Importance of focusing on Positive with Depression & Anxiety.

Posted by BoneHead @stsopoci, May 27, 2019

In my journey with the millions of humans who are brave enough to go down the path of recovery without alcohol, bad drug and more drugs, I have gradually more and more discovered how important it is to crawl out of my deep hole, bad attitude, self-importance, feeling sorry for myself, angry, sad, etc, etc, condition and more toward the LIGHT!!! That means changing and moving for me away from some friends that are very negative about everything. That means walking around the block when I get upset so I can calm down and see the light. That means taking care of myself, exercising, eating right and meeting new friends and keeping old friends that are well-balanced. Positivity in life is available to everyone and it's FREE. I have gone on a path throughout my early days of self-medicating with lots of alcohol, drug, etc. I cleaned myself up in 1996, OCT 13th but I still did not feel right until I could ask for help from a professional. Found out I was GAD (inherited from my MOM) and a few other close seconds. I went on medication for years on various meds until I found the chemical that keeps me pretty normal. BUT, BUT...something else was missing because I still suffered through the negativity of every situation that I could create in a moments time.

I love these groups because you are honest with yourself which is very important.
Finding good friends that understand you and the importance of staying positive with your journey through life.
Taking good care of yourself.
We all are unique so what works for me does not always work for you. I'm on 20mg of Lexipro.
What do other people do to stay positive?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Depression & Anxiety Support Group.


Thank you for asking
To be honest I am so positive since my cardiologist appointment
I needed to know how my heart was ? And..
Is the defibrilator working?
And why the pain.?
M y anxiety was causing me such sadness
The brain is a funny thing
The outcome....
My heart is good👍
My defibrilator is working well👍
Now for this Anxiety🙄
He prescribed a tablet for me ,to take the edge off the pain and relax me a bit.
But I haven’t taken the tablet yet
I have decided to be more assertive in myself
I am still doing my 5k
I am crocheting for an elderly gent in hospital that I don’t know but my Reflexologist says she will give to him
The joy of having a purpose is wonderful
Spring seeds need to be planted now too. 🌾🪴🌹
So, knowing my heart is well means I need to get on with it
And if I falter along the way ,the tablets are there, but for now, I have lots to do,I am very grateful for that
Have a happy day ,friends 💝

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Good morning! I saw an inspirational quote this morning and it made me instantly think of you!

“There’s nothing more beautiful than when you prove to yourself just how strong you are.”

You’re so inspiring with how you’ve taken control of anxiety with walking, crocheting for patients in the hospital and Reflexology therapy. I think it was so vital for you getting that great news from your cardiologist!
Peace of mind can be all it takes for a morale boost! I just went through that this week myself with some reassurance from my neurologist. Doesn’t take long for doubt to come sneaking about when we leave that door open!

How ARE you doing? I’m expecting everything is continuing down the path of recovery and health! ☺️
Have you gotten a chance to peruse the new and improved Connect site?

Wishing you a delightful day... Lori


Morning 👋
Thank you for uplifting message
Doing really well,since Cardiologist visit
I’m still holding back on the antidepressants prescribed and so far managing the best👍
Yesterday.,I left the crocheted cushion I made for my reflexologist with her
She was very happy.,
on one side was a multicoloured pink granny square design and on the other,plain pink crystal wave design .Turned out really well.
Now it’s blanket crochet time.
On my return from home ,at my front door , a lady had let me a tray of yummy tray bake cakes🧁
I do not know her very well ,but met her on my walk recently.
I was in bad form with anxiety,worried about my heart
And my husband who is paraplegic is now diabetic
I blurted all out to her..she was very understanding.and promised to pray for me.
So took that fully on board ,bought the Dr.Michael Mosley diet diabetic book,with amazing results
He’s lost a lot of weight, the doctor is delighted with the latest blood results
Huge improvements and the glucose levels reduced in his bloods.
Result!!! ☺️
I am very happy that your visit to your neurologist went well too..happy days💕
At the start of your message you quoted an inspirational quote
You used a quote yourself that you are probably unaware of, but I will be taking it on board myself
‘It doesn’t take long for doubt to come sneaking about ,when we leave that door open’
Very poignant.
Busy day ahead now
Thank you
Keep walking
Keep talking dear friends


Morning 👋
Thank you for uplifting message
Doing really well,since Cardiologist visit
I’m still holding back on the antidepressants prescribed and so far managing the best👍
Yesterday.,I left the crocheted cushion I made for my reflexologist with her
She was very happy.,
on one side was a multicoloured pink granny square design and on the other,plain pink crystal wave design .Turned out really well.
Now it’s blanket crochet time.
On my return from home ,at my front door , a lady had let me a tray of yummy tray bake cakes🧁
I do not know her very well ,but met her on my walk recently.
I was in bad form with anxiety,worried about my heart
And my husband who is paraplegic is now diabetic
I blurted all out to her..she was very understanding.and promised to pray for me.
So took that fully on board ,bought the Dr.Michael Mosley diet diabetic book,with amazing results
He’s lost a lot of weight, the doctor is delighted with the latest blood results
Huge improvements and the glucose levels reduced in his bloods.
Result!!! ☺️
I am very happy that your visit to your neurologist went well too..happy days💕
At the start of your message you quoted an inspirational quote
You used a quote yourself that you are probably unaware of, but I will be taking it on board myself
‘It doesn’t take long for doubt to come sneaking about ,when we leave that door open’
Very poignant.
Busy day ahead now
Thank you
Keep walking
Keep talking dear friends

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@hearttoheart1 Good for you! When you face issues head on, make changes, and see positive results, it certainly brightens your day. Congratulations to you and your husband! A new diet and outlook on life does wonders for your emotional and mental states!


Still dealing with anxiety
Getting through each day as best I can
Better days ahead
One day at a time
Have nice weekend 💕


Still dealing with anxiety
Getting through each day as best I can
Better days ahead
One day at a time
Have nice weekend 💕

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It’s too bad anxiety doesn’t come with an on-off switch. More of a dimmer switch and a fickle one at that. Like the one in my dining room. Can’t make up its mind! I dim the lights to eat and it slowly cycles up to full power for no apparent reason! 🙄 Never thought about it as a metaphor until now. 😅

What’s growing in the greenhouse right now?


How intuitive of sense how I feel now
You are a tonic for me.,and remembering the greenhouse
The green house is starting to “shape up”
The tomatoes seeds are planted,and pansy bedding plants slightly raising their heads.
Also sunflower seed in.lettuce and scallions too🌻
hydrangea from last year doing really well
Rhubarb in the outdoor bed ,is beckoning me to cut them,but I’ll leave them a wee while longer
I’ll try to get the walk in tomorrow....
And get back on track 🤞💕


How intuitive of sense how I feel now
You are a tonic for me.,and remembering the greenhouse
The green house is starting to “shape up”
The tomatoes seeds are planted,and pansy bedding plants slightly raising their heads.
Also sunflower seed in.lettuce and scallions too🌻
hydrangea from last year doing really well
Rhubarb in the outdoor bed ,is beckoning me to cut them,but I’ll leave them a wee while longer
I’ll try to get the walk in tomorrow....
And get back on track 🤞💕

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It’s ok to have a day that isn’t forward motion! I’m having one of those today myself. “Listening to my body” which has been the most difficult thing for me to learn.

When you mentioned having a green house a while back, it stuck with me. I’d love to have one but it wouldn’t work on our current home. Too many trees. And because of the stem cell transplant I’m still a couple years out from being able to play in the dirt anyway. So I’ll live vicariously. 😊

Sounds like the plants are springing to life and flourishing!
Love Rhubarb and miss the huge bed we used to have. One year we had all the dirt replenished in the garden beds by a nursery and I fear it was just too rich for the rhubarb. It met an untimely demise. But my daughter grows it and makes sure we get plenty for the freezer for Rhubarb Torte, my favorite.

What’s your favorite recipe for rhubarb? Torte? Pie? There’s also rhubarb ice cream which is amazing!! Hehe time to pucker up!
Wishing you a better day tomorrow!! 🌱🌻🌺💕


Ready to get the walking gear on and hit the road🏃‍♀️
Hoping it will rekindle my spirit😔
On the subject of speciality is rhubarb crumble
And in a few months rhubarb and ginger jam🥫
Nothing I like more that lining up all my pots with their lovely labels and gingham caps
Makes me feel very proud
How kind of your daughter to grow it and keep your freezer supply up
I make a lot of porridge bread too
My daughter is coeliac,so baking my own is the way to go
Really yummy
Hope getting my walk done will help me today


Ready to get the walking gear on and hit the road🏃‍♀️
Hoping it will rekindle my spirit😔
On the subject of speciality is rhubarb crumble
And in a few months rhubarb and ginger jam🥫
Nothing I like more that lining up all my pots with their lovely labels and gingham caps
Makes me feel very proud
How kind of your daughter to grow it and keep your freezer supply up
I make a lot of porridge bread too
My daughter is coeliac,so baking my own is the way to go
Really yummy
Hope getting my walk done will help me today

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@hearttoheart1 Good morning! You’re an early riser...well, I guess that depends on the time zone, right? LOL
Walking on an early spring morning can’t help but fill the senses with renewal and recharge your spirit. All the bird songs, flowers blooming, trees with their buds popping...

You had my attention with the rhubarb and ginger jam! I love rhubarb jam and completely forgot to mention it, along with rhubarb sauce my mom used to make. The addition of ginger is new to me! Sounds amazing. I sometimes blend mine strawberries.

I wonder if your rhubarb crumble is similar to the rhubarb torte. It’s a regional thing I think with calling it torte when it IS a crumble, I have 2 recipes which are almost identical with torte/crumble. I could eat the entire pan!

You paint such a lovely, homey picture ~ the little pots with their lovely labels and gingham caps! It is a very satisfied feeling of accomplishment to see jars filled with food you’ve produced and preserved from your garden!

Not being familiar with porridge bread, I had to do a little search this morning. I must try this!! Thank you for planting this new seed in my headspace! Yum is right!

I need to get up and take on the day now! Thank YOU for the inspiration.
Sending positive vibes for a splendid day!! Lori.


Walk went well
All 5 k done
Feel stronger now
Nature is so healing ..I sensed all of which you mentioned.🎋🪴🐑⛅️🌷
Yes ,gluten free porridge I forgot to add ,with her being coeliac
And ordinary porridge oats otherwise
And natural yogurt
Very healthy.😊
What you might not see in the recipe book is that I add a fistful of crushed walnuts for texture and sprinkle with sesame seed on top .
Try that too
I’m making one now for the lady who made me the tray bakes .as a thank you gesture
That will keep my mind occupied for the day🍞
Thank you for support..keep well .

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