How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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A guy rescued a calf from a slaughterhouse and named it Jake from Steak Farm.


If you wear cowboy clothes, are you ranch dressing?


Well, Frances, you flatter me!

Perhaps you can begin your "stalking" by watching my YouTube channel about my stroke recovery. (I have an episode about humor.) I'd be very interested in any comments you may have. And of course, feel free to subscribe and share with others -- I need the encouragement (and that's no joke).

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in reply to@scottrl You better believe it! This is just what I need this morning after trying to communicate with someone on the phone who I ended up screaming at because I could not understand her accent. I finally told her that the best way to say numbers to a hearing impaired person is as follows" 24 56 67 etc., as opposed to 245667. I apologized to her, and while I could have asked for someone else who could speak English, I refrained. I have just about reached my "tipping point" for the day, and it is only 1110.


Doctors could not be everywhere, so that is why the Lord created Vulcans. I thought you knew.
Diane Duane


Knock knock!
-Whose there?
-HIPPA who?
I can't tell you.

It's going to tibia okay.

I hope you find this humerus.

Just before I die, I am going to eat a bag of popcorn kernels. My cremation will be EPIC.


A man drove around and around the parking lot. He said, "God, if you will open a parking spot, I will stop drinking alcohol, I will attend church weekly and I will tithe." Just then, a car ahead of him pulled out! He said, "Oh! Never mind."

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Mine goes like this:

"Mother Cabrini
Don't be a meanie.
Find me a spot
For my little machiney!"

Works every time! 😉


in reply to@scottrl You better believe it! This is just what I need this morning after trying to communicate with someone on the phone who I ended up screaming at because I could not understand her accent. I finally told her that the best way to say numbers to a hearing impaired person is as follows" 24 56 67 etc., as opposed to 245667. I apologized to her, and while I could have asked for someone else who could speak English, I refrained. I have just about reached my "tipping point" for the day, and it is only 1110.

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I always ask for someone in the Continental U.S.


Mine goes like this:

"Mother Cabrini
Don't be a meanie.
Find me a spot
For my little machiney!"

Works every time! 😉

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See online, "Parking at Christmas," included in "Bing Crosby Narrates December," Holderness Family, 12/23. When you are stressed or depressed, this couple will cheer you up.


Updating my friends here, hope someone can tell Ginger and Rosemary A if they don't see it here. And my apologies for inserting something here that isn't the least bit funny but I can use your support. Just got home last night after 8 days in a medical center in a nearby town following a freak accident where a supposedly working automatic door closed on me in my wheelchair, hit the controller arm and pressed the accelerator toggle on the chair to send the power chair flying across the sidewalk (with me in it) and slammed me into a metal post. For the sake of preventing anyone from being queasy, let me just say that as a retired nurse the injury to my leg would make you sick to look at it - quite an avulsion, took away skin and adipose tissue and muscle clear to the bone. Property owner's insurance company has offered an insulting settlement, especially since I will need weeks of wound care and eventually surgery or surgeries. Meanwhile I cannot pay for my medical care and am struggling to survive at home because I cannot go to a nursing home. So am asking for good vibes. Thanks.

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To kamama94, How are you doing? You have been on my mind. Still sending you good vibes and hoping you have found some kind of help. You are in my heart and thoughts.


To kamama94, How are you doing? You have been on my mind. Still sending you good vibes and hoping you have found some kind of help. You are in my heart and thoughts.

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A little better and a little help but still struggling. Appreciate your support!

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