High Coronary Calcium Score: How do others feel emotionally?
I have a calcium score of 1,950 which is extremely high which means I am at a very high risk for a cardiac event,heart attack,stroke or sudden death.
I take a statin and baby aspirin. I have never been sick, have excellent cholesterol, low blood pressure and I am not overweight. I have no other health problems and I have never been sick. But I feel like a walking time bomb which has caused me a lot of stress. I am 70 yrs old.
I wonder how others with this condition feel emotionally?
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yes, I walk about 2.5 miles 4 times a week. not very fast but have been doing this for 10 years.
I'm so glad you joined us on Connect, @luckyg. As Mentor @hopeful33250 mentioned, we look forward to getting to know you and perhaps learning from your experiences and insights too.
@luckyg Hello Gary:
Welcome to Connect! I appreciate your post and certainly congratulate you on your good heart health in spite of the high calcium score. If I may ask, do you exercise on a regular basis? Is your family history free of heart disease?
Thank you again for your encouraging post. I look forward to hearing from you again!
I just found this group today. Ten years ago when I was 73 I found out I have a calcium score of 2274. I will be 84 years old next week. I feel fine and have had no heart related problems. That's why my user name is LuckyG. I am on a statin and a 325 aspirin every day and I try to limit my saturated fat intake and keep my weight down, When I first found out I was scared to death but I don't think about it much at this point. Good luck. Gary
Hello @mcristodero,
I'd like to add my welcome, and thank you so much for sharing your history; this is what Connect is all about: learning from one another's experiences and journeys.
I would encourage you to read about Mayo Clinic's Preventive Cardiology Program in the Cardiovascular Research Center, which s designed to increase understanding and education about ways to prevent heart disease and to encourage preventive care:
The Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine is a fantastic resource that offers genomic testing to patients, and where health care providers use knowledge about a patient’s DNA to potentially diagnose, predict, treat and prevent disease:
You may also wish to view this discussion on Connect:
What are the best methods for removing plaque from the artery? http://mayocl.in/2s3z7gO
Please meet @ram675 @scottb @abespizza @bayouhawk @loyd1934deborah @mlemieux @truhealth76 @HeartPatches @mcphee @michellr @gailfaith. I’m sure others will jump in as well.
@mcristodero, what follow-up has your doctor recommended?
What Teresa, Volunteer Mentor @hopeful33250 Sez... Additionally, I would go further, and highly recommend and suggest that, if you live close enough to one of the Mayo Clinic Centers, you making an appointment with their Cardiovascular Diseases Department to get a second opinion medical evaluation. Mayo Clinic has "Top Nationally-Recognized Cardiovascular Docs."
@mcristodero Welcome to Mayo Connect - we are pleased that you have joined this online patient support community. I am sorry to hear of the build up of plaque in the arteries of your heart. I can certainly understand your concern given your family history as well as your age of only 45. If I were in this situation I would probably want to consult with a large medical center, even if it meant a longer drive than your current doctors. Have you considered a second opinion? Teresa
I am 45 with a very high calcium score (a brother that had a heart attack at 45 and ended up needing a heart transplant and a cousin that just had a heart attack at 48, I am in the same boat- i have been taking lipitor for 8 years and they doubled it and added zetia, but i want more answers. I had a stress test and echo and it was normal. I feel like everyone is just waiting for something to happen.
For the rest of the group, this test measures buildup of plaque in the arteries of the heart not free floating calcium in your blood. It is used as a way to predict an elevated risk of heart attack and stroke. An elevated score shows a risk for a major event such as heart attack.or stroke within the next 5-10 years
Thank you for your post.
Please see my above reply.
Thank you for your post.See above reply.