How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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What's black and white and red all over?

A newspaper.


What's black and white and red all over?

The Dalmation that ran into the burning house.


The teacher instructed the class to use the words defense, defeat, and detail in sentences. Little Tommy wrote: When a horse jumps over the defence, defeet go over first and detail goes over last.


Mrs. Robins visited her son and his roommate over the weekend. They had an enjoyable visit and Mrs. Robins noticed that her son and his attractive female roommate seemed to have some chemistry between them, even though they insisted that they were nothing more than roommates.

A few weeks later the roommate asked the son if he knew where the silver butter dish was, as she had not seen it since his mother had been to visit. "Could is have dropped into one of your Mother's bags as she was leaving?" She asked. The son replied that he didn't think so, but he would ask his mother.

The son wrote to Mrs. Robins: I am not saying you did or you did not take my silver butter dish, but since your visit we have not been able to find it. Could you check your bags to see if it happened to get mixed into your things?

Mrs. Robins wrote back: I am not saying you do or you do not sleep with your roommate, but if your roommate was sleeping in her own bed she would have found the butter dish the night I left.


I like your jokes. The last forum I belonged to there was a joke thread on it and one of the guys said ”We can’t post jokes above fourth grade level or Jake won’t understand them”
so thanks a lot for your contributions I really enjoyed them,

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Jake, I really enjoy this discussion group. I made it a point to read every joke, so that when I finally did some writing of my own, I wouldn’t repeat anything. I really love to laugh. There is no such thing as a joke that is too corny. Stay tuned.


@lagrange, I'm laughing at your joke while appreciating that our garbage trucks are still keeping their regular schedule. A few weeks ago, we didn't have pick up and I worried that maybe funding had been cut. That thought got my attention! No garbage pickup...oh no! Luckily, it resumed the following week but sometimes it takes a sudden disruption of something taken for granted to really make one grateful! Best to you and all....Laughter is so good!

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Thank you for your kind reply. I enjoy reading your posts. They can be insightful, compassionate, and funny – not necessarily in that order. One of the great things about telling jokes is that it shows you shouldn’t take yourself too seriously. For many years I have said that laughing is a great source of oxygen. Since I do enjoy breathing, I find jokes to be helpful.


For cat lovers:

What side of a cat 😺 has the most hair?

The outside.


Mrs. Robins visited her son and his roommate over the weekend. They had an enjoyable visit and Mrs. Robins noticed that her son and his attractive female roommate seemed to have some chemistry between them, even though they insisted that they were nothing more than roommates.

A few weeks later the roommate asked the son if he knew where the silver butter dish was, as she had not seen it since his mother had been to visit. "Could is have dropped into one of your Mother's bags as she was leaving?" She asked. The son replied that he didn't think so, but he would ask his mother.

The son wrote to Mrs. Robins: I am not saying you did or you did not take my silver butter dish, but since your visit we have not been able to find it. Could you check your bags to see if it happened to get mixed into your things?

Mrs. Robins wrote back: I am not saying you do or you do not sleep with your roommate, but if your roommate was sleeping in her own bed she would have found the butter dish the night I left.

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@2011panc, This is a good one!! Thx for the chuckle!


If East is East
And West is West
Where is the Twain?

On the Twack.


Did you hear about the guy who took hay to bed with him just so that he could feed his night mare?

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