I have PD (Parkinson Disease)

Posted by Chris J @chrisj2491, Feb 13, 2015

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Chris and I just joined the group.
I have PD (Parkinson Disease) which of course is a neurological disorder.
If there's one thing I've learned. ....it's that everyone is "different." It's always good to listen and learn about others' experiences.

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Something that's recently come to my attention again is that PD could be linked to environmental toxins. I was exposed to mold in the work place about the time I started having symptoms. Coincidence, maybe! I have the report from the re mediators and showed it to my primary. She wasn't alarmed by the report nor thought the levels were high enough for me to be concerned. One of my co-workers still works in the area where the mold was found. It has since been remediated (hum!), she has serious lung issues still. Others work in the area, but don't have issues at least not the appearance. I work in the same building a few doors down. But, I frequent the affected area and had my first symptoms in the building. I am sharing this because I was wondering if anyone thinks they may have been exposed to an environmental toxin that may have caused the onset of PD. I know that they are doing research in this area, but I have not seen anything conclusive. And, if I wanted to pursue I don't even know how I would get started.


Actually my husband's PD is from Agent Orange in Viet Nam. I hope that if yours is caused by the mold in the work place, they find it out now instead of later.


Hello everyone! Happy to see all stories and comments. I have not been on the site in awhile. Managing my symptoms pretty well considering. I have a bit of anxiety and my confidence is suffering. I find myself telling people that I have PD because when I speak I have a bit of a slur. My PT-Speech tells me she doesn't detect it--not that obvious. But, I feel so slow and not quick to react in conversation and to movement in general. Kind of confused and in a fog. I fight to stay motivated and excited. Its the holidays and I'm kind of wishing they would hurry up and go away. I can't do what I used to be able to do for myself or my family and it is frustrating. I haven't really adjusted to that. All I can do is get back and forth to work, come home and go to bed. By the weekend I'm so exhausted. I have a grandchild and another on the way and have no energy for her.

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@denies57 - I know this is easier said than done but don't worry about the small stuff like decorating for the holidays, etc. Take that time and instead enjoy time with your grandchild. That is much more important than holiday decorations. I know that the inability to speak like normal can be devastating. My husband is going through this and I strive to make sure I understand him but sometimes it doesn't work. As a wife/caregiver, I am tired scared and feel so neglected by our so called friends but I take one event at a time. I gave up taking one day at a time. We have been on this road for over ten years but he is mine and I will take care of him as long as possible. Give yourself a break and take care of the important things in your life! Good luck and many hugs coming your way.


Actually my husband's PD is from Agent Orange in Viet Nam. I hope that if yours is caused by the mold in the work place, they find it out now instead of later.

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redhead- I was diagnosed with Agent Orange Parkinson's 2 1/2 years ago- I see two Nero/ Dr/ The Chief of the Medical staff -reference Parkinson's told because its Agent Orange is far more progressive and I already have found that to be true. I can't believe how fast the side affects and the movement issues have taken it's toll. God Bless you and I pray for peace and a pain free day. Chaplain(Col.) John South USA 1st Div. in Viet Nam Twice.


Hello everyone! Happy to see all stories and comments. I have not been on the site in awhile. Managing my symptoms pretty well considering. I have a bit of anxiety and my confidence is suffering. I find myself telling people that I have PD because when I speak I have a bit of a slur. My PT-Speech tells me she doesn't detect it--not that obvious. But, I feel so slow and not quick to react in conversation and to movement in general. Kind of confused and in a fog. I fight to stay motivated and excited. Its the holidays and I'm kind of wishing they would hurry up and go away. I can't do what I used to be able to do for myself or my family and it is frustrating. I haven't really adjusted to that. All I can do is get back and forth to work, come home and go to bed. By the weekend I'm so exhausted. I have a grandchild and another on the way and have no energy for her.

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Hi @denie57 Yes, the holidays do bring about changes for us with PD. We can't expect our bodies to be able to handle the same "load of busyness" that they use to. So give yourself a break and decide on what is really important to you. As we begin to prioritize based on realistic expectations, we feel less frustrated (and less exhausted). I understand about your speech problems and that is common. I notice it especially when I'm tired, so I keep my conversations short and meaningful. I realize that not everything on my mind, needs to be said! Practice reading out loud slowly and pausing, that has helped me to talk slowly and pause more.


Actually my husband's PD is from Agent Orange in Viet Nam. I hope that if yours is caused by the mold in the work place, they find it out now instead of later.

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Hi @johnjames, thanks for continuing the conversation about Agent Orange. I'm getting a clear picture of the rapid progression of your symptoms related to Agent Orange. There are probably a lot of PD patients with your experience. Keep the discussions about Agent Orange going!


Hello everyone! Happy to see all stories and comments. I have not been on the site in awhile. Managing my symptoms pretty well considering. I have a bit of anxiety and my confidence is suffering. I find myself telling people that I have PD because when I speak I have a bit of a slur. My PT-Speech tells me she doesn't detect it--not that obvious. But, I feel so slow and not quick to react in conversation and to movement in general. Kind of confused and in a fog. I fight to stay motivated and excited. Its the holidays and I'm kind of wishing they would hurry up and go away. I can't do what I used to be able to do for myself or my family and it is frustrating. I haven't really adjusted to that. All I can do is get back and forth to work, come home and go to bed. By the weekend I'm so exhausted. I have a grandchild and another on the way and have no energy for her.

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Hi @denie57, Teresa started a new discussion a while back dedicated to sharing ideas about speech and swallowing issues. When you have a moment, would you mind adding what has helped you here:
- Parkinson's and Speech/Swallowing Problems http://mayocl.in/2goA14D


Hello everyone! Happy to see all stories and comments. I have not been on the site in awhile. Managing my symptoms pretty well considering. I have a bit of anxiety and my confidence is suffering. I find myself telling people that I have PD because when I speak I have a bit of a slur. My PT-Speech tells me she doesn't detect it--not that obvious. But, I feel so slow and not quick to react in conversation and to movement in general. Kind of confused and in a fog. I fight to stay motivated and excited. Its the holidays and I'm kind of wishing they would hurry up and go away. I can't do what I used to be able to do for myself or my family and it is frustrating. I haven't really adjusted to that. All I can do is get back and forth to work, come home and go to bed. By the weekend I'm so exhausted. I have a grandchild and another on the way and have no energy for her.

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I've been tested twice and both came out the same. What seems to work for me is a large glass of ice water BEFORE I eat my meal. When the water isn't available, I often have the problem of food sticking, excess spit and near throwing up. Take the water and it really helps!


Hello everyone! Happy to see all stories and comments. I have not been on the site in awhile. Managing my symptoms pretty well considering. I have a bit of anxiety and my confidence is suffering. I find myself telling people that I have PD because when I speak I have a bit of a slur. My PT-Speech tells me she doesn't detect it--not that obvious. But, I feel so slow and not quick to react in conversation and to movement in general. Kind of confused and in a fog. I fight to stay motivated and excited. Its the holidays and I'm kind of wishing they would hurry up and go away. I can't do what I used to be able to do for myself or my family and it is frustrating. I haven't really adjusted to that. All I can do is get back and forth to work, come home and go to bed. By the weekend I'm so exhausted. I have a grandchild and another on the way and have no energy for her.

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Thanks, @trouble4343, that is a very helpful idea. I have never tried it, but I will in the near future.


Something that's recently come to my attention again is that PD could be linked to environmental toxins. I was exposed to mold in the work place about the time I started having symptoms. Coincidence, maybe! I have the report from the re mediators and showed it to my primary. She wasn't alarmed by the report nor thought the levels were high enough for me to be concerned. One of my co-workers still works in the area where the mold was found. It has since been remediated (hum!), she has serious lung issues still. Others work in the area, but don't have issues at least not the appearance. I work in the same building a few doors down. But, I frequent the affected area and had my first symptoms in the building. I am sharing this because I was wondering if anyone thinks they may have been exposed to an environmental toxin that may have caused the onset of PD. I know that they are doing research in this area, but I have not seen anything conclusive. And, if I wanted to pursue I don't even know how I would get started.

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@denie57 I was exposed to some environmental muck but it was 20 years before I had the PD symptoms (it was an underground liquid waste disposal field about five miles from where I lived at the time). There was an explosion there and it was shut down, but I often wonder if that exposure made a difference biologically to anyone else who lived in that area.

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