If it’s not one thing….It’s three

Posted by pb50 @pb50, Apr 30 6:56pm

I recently realized that four short years ago, i had only one Doctor I saw more than once a year - my Rheumatologist. The others (skin check, mammogram, vision, primary) got a drive by annually for labs, thanks and see you next year.
Now it seems everything is wearing out simultaneously. Each has become as demanding as a toddler. And it is getting on my nerves!!! 🙄

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I find this post very relevant. I have been delving into Stoicism and have found it very helpful. My husband died nine years ago, and I have tried to learn from his experience. I only have power over what I put in my body and how often I move it my mind has a mind of its own and has to be kept in check constantly, I find Pickleball helps

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I keep seeing t-shirts about Pickleball. I would try it, but have to keep my old knee injury in mind. Lol


I keep seeing t-shirts about Pickleball. I would try it, but have to keep my old knee injury in mind. Lol

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Both of my knees are bad but I still play. I manage it. I'm only playing three games every other day and only playing in open rec play. You would be amazed how some people play with very little movement. It’s a game of finesse.


Both of my knees are bad but I still play. I manage it. I'm only playing three games every other day and only playing in open rec play. You would be amazed how some people play with very little movement. It’s a game of finesse.

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Really? Sounds great! How do you think I should start out? Lessons? I just recovered from a horrible bout of tennis elbow in left arm. Not from tennis, though.

I have been on fitness journey since last summer…..gaining strength, endurance and losing weight. I’m ready for a challenge. Would love to participate in a sport. I guess it’s a sport, right? Lol


Oh I know that feeling and I live in two different states. Impossible 🤢


Really? Sounds great! How do you think I should start out? Lessons? I just recovered from a horrible bout of tennis elbow in left arm. Not from tennis, though.

I have been on fitness journey since last summer…..gaining strength, endurance and losing weight. I’m ready for a challenge. Would love to participate in a sport. I guess it’s a sport, right? Lol

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Yes, you definitely want to take lessons. There is probably a Pickleball club in your area or your local recreational center should have a program. Don’t get frustrated with the scoring. It is a little bit complicated. Most people play doubles not singles so somebody always knows the score It is very social. And if you didn’t place sports when you were young, you will learn some frustrating lessons about playing with others, but I love it


Yes, you definitely want to take lessons. There is probably a Pickleball club in your area or your local recreational center should have a program. Don’t get frustrated with the scoring. It is a little bit complicated. Most people play doubles not singles so somebody always knows the score It is very social. And if you didn’t place sports when you were young, you will learn some frustrating lessons about playing with others, but I love it

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There are normally pickleball sets going on when I arrive at the gym. I peek inside, but haven’t joined in yet. I normally go to cardio room and then do strength training. It would be a nice diversion and new way to socialize. Just wonder if it’s too much for my right knee. I have a torn meniscus that I have tried to avoid surgery on.


I found this video about 10 years ago.
It changed my life.
I remember some part of it every day.
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zl9puhwiyw&gt;


I found this video about 10 years ago.
It changed my life.
I remember some part of it every day.
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zl9puhwiyw&gt;

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Many thanks! It is awesome..


Oh I know that feeling and I live in two different states. Impossible 🤢

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I found this video about 10 years ago.
It changed my life.
I remember some part of it every day.
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zl9puhwiyw&gt;

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Great link! Thank you!

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