I am so damn tired

Posted by emhottch @emhottch, Jan 19 8:40pm

Despite anxiety and rapid heart rate all I want to do is sleep. I have so much trouble waking up. Anyone else?? One month post COVID

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Did the LDN make you have night sweats? I’ve been taking it and I wake up drenched.

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I was getting night sweats but eventually figured out they were a result of the high dose vitamin B & C supplements I was taking. They’re water soluble so there’s only two ways to get rid of the excess 🙂


I'm sorry you're suffering; that has to be terrible.

Being one month post-COVID, there is hope that your body is still recovering. Despite COVID 'clearing' in a few weeks, even short COVID causes issues for quite some time. So take heart... you may yet clear this.

On the anxiety, rapid heartbeat can be a part of that too. Have to talked to a doctor about treating the anxiety to see if that helps? As someone who has anxiety, I can tell you that anxiety is exhausting independent of any other conditions. It is possible that treating the anxiety will at least partially address your energy levels as well. Likely, doctors will try that as part of your possible COVID treatment anyway, so if nothing else... you'll have ruled anxiety out as a component of the exhaustion.


Makes sense. My sleep habits haven't been good in a long time and I need to at least try a regular bedtime.
I'm still sleeping late, going back to bed at noon, sleep whenever it gets too intense because I believe my body is telling me to rest.


Hi, I had Covid Christmas 2023.
Very first symptom was a very strong facial pain - which now persists. Loss of taste (partially). Took Paxlovid, (experienced a rebound, tested positive for 18 days altogether) ran a high fever for 5 nights, felt really ill, recovered okay initially. PCPs treated it like sinusitis, I feel I am not taken seriously because I never had any lung related issues, no cough, despite being asthmatic and allergic (pollen). Fatigue and exhaustion did start about ten days after I finally tested negative. After a couple of good days and two hours working from home this Friday, I have now been going through a terrible rebound of terrible fatigue/exhaustion/anxiety and am deeply worried that this will never get better again.
Has anyone had a similar experience at this stage of the illness? Does it get better? Also: can anyone relate to the facial pain? (55 year old formerly very fit female).


Hi, I had Covid Christmas 2023.
Very first symptom was a very strong facial pain - which now persists. Loss of taste (partially). Took Paxlovid, (experienced a rebound, tested positive for 18 days altogether) ran a high fever for 5 nights, felt really ill, recovered okay initially. PCPs treated it like sinusitis, I feel I am not taken seriously because I never had any lung related issues, no cough, despite being asthmatic and allergic (pollen). Fatigue and exhaustion did start about ten days after I finally tested negative. After a couple of good days and two hours working from home this Friday, I have now been going through a terrible rebound of terrible fatigue/exhaustion/anxiety and am deeply worried that this will never get better again.
Has anyone had a similar experience at this stage of the illness? Does it get better? Also: can anyone relate to the facial pain? (55 year old formerly very fit female).

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You probably had no pulmonary issues because you were on dosages of aathma controllers, prevent, possibly singular, and antihistimines.

All things used to treat Covid.

Fatigue, exhaustion, loss of energy: Long Covid
Do not overexert or exert yourself. This takes enegy from your body in recovery. One can not overcome the body repair cycle, one must let the body recover, then slowly, in short periods, with limited stations, and low weight or resisitance begin to test oneself and determine if it is time to walk into that next recovery period. One will know if you are not ready. The brick wall just after exercise, hours after, the next day or two will tell you.

The facial pain, if subsurface, such as sinuses, is Covid, it improves generally over some weeks for most. If this is the symptom, or one can not tell, then gently tap on your fourhead, on the cheeks just inside cheek bone. If this is tender or hurts, the sinuses havs inflamation. Take generic zyrtec or generic allegra. Chlorotab overlap with one of these fixes my facial sinus pain or headache.

If not this symptom, then I am not sure I understand the symptom, skin, below skin, certain areas, etc.

Eat well, low to no carb, no sugar, vegetables of green tomatoes, peppers (sweet of hot), eggplant, celery, cauliflower, asparagus, broccoli, garlic, cilantro, brussel sprouts, etc. There are specific reasons for these, phytochems. Water, coffee, unweet tea should be the hydration focus. No energy drinks.

This may or may not appear to help, but it will in time.

I have been dealing with Long Covid since late December 2020. I have had many overlapping Covid episodes. Long has never ended for me, the new infection covers over Long and then is enhanced with the new Long Covid from a different strain..

Pace yourself, read the Book of Psalms, get good sun light at least an hour a day as possible.

Vit D3
Vit C
Korean ghensing
Ginko biloba

All these help me.



If I can help answer questions let me know. I may not know the answer, but maybe I can find something in the published research. I have tried many things dose-response method of testing. My Covid and Long Covid symptom range is from brain, upper & lower GI tract, Covid Reactive Arthritis, pulmonary embolisms, DVT, & SVTs (clots), nerve pain, leg, arm or body quivers or jerks, vision, elevated BP, messed up blood chems, sweats, taste, smell, digestion, racing heart beat, heart beat skips, ringing ears, seeing numbers flipped, terrible short term memory, and so on.. Maybe the information can be helpful.



Makes sense. My sleep habits haven't been good in a long time and I need to at least try a regular bedtime.
I'm still sleeping late, going back to bed at noon, sleep whenever it gets too intense because I believe my body is telling me to rest.

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Yes. I learned long ago, with fibromyalgia, that I can't beat my body into submission! I slept 18 of the last 24 hours. Learning to pace myself is harder than I thought but I'm learning to start at simple and add on, rather than push myself and pay for it for days.
Thank you for your answer. It reinforced that this isn't my paranoia. Heal well ❤️‍🩹


Makes sense. My sleep habits haven't been good in a long time and I need to at least try a regular bedtime.
I'm still sleeping late, going back to bed at noon, sleep whenever it gets too intense because I believe my body is telling me to rest.

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I relate to everything you mentioned. How have you been? Are you still fatigued? Does your fatigue get worse after activity? I had Covid two months ago and am very worried it won't go away (Symptoms PEM, fatigue, anxiety, facial pain, loss of taste). Comments here are encouraging!

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