Learning About Parkinson's

Posted by Teresa, Volunteer Mentor @hopeful33250, Mar 17, 2022

Being informed and educated about our health issues is important. As we educate ourselves we feel less stressed and we are better able talk with our medical team and to ask good questions and thereby advocate for ourselves. This discussion group, Learning About Parkinson's will provide you with links to some good webinars to keep you informed on the latest research.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Parkinson's Disease Support Group.

@denie57 @elizabethbryant @mariemarie @beverlyann @pattywelch @susan62 @maggienice @oronogo @lishensasha @marilynjoan @juliekmm @mlsol

On March, 16, The Davis Phinney Foundation, presented a video on Women and Parkinson's. As you may know, Parkinson's is most often diagnosed in men, therefore research and studies has been lagging for us female Parkinson's patients.

As I listened to this video I learned a lot about how our hormone fluctuations can affect our Parkinson's symptoms, including monthly cycles, pregnancy and menopause. I think that every woman with Parkinson's will be helped by watching this video. Also, the presenters were medical professionals, many of whom had Parkinson's themselves. Here is the link,


Just wanted to extend an invitation to all of the members of the PD discussion group to a webinar that will be informative and helpful.

The David Phinney Foundation does some great research and teaching about PD. They have an upcoming Webinar on Men and Parkinson's on April 26. Here is the link with more specific information about the time and registration. Please know that if you register and cannot attend on April 26, the Foundation will send you a link to the recorded webinar when it is available.


Teresa, I became interested in your bio and this discussion group, not realizing I may have a physical link to it. You see, I have researched my own health issues since I’m 15yo, that was 63 years ago. The internet is a God sent help to this very sickly body of mine. Before it came, I spent literally thousands of hours searching medical books at my local library. The lending project brought medical books to me from other libraries, including universities and colleges. I have discovered most of my medical issues before I even stepped into a doctor’s office. I’ve been asked by doctor’s did I have a medical background, to which I would answer, no, just a very sickly body from birth. So it was this quest for medical knowledge that discovered my link to this forum. You see, knowing all my health issues, it led me to an Electrophysiologist Cardiologist for my heart problems, after regular cardiologist did not have a clue. It soon became apparent that my life long health issues were actually all related and had a name. That’s how I diagnosed I was afflicted with WPW, Wolff, Parkinson, White Syndrome. As you will notice a familiar name, yes, the man who discovered Parkinson, is also the doctor who, along with Wolff and White discovered my problem. Now here’s my problem that you may be able help me with. Because the bad guys ate the nerve coating Myelin off the affected nerves, killing that nerve in both legs, and both arms and hands. Recently my right hand is beginning to tremble/shake, Could that be a sign I’m coming down with Parkinson? The nerve that allows pain to register in the brain is dead. Since two different pain nerves controls part of the hand, the thumb, index finger and the side of the middle finger on the thumb side is dead, The other side ot the middle finger, the ring finger and the pinky finger are controlled by another pain nerve. Sadly that nerve is almost dead but could it be that issue that is causing the trembling? Since you are afflicted with Parkinson, you may have a better knowledge of the cause than I do.


Just wanted to extend an invitation to all of the members of the PD discussion group to a webinar that will be informative and helpful.

The David Phinney Foundation does some great research and teaching about PD. They have an upcoming Webinar on Men and Parkinson's on April 26. Here is the link with more specific information about the time and registration. Please know that if you register and cannot attend on April 26, the Foundation will send you a link to the recorded webinar when it is available.

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Teresa -- Just looked at your profile.

Thank you for being a mentor. You have so much to give others based on your many experiences and learning.

All the best to YOU!



Teresa -- Just looked at your profile.

Thank you for being a mentor. You have so much to give others based on your many experiences and learning.

All the best to YOU!


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Thank you, Larry. I enjoy being able to support others.


Has anyone had success using marijuana for Parkinson’s tremors? If so does one type work better than others? Thank you


Has anyone had success using marijuana for Parkinson’s tremors? If so does one type work better than others? Thank you

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My husband has Parkinsons and sometimes takes low dose (2 mg) tablets of THC for agitation such as if he has to be around groups of people or if we fly somewhere. Since his tremors get worse with agitation, it helps in that sense.



On March 6, The Davis Phinney Foundation is providing a Webinar in The Live Well Today series. The topic is Nutrition and Parkinson's.

Here is information on how to register for this educational opportunity,


Even if you are not available to attend on March 6, by registering you will receive an email telling you where you can view the presentation at your convenience.

The Davis Phinney Foundation provides excellent resources for PD patients. I'm sure you will find this webinar useful.


For anyone who is interested in learning more about Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). Here is a link to a recent article from a Mayo Clinic News Network titled, "Advances in Deep Brain Stimulation."

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