I wrote this for all who are dealing with dementia, and Alzheimers.

Posted by bigjoek (Joe Kralicek) @bigjoek, Apr 17 4:18pm

If this doesn't belong, feel free to delete. I lost both my in-laws to dementia. I wrote this in their memory, remembering what they went through, as well as my wife's family.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Caregivers: Dementia Support Group.


@cking325 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! I’m glad that you found such an inspiring discussion to start with. @bigjoek writes some beautiful poetry, doesn’t he?
Are you in a caregiving situation that brought you to this discussion?

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Yes I care for my mother in law she has Dementia and I’m so having bad days it is getting worse
My plan is I have a routine for my mother-in-law from 5am till bedtime my husband works from 5am till 2pm so when he gets home he helps me
Our changes are hard I’m not sure what to do with some of her changes can I ask on here and get help


Yes I care for my mother in law she has Dementia and I’m so having bad days it is getting worse
My plan is I have a routine for my mother-in-law from 5am till bedtime my husband works from 5am till 2pm so when he gets home he helps me
Our changes are hard I’m not sure what to do with some of her changes can I ask on here and get help

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@cking325 Someone in this discussion mentioned this website as being very helpful. I hope it helps you, also. https://pameladwilson.com/ Do you have anyone beside your husband that is able to help you? And how about weekend respite care just so you can have a break.
Frequently, Senior Services and/or the Area Agency on Aging in your town will have suggestions.
What do you think your husband’s reaction would be as you look for help?


@cking325 Someone in this discussion mentioned this website as being very helpful. I hope it helps you, also. https://pameladwilson.com/ Do you have anyone beside your husband that is able to help you? And how about weekend respite care just so you can have a break.
Frequently, Senior Services and/or the Area Agency on Aging in your town will have suggestions.
What do you think your husband’s reaction would be as you look for help?

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I don’t have anyone else to help everyone works and it’s just not an option but no my husband would want me to go but he as well is very overwhelmed we basically have no one but we are checking with Medicare next week and a friend of mine told me we might be able to get a nurse come in a few times a week so we will see..Thank you


@cking325 Someone in this discussion mentioned this website as being very helpful. I hope it helps you, also. https://pameladwilson.com/ Do you have anyone beside your husband that is able to help you? And how about weekend respite care just so you can have a break.
Frequently, Senior Services and/or the Area Agency on Aging in your town will have suggestions.
What do you think your husband’s reaction would be as you look for help?

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Thank you for the link I am on there now very good info thank you


Yes I care for my mother in law she has Dementia and I’m so having bad days it is getting worse
My plan is I have a routine for my mother-in-law from 5am till bedtime my husband works from 5am till 2pm so when he gets home he helps me
Our changes are hard I’m not sure what to do with some of her changes can I ask on here and get help

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I have dementia, and we have a caregiver 3 days a week from Home Instead. It has been very helpful, as I still like to be very active and she can drive me places and accompany me if I need assistance.


I have dementia, and we have a caregiver 3 days a week from Home Instead. It has been very helpful, as I still like to be very active and she can drive me places and accompany me if I need assistance.

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@vlpljjk. Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! You have certainly come up with a good solution for not driving anymore. Does your caretaker also assist with showers and dressing? I’d love to hear more about the organization!


@vlpljjk. Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! You have certainly come up with a good solution for not driving anymore. Does your caretaker also assist with showers and dressing? I’d love to hear more about the organization!

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No, I don't need help with those activities. I have a loving and supportive husband who helps me with those things!


Beautiful! I needed this right now. Thank you for sharing.


Beautiful! I needed this right now. Thank you for sharing.

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You are most welcome! it warms my heart knowing that which I write touches lives!
God Bless
Joe K


I have dementia, and we have a caregiver 3 days a week from Home Instead. It has been very helpful, as I still like to be very active and she can drive me places and accompany me if I need assistance.

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Hi @vlpeljjk, I invite you to join other members living with dementia in this discussion group:
- Support Group for Those of Us Living With Mild Dementia

Click the link and join in.

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