I am finally giving up COVID can have me

Posted by billie6977 @billie6977, Jan 23, 2023

After now being 7 plus months of being tortured, over looked, and passed up. I am here to tell you all I am done trying. The pain of rejection hurts more than the pain left behind from Covid. All I wanted when I tried to make contact with the Mayo Clinic was for a doctor with a little knowledge of what is happening with me to just speak with me, but nope. I was sent a email stating there's no resources for me they were sorry to inform me my application was closed. That is it besides you can't contact this email. No reply!!!
I reached out to everyone and everywhere I could and nobody and I mean nobody responded. Except for the normal I will pray for you, called me a drug addict ( I don't take meds even so how is that), lie to me and lastly there is not one red care in this world for me. So I am here to say Thanks for nothing folks. I am done if I die nobody is going to care. I bet not one person has even read this message.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

So this is inlude to a post that I placed about I've given up COVID can have me!!!!!
Well let's just say I don't give up so easy. Since that post a lot of things have changed in my life in such a very short time. By the grace of God I have been blessed with a new primary care physician, she is holistic approach medicine last kind of doctor is which some of you may know that is my heart and soul please I would rather change something in my life before taking a bunch of pills. PS, that might be a good reason why I was never able to get over covid because I don't like taking pills. But let's get back to the subject at hand not only has that happened but one of the churches reached out and has helped us cover our rent I no longer have to pay any rent until April which gives me some time to get some other things taken care of. Plus the HR director for the company that I work for that fired me contact me to let me know that it was illegal for what they done and that she is going to them for them to reverse the decision and help me be able to get the disability that I need well I'm seeking treatment plus does somebody have a drum roll. The Doctor who seen me for my third bout with covid who gave me my positive covid reading has given me a diagnosis I am now listed as being post covid I am now considered a long hauler which means when these tests come back it'll add me in getting the disability that I need and it won't be hung up in court I want to thank every person every counselor or physician that might help us on this website I want to thank every other sufferer and survivor and those who have rocked it and overcame these obstacles I want to thank you for the bottom of my heart for being there for talking me through and helping us support one another and I want to offer I am a message away if anybody wants to talk or just needs to vent I'm here I'm usually a very positive person I don't normally give up very easily I wasn't born that way I might be a lot of things but I'm not a quitter and then one more I want to thank God for seeing us through the lights are path that heals our sicknesses in our diseases and protects us to God be the glory and God bless each and every one of you.n


@billie6977, I'm sorry that you are suffering so much. I also understand how hard it is not to be able to get an appointment with Mayo Clinic. Unfortunately, with so many people dealing with post-COVID syndrome there is a much greater demand for appointments than spots available.

Have you looked into COVID specialists listed on the SurvivorCorps website? Here's a like of Post Covid Care Centers.

If you are feeling in despair and just want to talk to some, please call or text 988, the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline https://988lifeline.org to speak to a trained counsellor.

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I just seen the survivor corps here and they are at least an hour away from me. I am in better spirits than the first part of the week.,but physically feeling like I am going back to say one. Burning in my neck w/low mobility. More nausea, constipation, feeling dehydrated, head ache and Tinnitus. All day has been long and all I wanted to do is sleep. I thank you for the information on the survivor corps. We are looking and Tuesday I have my appointment with PCP. So here is hoping we have good results with this one. Thanks again.


I’m sorry you’re feeling this way and having problems. I had covid three times last year and it definitely affected my autoimmune issues. I started three supplements based on some assumptions. There are links between epstein barr virus and long covid, it’s also linked to my autoimmune thyroid disorder. There are also links between covid and small intestine bacterial overgrowth ( as well as autoimmune disease).
Covid affects every system in the body and varies from person to person.
I started a few weeks ago with ashwagandha, black seed oil and oil of oregano. These have greatly improved my symptoms. Since Covid my autoimmune symptoms got worse. Oil of oregano is known to be effective against epstein barr. Black seed oil can help with SIBO and is also effective against h pylori infection.
These are relatively safe though caution if you take medication for diabetes or blood pressure or anticoagulants.

I’ve been dealing with problems for a long time and in a matter of weeks have significant improvement.


I get it. I was told I should get a hobby! I have 6 doctors and the only person who has really helped me has been my physical therapist. He really listens, is empathetic and has really helped to increase my stamina. I’ve been dealing with this since Thanksgiving of ‘21. My suggestions are a large teaching hospital, a rheumatologist and a physical therapist if applicable. Do not give up!! I was a critical care RN for 40 years. There are good doctors out there. If you know any nurses, ask them for referrals because they see and know the good ones. Lastly, try to be factual on your first visit even if you have to write down your history, symptoms and meds if any. Good luck and let me (us) know how you are making out.

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Hello, @joansmurphy Thank you for your kinda, informing, and very encouraging message. I wanted to apologize for my tantrum the other day. I was really just at the end of my rope. I had tried to remain positive, but it felt like the universe had something against me and didn't want me to move forward. I reached out to so many avenues and each one closed down due to one thing or another. Finally we took a evening off and just got away from it all and cleared out thoughts on. When we got back I was able to go over everything we had done already and looked at what we didn't follow up on or what we haven't fully read. There was a discharge packet that I never seen, because I was so sick and my eyes hurt so bad that by the time I had been able to process anything it was forgotten about. When I read this Wednesday or Thursday morning I came across the words (Discharged with Long Covid) Plus, this was positive results as well. There is still a lot of testing and a few procedures and surgeries I will have to go through, but with that diagnosis I can finally get some help. We were approved for SNAP benefits no questions asked. I am seeing a new Primary Care Doctor with Holistic Medicine this coming week and we will be getting the results back from the 4 biopsies this week and we will know what is next. Plus, that $2000 a month Medicine I needed is now only $30.00 for 90 days. That is for the first 5 months. I am not done yet. After being evaluated if need be the prescription will be almost free. Now I wish my health would start doing better. I am so grateful for your inspiration. We may have some struggling head, but we finally have a foundation that we can work with. Everyone on this site who thinks there is no hope just read some this discussions and you will see there is always hope.


I’m sorry you’re feeling this way and having problems. I had covid three times last year and it definitely affected my autoimmune issues. I started three supplements based on some assumptions. There are links between epstein barr virus and long covid, it’s also linked to my autoimmune thyroid disorder. There are also links between covid and small intestine bacterial overgrowth ( as well as autoimmune disease).
Covid affects every system in the body and varies from person to person.
I started a few weeks ago with ashwagandha, black seed oil and oil of oregano. These have greatly improved my symptoms. Since Covid my autoimmune symptoms got worse. Oil of oregano is known to be effective against epstein barr. Black seed oil can help with SIBO and is also effective against h pylori infection.
These are relatively safe though caution if you take medication for diabetes or blood pressure or anticoagulants.

I’ve been dealing with problems for a long time and in a matter of weeks have significant improvement.

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Hello @shawnasierra, I also have read in my researching about how Covid can mimic or awaken an old sickness or even feed off it. I also have had things that appear to be waking over these 3 years. My first contact of was in Feb of 20 and again in May of 20 they said I tested negative,but 2 Dr at 2 different offices said the same thing. They were confident in saying that I had the visus but just wasn't testing positive. They did a blood test and both came up that I was carrying Corona cells in my blood. So they gave me the antibodies said it will hold you for about 6 months but after that I would be subjected to it again. Well since then I have been sick at least every 90 days. I have been vaccinated and booster, but because of many factors with my health. I have a low immune deficiency. I got sick from the 1st shot. The one and only I had to take (J&J) I was deathly sick. Plus, in June I got Covid again. I was just as sick if not worse than I was with the shot. I was down for 2 weeks tested negative. By Oct. I had 1 and only booster and got sick from that not as bad but different. This time my shot spot swelled I had a hard spot and my nerve endings had a electrified feeling. Well by the Nov. I was weak as Dec came I couldn't see anything, I wouldn't use the bathroom and for 2 weeks I was near death. Like I had Meningitis and Norovirus at the same time. My spine is so messed up my digestive system has shut down and I am still messed up. So yes you have hit the nail on the head. There is no doubt this theory is correct. But also, one ❓ did the vaccine make me sick or save my life? Inquiring minds want to know


I just seen the survivor corps here and they are at least an hour away from me. I am in better spirits than the first part of the week.,but physically feeling like I am going back to say one. Burning in my neck w/low mobility. More nausea, constipation, feeling dehydrated, head ache and Tinnitus. All day has been long and all I wanted to do is sleep. I thank you for the information on the survivor corps. We are looking and Tuesday I have my appointment with PCP. So here is hoping we have good results with this one. Thanks again.

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Hi @billie6977. Just a thought as your journey sounds so similar to mine and after a year I definitely found that any small repetitive tasks like typing, talking, eye movement reading etc. really brings on symptoms. Seems like our energy reserves depleted easily and hard to catch back up. So just suggestion, maybe really look at time each day doing any of this to see pattern related to how you’re feeling. For me the hardest part was and still is sticking to the drastic limited time difference my body can handle with all the known daily responsibilities let alone the “work” of your healthcare. Truly hope this helped in the kind light intended!


Hi @billie6977. Just a thought as your journey sounds so similar to mine and after a year I definitely found that any small repetitive tasks like typing, talking, eye movement reading etc. really brings on symptoms. Seems like our energy reserves depleted easily and hard to catch back up. So just suggestion, maybe really look at time each day doing any of this to see pattern related to how you’re feeling. For me the hardest part was and still is sticking to the drastic limited time difference my body can handle with all the known daily responsibilities let alone the “work” of your healthcare. Truly hope this helped in the kind light intended!

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@law59 Yes, it does make sense, I am sure you know that I lost my job because of how bad I had gotten this time and yes, I still can't drive and simple tasks like taking a shower was the all I could do in a day. It's weird. I can be up at night and not be tired and then about between 7-10 am I am ready for a nap. It's like I'm wired backwards. Lol I will take a look back at my journal and see what some of my numbers look like. Plus, one more question ❓ I had a CBC panel done on 01/02/23 should I have another one done Soon to see where my levels are now? Thank you for reaching out to me. I can't tell you how much this has helped. I am glad I stayed up to read. Time for some mush and a walk . Enjoy your day🙈🙈🥳


I just seen the survivor corps here and they are at least an hour away from me. I am in better spirits than the first part of the week.,but physically feeling like I am going back to say one. Burning in my neck w/low mobility. More nausea, constipation, feeling dehydrated, head ache and Tinnitus. All day has been long and all I wanted to do is sleep. I thank you for the information on the survivor corps. We are looking and Tuesday I have my appointment with PCP. So here is hoping we have good results with this one. Thanks again.

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You have to do what you can for yourself. I’m sorry for the situation you are dealing with.
Many “professionals” don’t know what to do. We won’t know a lot for a while, but don’t give up. Those who have had this are with you. Good luck.


You have to do what you can for yourself. I’m sorry for the situation you are dealing with.
Many “professionals” don’t know what to do. We won’t know a lot for a while, but don’t give up. Those who have had this are with you. Good luck.

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Thank you for your words of empathy. I am doing better and I am more patient than what some would think . I have been dealing with symptoms and sicknesses for 3 yrs this week and I am just now getting answers. I can say, I am not a Dr by no means, but I have been in medical school but if I hadn't I would be a real basket case. The knowledge of some of this helping me sleep. I can do research on my symptoms and my blood reading to find out what I am low on and treat with herbs and natural meds.


Hello @shawnasierra, I also have read in my researching about how Covid can mimic or awaken an old sickness or even feed off it. I also have had things that appear to be waking over these 3 years. My first contact of was in Feb of 20 and again in May of 20 they said I tested negative,but 2 Dr at 2 different offices said the same thing. They were confident in saying that I had the visus but just wasn't testing positive. They did a blood test and both came up that I was carrying Corona cells in my blood. So they gave me the antibodies said it will hold you for about 6 months but after that I would be subjected to it again. Well since then I have been sick at least every 90 days. I have been vaccinated and booster, but because of many factors with my health. I have a low immune deficiency. I got sick from the 1st shot. The one and only I had to take (J&J) I was deathly sick. Plus, in June I got Covid again. I was just as sick if not worse than I was with the shot. I was down for 2 weeks tested negative. By Oct. I had 1 and only booster and got sick from that not as bad but different. This time my shot spot swelled I had a hard spot and my nerve endings had a electrified feeling. Well by the Nov. I was weak as Dec came I couldn't see anything, I wouldn't use the bathroom and for 2 weeks I was near death. Like I had Meningitis and Norovirus at the same time. My spine is so messed up my digestive system has shut down and I am still messed up. So yes you have hit the nail on the head. There is no doubt this theory is correct. But also, one ❓ did the vaccine make me sick or save my life? Inquiring minds want to know

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Chances are the vaccine kept you from being worse. Unless there’s contraindications it might be worth trying black seed oil and oil of oregano. I get both at Walmart. Black seed oil is liquid but comes in capsules. Oregano oil is capsules. It’s definitely made a difference. Epstein barr virus is a herpesvirus that stays in the system. The two oils are effective at suppressing the virus and shows promise for covid too

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