How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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Don’t try and analyze them just laugh at them. Can you post a couple of the more acceptable ones and see how they fly.

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One of the funniest folks I remember was Will Rogers. I suspect he would offend many today.
For you "kids" out there, I will post a couple "quotes" Unless you are a politician you probably won't be offended. ;o(
I don't make jokes, I just watch the government and report the facts. Will Rogers.
Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for. Will Rogers
I enjoy that sort of humor, I trust some of you smiled a bit. oldbuck


@user- =cha272278 Yes, I agree with you, But since surgery, i hour fusion surgery I have been depressed. I was excited and now depressed before the surgery. I keep at home because I also have an immunity problem, but I'm going out today to get my brace fixed. My foot on the ride side hurts from my muscles to my foot on the right side. I need to wear better shoes today. I laugh more when I'm around people or else I'm depressed, especially in the morning. Stay laughing. I have a lot of things that make me sad.


@user- =cha272278 Yes, I agree with you, But since surgery, i hour fusion surgery I have been depressed. I was excited and now depressed before the surgery. I keep at home because I also have an immunity problem, but I'm going out today to get my brace fixed. My foot on the ride side hurts from my muscles to my foot on the right side. I need to wear better shoes today. I laugh more when I'm around people or else I'm depressed, especially in the morning. Stay laughing. I have a lot of things that make me sad.

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You mention there are a lot of things that make you sad. Tell us some topics that make you glad. There are enough of us here, we should be able to say something stupid or funny about some of your "glad" topics. I didn't mention any names but put myself on that list. :o)


This is not mine but I thought it was funny. Hope it gives you chocolate lovers a laugh.

I'm giving up eating chocolate for a month. Sorry, bad punctuation. I'm giving up. Eating chocolate for a month. 🙂


I know I'll be able to use that one again.
Who doesn't know someone that is nuts about chocolate?


My new pony, Mayo, was neighing to go for a run, so off we went. We started off nicely enough, but suddenly Mayo started getting frisky. It was harder and harder to keep her under control. Finally on the 1/4 mile corner I slipped out of the saddle. It would have been okay, because it was a grassy area, but my foot got tangled in the stirrup and I was being dragged along! The rocky creek was coming up fast when the store manager came out and unplugged the mechanical horse. He chastised me for making such a ruckus and made me promise to never ride Mayo again. I reluctantly agreed, as I noticed the Fire Truck and Elephant out of the corner of my eye.


My new pony, Mayo, was neighing to go for a run, so off we went. We started off nicely enough, but suddenly Mayo started getting frisky. It was harder and harder to keep her under control. Finally on the 1/4 mile corner I slipped out of the saddle. It would have been okay, because it was a grassy area, but my foot got tangled in the stirrup and I was being dragged along! The rocky creek was coming up fast when the store manager came out and unplugged the mechanical horse. He chastised me for making such a ruckus and made me promise to never ride Mayo again. I reluctantly agreed, as I noticed the Fire Truck and Elephant out of the corner of my eye.

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My new pony, Mayo, was neighing to go for a run, so off we went. We started off nicely enough, but suddenly Mayo started getting frisky. It was harder and harder to keep her under control. Finally on the 1/4 mile corner I slipped out of the saddle. It would have been okay, because it was a grassy area, but my foot got tangled in the stirrup and I was being dragged along! The rocky creek was coming up fast when the store manager came out and unplugged the mechanical horse. He chastised me for making such a ruckus and made me promise to never ride Mayo again. I reluctantly agreed, as I noticed the Fire Truck and Elephant out of the corner of my eye.

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I'm glad the story had a happy ending, (I'm rolling over laughing)! Thanks, @2011panc


My new pony, Mayo, was neighing to go for a run, so off we went. We started off nicely enough, but suddenly Mayo started getting frisky. It was harder and harder to keep her under control. Finally on the 1/4 mile corner I slipped out of the saddle. It would have been okay, because it was a grassy area, but my foot got tangled in the stirrup and I was being dragged along! The rocky creek was coming up fast when the store manager came out and unplugged the mechanical horse. He chastised me for making such a ruckus and made me promise to never ride Mayo again. I reluctantly agreed, as I noticed the Fire Truck and Elephant out of the corner of my eye.

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As the manager slowly walked away, I took a couple steps toward the elephant. A small boy approached and suggested
I be careful as I was still wearing my cowboy hat, boots and side arms. The boy warned it was an "Indian elephant". ;o(

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