How do you manage daily life with IBS-D?

Posted by pjss48 @pjss48, Dec 11, 2018

I have IBS with diarrhea. I'm taking med for it. Had several bowel movements already today. How do you get things done in house and go out on errands and going to Dr appointments? Driving me crazy!

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I had a colonoscopy today and they told me I have IBS. I have suffered for months with episodes of violent diarrhea and vomitting. I am wondering what are some steps I can take to make this improve.

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I suffered from nausea and vomiting which is now under good control. In the early days it was awful, and to begin with no one could figure out what was going on. Mayo Clinic were unable to help me, and all of my tests kept coming back normal.

I found a great physician in NC who has been able to get to the bottom of my issues (which turned out to be motility related). My doctor is an IBS specialist, Dr. Drossman ( - he is excellent. I highly recommend him and he will work with you over time to get to the bottom of things.


I had a colonoscopy today and they told me I have IBS. I have suffered for months with episodes of violent diarrhea and vomitting. I am wondering what are some steps I can take to make this improve.

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I am a Crohn's patient that was discovered 50 years after my problem started when I was about 14. First symptom was acid in my stomach and later many symptoms including headache, pain, and memory problems. IBS have similar qualities. I learned that if you clean the liver all symptoms stops. I was treated in Italy with shots of Methionine, B12, and Vitamin K and had no symptoms for over two years. At the time I was 15 years old and now 67 and dealing with the same problems. The American doctors are uneducated in the nutrition area.
I was in The Vitamin Shop and read the ingredients and purchased a bottle for experiment and it worked great. I had a lot of problems especially lately and I am treating my self in the last few months with Liver Support Factors vitamins by Country Life. I can eat any disturbing foods and the pills makes the symptoms go away. I am looking for a doctor who is educated to know and understand that a clean liver stops most of the problems that the body have. I am also suffering from a lot of muscular pain and these pills are taken them away.


I had a colonoscopy today and they told me I have IBS. I have suffered for months with episodes of violent diarrhea and vomitting. I am wondering what are some steps I can take to make this improve.

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I think you should go elsewhere for a second opinion. My son was not accurately diagnosed at our local hospital. We went to the University of Michigan where they immediately could diagnose him from his colonoscopy slides from the first hospital. Does the IBS stand for inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel disease? If it is the first, you need to go elsewhere soon. If it is the second, I think it is a catch all diagnosis for when they don't know what else to say. So please go somewhere else and get a second opinion so you can get on the road to health 🙂 Oops! Forgot to mention that his diagnosis is ulcerative colitis. He has had one minor and one major flare. The last one put him in the hospital for five days. When he has the flare, his diarrhea turns to blood because the colon is getting rid of its outer layer. He also develops nausea and vomiting. That is when we headed down the road for an hour drive to the university's ER. Please dig deeper for your diagnosis and do not accept fraudulent excuses for a diagnosis!


Hi to all. I have been battling spontaneous and severe diarrhea along with back pain for several years. I have really no life when I go outside, see friends, no social life because of this. Latest diagnosis is IBS-D Given Viberzi 100mg twice daily. I have severe abdominal pain and block up. I also have pretty intense spinal problems. I had a spinal fusion L2-L7. I have pain and numbness, buttocks and back leg pain. I have researched and found Cauda equine syndrome, which I know you are not suppose to do this but my doctors are not ones who go beyond what they have already done. I cannot control this diarrhea, cannot stop it and I am really at the end of a pretty long rope. Can anyone share suggestions or anything. I have been to Mayo and I will come back. I live several states away. But would like to hear any comments. Thanks you, Sharon


Hi to all. I have been battling spontaneous and severe diarrhea along with back pain for several years. I have really no life when I go outside, see friends, no social life because of this. Latest diagnosis is IBS-D Given Viberzi 100mg twice daily. I have severe abdominal pain and block up. I also have pretty intense spinal problems. I had a spinal fusion L2-L7. I have pain and numbness, buttocks and back leg pain. I have researched and found Cauda equine syndrome, which I know you are not suppose to do this but my doctors are not ones who go beyond what they have already done. I cannot control this diarrhea, cannot stop it and I am really at the end of a pretty long rope. Can anyone share suggestions or anything. I have been to Mayo and I will come back. I live several states away. But would like to hear any comments. Thanks you, Sharon

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Hi @srobison, welcome to Connect. I'd like to connect you with other members talking about the issues you raise here. First meet @agr205 @Pookith85 @jeanie26 @keysgull @bobsconnect @holly5757 and @missie who can share their experience and advice about IBS and IBS-D.

You may also be interested in taking part in these discussions:
- Cauda equina
- Spinal fusion

What have your doctors recommended to try and stop the diarrhea?


Hi @srobison, welcome to Connect. I'd like to connect you with other members talking about the issues you raise here. First meet @agr205 @Pookith85 @jeanie26 @keysgull @bobsconnect @holly5757 and @missie who can share their experience and advice about IBS and IBS-D.

You may also be interested in taking part in these discussions:
- Cauda equina
- Spinal fusion

What have your doctors recommended to try and stop the diarrhea?

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Over about a 2 year period, I have been prescribed so many meds, which have not worked. Probiotics, the FODMAP eating plan, and a whole lot more. Finally trying Viberzi, a new script for IBS-D. 100mg twice daily. Not really helps. I do have bad spinal problems. L have had spinal fusion, L2-L7. I have cervical stenosis and need something done with that. I feel all of that has a lot to do with my diarrhea. I have a feeling my spinal problems have a lot to do with this, but I feel the doctors have gone as far as they want to.


Hi to all. I have been battling spontaneous and severe diarrhea along with back pain for several years. I have really no life when I go outside, see friends, no social life because of this. Latest diagnosis is IBS-D Given Viberzi 100mg twice daily. I have severe abdominal pain and block up. I also have pretty intense spinal problems. I had a spinal fusion L2-L7. I have pain and numbness, buttocks and back leg pain. I have researched and found Cauda equine syndrome, which I know you are not suppose to do this but my doctors are not ones who go beyond what they have already done. I cannot control this diarrhea, cannot stop it and I am really at the end of a pretty long rope. Can anyone share suggestions or anything. I have been to Mayo and I will come back. I live several states away. But would like to hear any comments. Thanks you, Sharon

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Are you sure you don't have H -pylori?<br><br>


Hi to all. I have been battling spontaneous and severe diarrhea along with back pain for several years. I have really no life when I go outside, see friends, no social life because of this. Latest diagnosis is IBS-D Given Viberzi 100mg twice daily. I have severe abdominal pain and block up. I also have pretty intense spinal problems. I had a spinal fusion L2-L7. I have pain and numbness, buttocks and back leg pain. I have researched and found Cauda equine syndrome, which I know you are not suppose to do this but my doctors are not ones who go beyond what they have already done. I cannot control this diarrhea, cannot stop it and I am really at the end of a pretty long rope. Can anyone share suggestions or anything. I have been to Mayo and I will come back. I live several states away. But would like to hear any comments. Thanks you, Sharon

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Has you ever thought about an ileostomy?


Has you ever thought about an ileostomy?

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Have not had this. Please explain.


Are you sure you don't have H -pylori?<br><br>

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I have had so many fecal tests and all come back with nothing. Do not know if this was part of those tests.

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