I feel lost: We don’t have a diagnosis yet

Posted by anotherday @anotherday, Aug 21, 2023

I think I'm doing something wrong .... We don't have a diagnosis yet, so I've been focusing on diet, supplements, exercise, Vitamin D - as in getting out in the sun, but he's still out in left field and driving me nuts...some days that's a short trip. What do I do until an actual diagnosis?

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Centre - great minds think alike. I'm so glad you wrote about making natural pile-its to cover that which we don't wish our loved ones to readily see. I've actually been relocating things and changing what was a familiar appearance. Cell phones are worthless here. A text might get out or in and it may be delayed. However, I've hooked up copper line phones everywhere I can, even put splitters on some of the jacks to make them reachable JUST IN CASE. I've quit mentioning some things such as who tried to call, if they're a bad influence and I quit sharing anything that I deem a trigger for bad behavior on his part.
My escape plan is doors locked, phone for help and I do have a somewhat means of escape if I need to exit the house. I have one neighbor who is somewhat aware of the situation. If he's home, he could be here in a reasonable amount of time.
Crazyland - you nailed that one. Do you mind if I borrow that terminology? This is all so bizarre....where did my husband go? The one who used to be so much fun and loving....kind????????? I sure miss him.

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@anotherday @centre I’m so glad you found each other! This discussion is very sad but you two are being so practical and helpful to each other and to all the others who come looking for help.
Thank you, Becky


Remember the vies you took! “In sickness and in health”…..you promised ‘til death do you part! Think how he feels m….and if he’s mean to you, it could be his medicine….get him off that!

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