I'm just tired. . .so tired of this everyday battle

Posted by silverfox1455 @silverfox1455, Jul 21, 2023

Hello. I'm new here, but I thought it would help me to vent. I have been struggling with depression for 5 yrs, and just recently got diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. I have been on 4 different meds, and will soon be 5 with this new medicine not working. Daily I struggle to get out of bed. . .hurting and wondering about the daily life future. I also battle PTSD which doesn't make matters any better at all. I'm just so tired. I'm tired of feeling a little better, and then just getting worse all the time. I'm tired of constantly hurting 24/7. I'm tired of feeling like I'm not good enough, or do enough for anyone in my life. I'm tired of constantly wondering if one of the following days in the future I finally bite the bullet. I constantly work and do projects to try to keep me busy, but I know the projects can't last forever...I'm so tired of constantly breaking down emotionally, and everyone in my life just doesn't understand. This isn't a cry for attention, this is a scream for help. Thank you to all took time to go through a glimpse of what I'm enduring.

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Im like that too. Some of my family think I am being lazy. That breaks my heart. I hope there is an answer for us! Thank you for the post!

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I got accused of being lazy, too. Then I found the Human Design system. I found out that I was born with low energy. Nothing wrong with me like my parents thought. They were both high energy human beings and did not understand me. Most people have energy, but my energy comes and goes and often depends upon who I am spending time with. It is natural for me to be attracted to high energy people as they 'give' me higher energy. But I will never have enough. Pacing myself every day and not being hard on myself for not having enough energy helps me.


I am glad you to hear you find ways to keep yourself from feeling depressed, but, some people aren't able to do that. Some people can't get out of bed. Sometimes I can pep talk myself and other times I can't. I agree that getting motivated helps a lot. Keep up the good work!


I am the same way meds don't really help. I just want to feel good so much

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I am the same way . Except I take many meds . I can’t function without sleeps meds and anxiety. My husband has cancer . He is coping better then I . My depression meds have stopped working but I am too scared to change to a different one because of withdrawals and my anxiety. I have been on Zolloff forever . Taking benzos for the last year . Which is the only way , I can function at all. I am scared they are frying my brain . My psychologist does not agree with psychiatrist. The psychiatrist just write scripts and I know , no one else will right them for me . In my heart , I know the drugs are bad for me but I am scared to make any changes . I worry about my husband night and day .


It's me. The Misery Likes Company person. I have had SFPN for over 20 years.
Something different happened today that was actually positive.
I was reading my email, and my feet actually stopped screaming at me.
Okay, no, I haven't figured it out. But... it was the first time in many years that I actually did not feel pins and needles.
I am doing a detailed review of today's routine causing this rare and welcomed happenstance!
Just curious, has this happened to anyone else?


For me what seems to have worked to keep me from depression and anxiety is having a REASON to to get up BEFORE going to sleep. A reason like if wish a life that I seek then how do I get it?
I start from things in My Control, to keep me in optimal condition: Eat food that gives me nourishment (I'm sure Mayo too has some info on it or there are reliable sources such as Harvard Health, Cleveland Clinic, NIH....
Then I make sure I us my body is strong, flexible and has right posture. I stand each day for hours,,,even when travelling in subways with empty seats. But I feel MORE energised, as I take steps than escalators, I walk on Uneven surfaces whenever possible, all cuz it's more fun first,,,U get the idea.
Let's take care of Ourselves First...with others Who are of same mindset. Otherwise we create More Morbidity. Heath Begets Health!

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In reading your comments, you seem to assume there is a lack of activity amongst all anxious and depressed people.
That says to me that you don’t quite understand. You are fortunate if you don’t understand. Understanding comes in living it.
I believe people are aware that physical and mental health, are tied together. Not all mental health issues can be exercised away.


Hi Silverfox,
I don't have anything encouraging or uplifting to say to you.
Thank you for baring a part of yourself to us.
When you are too tired of being tired, or too anxious, please reach out.

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