is very high and it’s chaos for my body and mind. I don’t worry as much about my battle with hair loss although I would be first in line if they have a new product that’s natural and safe to use.


I’m 72 now and I have battled cancer twice, my stress level is very high and it’s chaos for my body and mind. I don’t worry as much about my battle with hair loss although I would be first in line if they have a new product that’s natural and safe to use.

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Thank you for that perspective. I haven’t dealt with cancer and am so grateful for that. I try to not get too focused on the aesthetics when health issues could be so serious. Glad you’re doing well.


I am losing a lot of hair recently. I find my hair on anything pulled on over my head, on black or gray coats, and even in food. Ugh! My husband has suggested I wear a hair net when working in the kitchen. When I had PMR, I did lose a lot of hair, but that has been quite some time ago. My dermatologist suggested using Rogaine for men which I did not do. She also prescribed a disgusting topical med that I used and left on for 5 minutes while standing in the shower before I shampooed my hair. My scalp burns anyway so I will not try the RX again. I don't know why my scalp burns, and have just chalked that up to something I just live with. There are always more pressing issues. I have seen all sorts of shampoos and conditioners (some expensive) that are supposed to help with hair retention. Has anyone found something that works? I would appreciate any suggestions given. This question might belong in another group, but I thought I would start here. Thank you! With all good wishes, @joybringer1

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As I looked into options for my hair loss which I attribute to both chemo and the medications, I found 3 other things not mentioned in this thread.

Micro-needle therapy treatments, Derma-roller at home and scalp inking.. (Scalp tatoo). I just purchased my derma-roller to see if it yields result.


Thank you for that perspective. I haven’t dealt with cancer and am so grateful for that. I try to not get too focused on the aesthetics when health issues could be so serious. Glad you’re doing well.

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I’m very changed since cancer but this is not uncommon…I still have a sense of vanity that I try to hold onto, hair loss is very troubling and although it’s not going to hurt your health, it’s still difficult to deal with. I’m grateful that we have more options than before and from my own experience I look for a good stylist with a sensitive eye for what I need.


I am losing a lot of hair recently. I find my hair on anything pulled on over my head, on black or gray coats, and even in food. Ugh! My husband has suggested I wear a hair net when working in the kitchen. When I had PMR, I did lose a lot of hair, but that has been quite some time ago. My dermatologist suggested using Rogaine for men which I did not do. She also prescribed a disgusting topical med that I used and left on for 5 minutes while standing in the shower before I shampooed my hair. My scalp burns anyway so I will not try the RX again. I don't know why my scalp burns, and have just chalked that up to something I just live with. There are always more pressing issues. I have seen all sorts of shampoos and conditioners (some expensive) that are supposed to help with hair retention. Has anyone found something that works? I would appreciate any suggestions given. This question might belong in another group, but I thought I would start here. Thank you! With all good wishes, @joybringer1

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Don't know if anyone else mentioned this. But, I had some hair loss and it was due to my thyroid. I think it is worth checking out, if you haven't already. Good luck!


Don't know if anyone else mentioned this. But, I had some hair loss and it was due to my thyroid. I think it is worth checking out, if you haven't already. Good luck!

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Good point. I have hypothyroidism and take daily med for it. My levels are good, though.


I am losing a lot of hair recently. I find my hair on anything pulled on over my head, on black or gray coats, and even in food. Ugh! My husband has suggested I wear a hair net when working in the kitchen. When I had PMR, I did lose a lot of hair, but that has been quite some time ago. My dermatologist suggested using Rogaine for men which I did not do. She also prescribed a disgusting topical med that I used and left on for 5 minutes while standing in the shower before I shampooed my hair. My scalp burns anyway so I will not try the RX again. I don't know why my scalp burns, and have just chalked that up to something I just live with. There are always more pressing issues. I have seen all sorts of shampoos and conditioners (some expensive) that are supposed to help with hair retention. Has anyone found something that works? I would appreciate any suggestions given. This question might belong in another group, but I thought I would start here. Thank you! With all good wishes, @joybringer1

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My deceased wife had same problem. Took her renowned hospital, that was experimenting with an idea that pituitary gland might be the cause. But he just left before study was completed. I've known a lot of ladies after menopause, same problem. Whether is Stress or Genetic, I think it's more to do with stress. Trying to doing to much. With men it's genetic. Influenced by female side (Watson & Crick) Nobel Winners. She had 3-4 brothers all bald.


I also wanted to add that my thyroid has been checked and it was fine…I have male pattern baldness, I lose my hair at the temple and in the crown…it’s not common so I feel like a freak…I’ve had this since I was a young girl and I still remember the hurtful teasing I got in school, children can sometimes be very cruel. I learned to style my hair later on to hide it but I would use hairspray to keep it in place, I must say the wind was not my friend 👍😊

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I have the same thing. It's hard on your self esteem.


I have the same thing. It's hard on your self esteem.

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You’re absolutely right, it’s downright awful…I can still remember the teasing that I got from people even family, they think it’s comical, I honestly can’t see anything funny about being self conscious about how you look all the time, sometimes I feel that they focus more on the men rather than giving women the same consideration, usually they say you can always wear a wig.


I started taking Eliquis for afib and one month later started losing hair. Has anyone else experienced this taking this medication? I read other anticoagulants cause this but hair loss is not listed as a side effect of Eliquis.

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I took Eliquis for three years. Yes, my hair is gone on the sides. This is not a listed side effect but plenty of people have it. I had surgery so I do not have to take blood thinners. Now I am trying to get my body back to normal. I plan to take GLA in the form of black currant oil. Years before AFib, I took it for something else and my hair grew like crazy. But you cannot take it with blood thinners. Eliquis is a horrible drug.

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