What helps with hair loss?

Posted by neomipaul @neomipaul, Jan 13, 2022

Hello. I am needing info if I can use clove by mouth or on scalp for loss of hair. I am losing handfuls every time I brush my hair

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I am losing a lot of hair recently. I find my hair on anything pulled on over my head, on black or gray coats, and even in food. Ugh! My husband has suggested I wear a hair net when working in the kitchen. When I had PMR, I did lose a lot of hair, but that has been quite some time ago. My dermatologist suggested using Rogaine for men which I did not do. She also prescribed a disgusting topical med that I used and left on for 5 minutes while standing in the shower before I shampooed my hair. My scalp burns anyway so I will not try the RX again. I don't know why my scalp burns, and have just chalked that up to something I just live with. There are always more pressing issues. I have seen all sorts of shampoos and conditioners (some expensive) that are supposed to help with hair retention. Has anyone found something that works? I would appreciate any suggestions given. This question might belong in another group, but I thought I would start here. Thank you! With all good wishes, @joybringer1

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The NYT published an article about the successful use of oral minoxidil (not topical) -- link below. I made note of it bc in my 40s (I'm 62) I was concerned about visibly thinning hair; it seemed to resolve itself by the time I had my final period (at 54). Now I'm coping with chemo hair loss! Good luck.

PS: Stress, thyroid problems, and perimenopause / menopause can cause thinning hair in women; pls get a complete physical.


I also wanted to add that my thyroid has been checked and it was fine…I have male pattern baldness, I lose my hair at the temple and in the crown…it’s not common so I feel like a freak…I’ve had this since I was a young girl and I still remember the hurtful teasing I got in school, children can sometimes be very cruel. I learned to style my hair later on to hide it but I would use hairspray to keep it in place, I must say the wind was not my friend 👍😊

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There are some awesome and stylish head coverups on the market! Or ask a friend who crochets, to make you one! I am just finishing up a loom-knit hat out of scraps for me. Who knows, you might start a local-to-you fashion trend!

I have definite hair thinning at the temple; the hair there is very fine and gray. The rest of my hair is much thicker and leans towards the reddish side of natural color.


@joybringer1 It's never easy when we notice things like this, is it?!

Has your primary doctor checked your hormone levels, and basic blood counts, to ensure there is nothing going on that needs to be addressed? For me, when I am stressed out physically and/or emotionally, I tend to shed hair more, or at least it seems that way!

Here is an article from Cleveland Clinic about hair loss in women that you might find useful to read: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/16921-hair-loss-in-women

Have you recently started or changed any medications? Any new conditions? New or different stressors? Changes in water and water quality, or soaps used?

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@gingerw, thank you for the suggestions. I will address some when I have my next blood draw. Also, thank you for the link to the Cleveland Clinic.

Nothing has changed for me recently. I have no new meds, no new conditions, or anything new or different. With all good wishes, @joybringer1.


There are some awesome and stylish head coverups on the market! Or ask a friend who crochets, to make you one! I am just finishing up a loom-knit hat out of scraps for me. Who knows, you might start a local-to-you fashion trend!

I have definite hair thinning at the temple; the hair there is very fine and gray. The rest of my hair is much thicker and leans towards the reddish side of natural color.

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@gingerw, I usually wear a cotton beret. This works for me on a number of levels. I do have some some caps a friend crocheted for me. So, I am covered! With all good wishes, @joybringer1


I'm a 72 yr. old female and have gotten good results with 5% Rogaine. I've grown hair at the hairline, little bangs, and I think the top of the head. You can order the Kirkland brand from Amazon...good luck !

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@casey1329, thank you for the suggestion. With all good wishes, @joybringer1


I have struggled with my hair loss for years…it’s a hereditary thing and short of getting a hair transplant it’s a part of my life. My hair grows new ones where I need it but alas they fall out again, thus the cycle goes on…I use a product called Biotin, you can find it with the vitamins section…it’s not a miracle cure but it definitely slows down the fallout and allows your hair to fill in more where you need it.

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@frouke, yes, part of it is owing to heredity. I will look into using Biotin. I no longer expect miracles, but a little help would be nice. Thank you, @joybringer1


Have you had your thyroid checked recently?
Mine being off produced hair loss.
Product to try that covers the dreaded pink scalp is Toppik.
It is not cheap, but works. You can find a cheaper version on Temu for a quarter of the price. called FEG.
I was told by my dermatologist that if I started using Rogaine that I would be using it the rest of my life.
I opted out. But if it hadn't stopped falling out, I would have changed my mind.

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@samclembeau, I will have my thyroid checked out the next time I see my PCP. Thank you for your suggestions. With all good wishes, @joybringer1


I also wanted to add that my thyroid has been checked and it was fine…I have male pattern baldness, I lose my hair at the temple and in the crown…it’s not common so I feel like a freak…I’ve had this since I was a young girl and I still remember the hurtful teasing I got in school, children can sometimes be very cruel. I learned to style my hair later on to hide it but I would use hairspray to keep it in place, I must say the wind was not my friend 👍😊

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I have this too and my mother has it worse. Male pattern baldness. As I get older I tend not to care as much. I wear bangs. Kids are cruel until things happen to them, maybe later down the road, guaranteed. I hear you about the wind. My mother uses lots of spray.


I am losing a lot of hair recently. I find my hair on anything pulled on over my head, on black or gray coats, and even in food. Ugh! My husband has suggested I wear a hair net when working in the kitchen. When I had PMR, I did lose a lot of hair, but that has been quite some time ago. My dermatologist suggested using Rogaine for men which I did not do. She also prescribed a disgusting topical med that I used and left on for 5 minutes while standing in the shower before I shampooed my hair. My scalp burns anyway so I will not try the RX again. I don't know why my scalp burns, and have just chalked that up to something I just live with. There are always more pressing issues. I have seen all sorts of shampoos and conditioners (some expensive) that are supposed to help with hair retention. Has anyone found something that works? I would appreciate any suggestions given. This question might belong in another group, but I thought I would start here. Thank you! With all good wishes, @joybringer1

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Lost my hair due to long term prednisone. Gave up got wigs. Made life easier


I'm a 72 yr. old female and have gotten good results with 5% Rogaine. I've grown hair at the hairline, little bangs, and I think the top of the head. You can order the Kirkland brand from Amazon...good luck !

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Just reading the post and thank you for the advice..Rogaine for me…

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